DWP is the cur­rent so­lo project of Sloane Flash­man who has al­so been play­ing the gui­tar in Seat­tle post punk group Nail Pol­ish. If you're al­ready ac­quaint­ed with the lat­ter band's no-wave in­spired noise, you might al­ready sus­pect this EP is gonna be a rather bumpy, ad­ven­tur­ous ride as well and you'd be to­tal­ly right. Over the course of eight ab­stract, dron­ing sketch­es a sound­scape of ex­per­i­men­tal Art Punk un­folds that ap­pears to draw equal amounts of in­spi­ra­tion from Sui­cide, Wire and Glenn Bran­ca, among many oth­er things.