Tarred Cell - Tarred Cell

Pret­ty awe­some noisec­ore shit is flush­ing out the ear canals on this de­but EP by a group with mem­bers strewn all across Berlin, Leipzig and Bonn. This cer­tain­ly has some touch­es of Acrylics, Vul­ture Shit, Soup­cans and Stink­hole… or maybe of an al­ter­nate uni­verse in­car­na­tion of No Trend, Flip­per and Bro­ken Tal­ent played at triple speed.

Al­bum-Stream →

Cutters - Cutters

This Mel­bourne group's de­but 7" is a con­cen­trat­ed blast of high­ly flam­ma­ble garagecore spiked with ad­di­tion­al noise- & post­core ac­cel­er­ants, achiev­ing a res­olute punch akin to ADVLTS, Bad Breed­ing while their un­ruly garage & old­school hard­core ri­ot leaves a trail of de­struc­tion not un­like Fried E/​M, Elec­tric Chair or Mod­ern Needs.

Shit Blimp - A Groundbreaking Standard of the Genre

On their re­cent EP some Cleve­land, Ohio based group serves us ten flaw­less­ly ex­e­cut­ed deep brown pud­dles of filthy and con­ta­geous hard-/noisec­ore, boiled down to less than ten min­utes of quirky, messy joy.

Al­bum-Stream →

Kumusta - Kumusta #1

Ex­quis­ite shit from Rouen, France. Ku­mus­ta emerge on the scene with a fun mix­ture draw­ing a line from noise rock & -core on one end of the spec­trum, some raw garage en­er­gy on the oth­er, a shit­load of post punk & post­core in be­tween. Imag­ine a fu­sion of slowed-down Bad Breed­ing with Crim­i­nal Code in cer­tain mo­ments, or at oth­er times, you might be re­mind­ed of Australia's post­core pow­er­tools Bat­piss and Bench Press.

Al­bum-Stream →

Apex - Demo #1

Five short and fun blasts of off-kil­ter genre blur­ring rum­ble - part garage-/fuzz punk, part hard-/weird-/noisec­ore, part KBD style strange­ness. Some­what like a mix of Lumpy & The Dumpers and Mur­der­er, this shit might al­so con­tain traces of Flip­per and No Trend.

Al­bum-Stream →

Sandré - Ave Muñón

On their de­but LP, Barcelona's San­dré de­liv­er a round­house kick of un­err­ing pre­ci­sion, a sound lo­cat­ed some­where on the fringes of post punk, post- and noisec­ore; al­ways keep­ing the del­i­cate bal­ance be­tween a raw, im­me­di­ate im­pact and self-con­fi­dent am­bi­tion. Spec­u­lat­ing about pos­si­ble in­flu­ences, i'm think­ing of a wide ar­ray of bands like Down­town Boys, ear­ly Die! Die! Die!, Les Savy Fav - but i'm al­so feel­ing a very dis­tinct vibe akin to oth­er span­ish acts of re­cent years, es­pe­cial­ly the likes of Ju­ven­tud Juché, Be­tu­niz­er and Cubano Vale.

Al­bum-Stream →