Oh look, one of my fa­vorite pieces of punk rock va­por­ware fi­nal­ly got re­leased! How long has it been… two years at the very least since this thing has first been teased in form of the (dig­i­tal) Un­con­trol sin­gle. Ul­ti­mate­ly it was worth the wait though as the aus­tralian group's first LP packs the same kind of sav­age garage punk as­sault we've wit­nessed on their pre­vi­ous EPs while ex­pand­ing on it fur­ther, car­ry­ing an un­ex­pect­ed­ly melan­cholic vibe through­out, best ex­em­pli­fied by the melod­ic pop smash­er Strange Mo­tel while Work and Mil­i­tary Boy re­mind me of Jack­son Reid Brig­gs & The Heaters both in terms of vibe and en­er­gy lev­els. This is al­so re­quired lis­ten­ing for fans of shit like Civic, S.U.G.A.R., Lysol, Split Sys­tem, Mi­ni Skirt, In­sti­tute and Liv­ing Eyes.