Coach - Coach

An abra­sive yet quite melod­ic wall-of-sound piles up on this Aarhus group's de­but al­bum, a sound in­be­tween the worlds of noise pop, art- and post punk, equal­ly rem­i­nis­cent of Tek­sti TV 666 and Open Your Heart-era The Men, 80's Son­i­cY­outh-isms and some MX-80 edge. And as if all that weren't com­pelling enough on its own, the ad­di­tion of a rest­less brass sec­tion makes the whole thing out­right ir­re­sistible.

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Waste Man - One Day It'll All Be You

On their sec­ond long­play­er, New Or­leans group Waste Man have got­ten rid al­most en­tire­ly of the hard­core el­e­ments that were still front and cen­ter on their in­cred­i­ble 2018 tape A New Type Of Wor­ry, but that doesn't mean their newest LP is any less thrilling. Quite on the con­traty, this has be­come both their most am­bi­tious and well-round­ed re­lease so far, a cap­ti­vat­ing and un­pre­dictable ride at dif­fer­ent points re­mind­ing me of smar­ty­pants garage punk of the Vin­tage Crop, Dumb or Ura­ni­um Club va­ri­ety, art punk akin to Lith­hics or Pat­ti as well as con­tem­po­rary post punk in the vein of Pub­lic Eye, The Go­tobeds and Bam­bara… at the same time emit­ting some dis­tinct­ly old­school vibes - faint echoes of Wire and Sac­cha­rine Trust be­ing the most no­tice­able ones here.

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DWP is the cur­rent so­lo project of Sloane Flash­man who has al­so been play­ing the gui­tar in Seat­tle post punk group Nail Pol­ish. If you're al­ready ac­quaint­ed with the lat­ter band's no-wave in­spired noise, you might al­ready sus­pect this EP is gonna be a rather bumpy, ad­ven­tur­ous ride as well and you'd be to­tal­ly right. Over the course of eight ab­stract, dron­ing sketch­es a sound­scape of ex­per­i­men­tal Art Punk un­folds that ap­pears to draw equal amounts of in­spi­ra­tion from Sui­cide, Wire and Glenn Bran­ca, among many oth­er things.

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Germ House - World's A Chore

An­oth­er ex­cel­lent EP by Rhode Island's Germ House, a so­lo project of Justin Hub­bard who al­so hap­pens to be play­ing in Far Cor­ners. These three songs once again sparkle with his fa­mil­iar stripped-down lo-fi charme and a son­ic range that stretch­es from abra­sive post- and art punk - which sure­ly owes a thing or two to The Fall or Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles - to clas­sic garage rock and con­tem­po­rary garage punk, while al­so re­veal­ing a sur­pris­ing catchy­ness, deep melan­choly and a play­ful vibe rem­i­nis­cent of The Woolen Men.

Vintage Crop - Serve To Serve Again

Con­sid­er­ing the Mel­bourne group's pre­vi­ous track record, i didn't ex­pect their third full length to be any­thing less than su­perb… and sur­prise: This is yet an­oth­er very strong record oc­cu­py­ing a spot of their own in this par­tic­u­lar niche at the junc­tion of play­ful smar­ty­pants garage-, post- and art punk. Wor­thy new pre­mi­um fod­der for ad­mir­ers of Ura­ni­um Club, Pinch Points, Re­al­i­ty Group… you might al­so find a bit of Sauna Youth or Pat­ti in there.

Al­bum-Stream →

Pork Belly - Jinx & Chew

Promis­ing and fun shit, this first dig­i­tal sin­gle by some San Fran­cis­co group. Post-/art punk of the par­tic­u­lar­ly quirky, play­ful kind that ad­mir­ers of bands like Pat­ti, Rolex, Re­al­i­ty Group or Emer­gency Con­tact will sure­ly ap­pre­ci­ate.

Glen Schenau - Jhumble​/​​Jearnest 7"

Glen Schenau, oth­er­wise prob­a­bly best known as the Front­man of Bris­bane group Kitchen's Floor, has so far re­leased two EPs of bor­der­line-avant garde art rock, con­vinc­ing by virtue of its sheer weird­ness, marked by dis­so­nant, hy­per­ac­tive gui­tar strum­ming - kin­da like an out-of-tune funky al­ter­nate re­al­i­ty ver­sion of The Wed­ding Present - com­ple­ment­ed by crude pots-and-pans style per­cus­sion. On his newest 7", the lat­ter gives way to an ac­tu­al drum kit as well as a full band sound and as a whole this takes on a slight­ly less ex­per­i­men­tal, way more tan­gi­ble form on the fringes of post punk, noise rock and 90s in­die rock while re­tain­ing the quirky, in­ven­tive qual­i­ties of its pre­de­ces­sors. Melk­bel­ly-meets-Live Skull? Nah, not quite… but not too far off ei­ther.

Reality Group - Music For Fools Vol. 1

Af­ter hav­ing churned out an ex­cel­lent De­mo and a no less amaz­ing EP in '16/'17, it took a while for Melbourne's Re­al­i­ty Group to come up with their first full length, which makes up for the long wait with a no­tice­ably ma­tured - al­though, thank­ful­ly, in no way or form san­i­tized - set of tunes. This al­bum is every­thing you might have have hoped for from this band; a de­li­cious­ly quirky franken­stein brew made up of garage-, art- and post punk you sim­ply shoudn't miss out on if you have any affin­i­ty for shit in the vein of Pinch Points, Ura­ni­um Club, Andy Hu­man & The Rep­toids, Erik Ner­vous, Lithics or even ear­li­er Teenanger.

Al­bum-Stream →

Neutrals - Rent /​ Your House EP

Fol­low­ing two strong de­mo tapes and the flaw­less rip­per that was last year's de­but al­bum via Emo­tion­al Re­sponse Records, Oakland's Neu­trals al­ready have an­oth­er EP out on which they seem­less­ly re­sume their re­mark­able win­ning spree. No oth­er band right now so ef­fort­less­ly nails this spe­cif­ic sub­genre of end­less­ly charm­ing, qirky heart-on-its-sleeve style DIY post-/art punk sure­ly in­spired by the likes of Tele­vi­sion Per­son­al­i­ties, ear­ly Mekons or Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles, while still seem­ing firm­ly root­ed in this day and age.

Al­bum-Stream →

Yammerer - Reality Escape Resort

Two pre­view tracks from this (prob­a­bly) british band's de­but EP al­ready made me kin­da hun­gry for more of their shit and now the record's oth­er two songs prove we haven't been promised too much. A sound­scape of rest­less garage punk un­folds, trans­port­ing a feel­ing of widescreen spa­cious­ness you rarely get to wit­ness in this genre - some­what as if re­cent Ura­ni­um Club met Ra­dio Bird­man and Mod­ern Lovers, com­ple­ment­ed by a bit of MX-80 weird­ness. Al­so, the epic clos­er Sea­sons 13-31 seems to have tak­en some cues from Wipers' Youth Of Amer­i­ca.

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