Verspannungskassette #13

Verspannungskassette #12

Prob­a­bly my last good deed in this su­per awe­some year of joy and progress. You guys hang in there. Some time in ear­ly jan­u­ary i'll start an­oth­er at­tempt at keep­ing this blog up­dat­ed with at least some reg­u­lar­i­ty. In the mean­time, my bones need some sleep and my head a some kind of ther­a­py. See you then!

I've in­clud­ed band­camp links this time (just click on a song ti­tle). If you can af­ford it right now, please con­sid­er mak­ing these artists slight­ly less broke, okay?

Side A


Ja­son Henn A Straighter Line (Bal­lad of JPHS)
The Res­onars
My Fog
Skink Tank
Isn't It Nice?
Black Hole
Bil­liam I Need A Ro­bot
De­part­ment Tech­ni­cians
Sta­t­ic Sta­t­ic
We Are of the Night
Sil­i­con Heart­beat
Atom­ic Ex­per­i­ments For Boys
Smirk Do You?
Talk­ing An­droid
Ner­vous Tick And The Zip­per Lips The Feel­ing Is Al­right
Sex Dri­ve
Richard Rose
On the Bridge
TV Freaks
Cold Dead Blood

Side B


Pro­to Id­iot That Is Not a Good Idea
The Un­ders
Loser's Bar
Leben­den Toten
Eat the Life
The Kids Will Have Their Say Pt. II
Ond Tro
Virtue Sig­nals
Find­ing Death
Fugi­tive Bub­ble
Sil­ver Spoon
Poi­son Joy
Good Old Days
Sci­ence Man
Brazil­ian Nap­kins
Prized Pig
Failed Satyr
Jah Hell
Los­ing Steam
Sa­tan­ic To­gas
Tools For Fools
The Dirts
Ze­ro Boy
The Spits
Kop Kar
The Sweatys
Mar­ried To The Lime­light
Erik Ner­vous
Ra­di­ant Eye

Verspannungskassette #11 (C-60)

Side A


True Sons Of Thun­der Killin’ It
Speed Plans Brick Wall
Gim­mick Chalk­board
Re­al Peo­ple Psy­chic War /​ The Hol­ly­wood Gimp
Sep­tic Yanks Hu­man Cur­ren­cy
G.S.B. Some­body Like Me
Gnarles Man­son Feel Nuthin
The Frea­kees Per­fect Hair
Pri­mal Brain Pri­mal Brain
Rat-Nip Age Out
His­t­a­mine Para­noid
Grout Fad­ed
Metz No Ceil­ing
Strange­light Ad­justable Rate
Kalei­do­scope Vol­un­teer Armies
The Un­fit Pills

Side B


Peace De Ré­sis­tance Pickin' on a Scab in L.A.
Smarts In­di­vid­u­al­i­ty
Dis­co Junk Print­er Jam
Wild Joe I've Got Wild Joe Vi­sion
Milt Pro­cras­ti­na­tor
Gen Pop Hang­ing Drum
The Cele­toids Light Beam
Armedalite Ri­fles All That Make­up
Dumb Punts Get Up
Mr. Teenage Waste Of Time
Star Par­ty All I Re­al­ly Wan­na Do
Wick­et­keep­er The Side
Safe­ty Net John­ny Whole­some
Su­per-X Turn To Black

Verspannungskassette #10 (C-60)

Side A


Schi­ach Feiawea
Vor­lon An­gel Re­venge
Gnarly Dude Sex
Prison Af­fair En­tre Bar­rotes
Col­lec­tive Hard­core Ra­dio Pira­cy
Liq­uid Face Lo­bot­o­my
Cher­ry Cheeks Over It
Alien Nose­job Once More 1984
Print Head Make A Day
Mod­ern Needs Pro­jec­tor
Salamirecorder She will kill me
Bil­liam An­gry, Short, Song
Dr. Sure’s Un­usu­al Prac­tice Blood Munny
Ben­ni Heavy Met­als

Side B


USA Nails Tem­po­rary Home
Lip Vi­o­lent Na­ture
Joy Dirty
Warm Red Decades Of Break­fast
Straw Man Army Op­tion De­spair
Al­gara Miedo A Perder
Class Tourist Choke
REVV Rou­tine
K. H. Mirth Long Lost Friend
Kerosene Kream Hu­man Man
Garbage Dis­pos­al Union Kerouac’s Last Pint
Cheap Meat Ages
Last Quok­ka Peo­ple
Stiff Richards Glass

Verspannungskassette #9 (C-90)

Side A


Shame Al­pha­bet
Ray Gun Seance
Ranch­er Head Crash
Black­lis­ters White Pi­ano
Shift­ing Spudgasm
Wax Chat­tels Yoko­hama
Girls In Syn­the­sis Pres­sure
TOL Col­laps­ing
Wortlis Quo­zo Это Не Я
Chain­shot Vic­tim Soul
GAG Mad Dog
Laun­dry Boys Mus­tard Mon­ster
True Sons Of Thun­der Toob Sock
Chico Per­ro Es­ta­mos Mejor Que Nun­ca
Oth­er Half Trance State
Rolex Stripes
Landown­er Be­ing Told You’re Wrong
Re­mote Con­trol Sub­ject
Ok Satán It Is To­day (Be­lieve It)
Yam­mer­er Boa Con­stric­tor
The Ar­chaeas Re­al­i­ty Com­man­der

Side B


Brandy (Wish You Was) Mad­ball Ba­by
Speed Week Phish­ing
Moth Work
Iso­tope Soap The Hap­pi­est Kid on Earth
Erik Ner­vous Toil Is Stu­pid
Dig­i­tal Leather Com­pass
I Am The Fly Ax­olotl
Tor Wifi Head
Diode To­mothy
Borky!! Post Punk
Pro­vo Ihml
Es­care On­ly Lives
Neo Neos Big Chin
Ruben Ri­ley Dead Man's Rock­et
Ex-White My Love, The Rock
Gee Tee Mu­tant World
Sinkin' Feel­ings Gimme The Look
Sa­tan­ic To­gas Hit #69
Vaguess Mask of Van­i­ty
Sil­i­cone Val­ues Nu­clear Sun
Ton­er Un­der the Gun

Verspannungskassette #8 (C-90)

Side A


F.E.I.D.L. Fünf Fin­ger Ra­batt
Bat Math Nobody's
Ba­sic Shapes Wolf in Sheep's Cloth­ing
Bob­by Funk I'm a Cat
Re­al­i­ty Group Hard Man
Ba­by Tyler Needz
CB Ra­dio Gor­geous The Dev­il
Vin­tage Crop Ten­sion
R.M.F.C. Read­er
No Fix Vi­cious Cy­cle
Mi­ni Skirt Give It Up
Pub­lic Eye I Might Go
Sil­i­cone Val­ues I Hate Fas­cist Rock And Roll
Jacuzzi Boys Of­fend­ed
Play­boy Man­ba­by I Wish My Brain Was a Com­put­er
Tony Dork Tongue Tied
The Mean­ies Drown­ing Tow­er
The Res­onars A Smile and a Promise
Boo­gie Board Sta­tion

Side B


Pow­er­plant A Spine
Erik Ner­vous Liv­ing In The Woods
Cher­ry Cheeks Wake Up
Tom­my and the Com­mies Im­pulse Ac­tion
Ner­vous Tick and the Zip­per Lips Don’t Know Where To Go
ISS Too Punk For Heavy Met­al
Psy­chic Grave­yard Hair­brush Mouth
Su­per Se­nior Too Much Tequi­la
Eu­gh Don’t Trust Har­ry
Dee Bee Rich Loook
Dum­my On My Back
Ghoulies Un­pack Your Bags
The Liq­uida­tors Mar­ried To Your Mind
Sil­i­cone Prairie Ozone Day
Shark Toys Fu­ture
Taulard Fo­mo
Sweet Reaper Faster Get­away
The Yearn­ers Red Au­ra
Vaguess Fences
Germ House Blunt Ob­jects

Verspannungskassette #7 (C-60)

Side A


Cells - Ur­ban Mu­tants Med­ley
Google - Men­tal Cas­tra­tion
A.I. - Ropy
CTRL Group - G.I.G.O.
Sabré - Com­pli­ca­tions
Fi­nal War - Use­less Sac­ri­fice
Tow­er 7 - (Ftp) Hol­low Veins
Fuck­ing - Wa­ter­board
Holy War - Vi­o­lent Thirst
Ko­bra - No Fu­turo
Sial - Tari Pe­mus­nah Kuasa
Cut­ters - Robo Debt Blues
Gim­mick - Car­ton of Sto­ges
C.H.E.W. - Noise Square
Poi­son Ruïn - Fog of War
Cool Jerks - The Butcher's Apron
Oily Boys - Heat Har­mo­ny

Side B


Ce­ment Shoes - Smashed On Glass
Ohmns - Tom­my Knock­ers
Fu­ture - Draw To A Close
Zenomorph - White­board
Sci­ence Man feat. Ner­vous Tick - Load-Bear­ing Card­board
Sylvie S - Song 2
Kitchen Peo­ple - Hunger Pains
Liq­uids - 11 AM
TJ Cabot & Thee Ar­ti­fi­cial Re­jects - What's In It
Liq­uid As­sets - Stain
Para­noise - In­fluen­za In­flu­encer
Hamer - All The Time
Blood Bags - Get in, Get Out
Im­po­ten­tie - Stille Re­bellen
Maske - Ver­sof­fene Träume

Verspannungskassette #6

Side A


USA Nails - New Life
Glen Schenau - Jhum­ble
Salem Tri­als - Head On Rong
Flat Worms - Terms of Vi­su­al­iza­tion
The Cow­boy - El Poño
Shep­par­ton Air­plane - What It's Worth
Tom Lyn­g­coln - Trust Fun
Metz - Acid
Heads. - Push You out to Sea
Macros - Salmon Shorts
Uk Gold - Off Du­ty Nuns
Brain Bagz - Hot Creep­ers
Needs - Feed­ing the Mesolim­bic Dopamine Re­ward Cir­cuit
Help - 2053

Side B


Aus - Am Puls der Zeit
Health Plan - Food Grief
De­Struc­tos - The Sight
Know­so - Fuck­er Such As You
Li­iek - One Two
Lithics - Beat Fall
Nag - Po­lar­ize
Clock Of Time - Rot­ten Mas­ter
Per­ma­nent Col­lec­tion - West Coast Fever
Pro­tomar­tyr - Michi­gan Ham­mers
Scot­tibrains - Aris­torats
Kei­th Ival - Lit­tle Boy
Gum Coun­try - Some­where

Two Mixtapes

For a brief mo­ment i al­most made my­self be­lieve i could eas­i­ly cach up with that huge, part­ly self-in­duced blog­ging back­log. Guess what? Not gonna hap­pen. Tape deck ro­bot to the res­cue! Here's an­oth­er 150 min­utes of stan­dard­ized 12XU fare, a lot of which i didn't man­age to post here. Al­so for the first time in the C-60 de­part­ment: New Tape! New as in new­ly man­u­fac­tured. In France, to be spe­cif­ic, us­ing some se­cret sauce from the old BASF cook­book. Way to go!

Verspannungskassette #04 (Type 1 Covid-90)

Side A

Dead Cells Bell
Li­iek Dy­na­mite
Ra­dio Sect Doc­tor
Sec­tar­i­an Bloom Gone
Con­stant In­sult Va­can­cies
Co-ed Trench­es
Spam Risk Akaname
Melk­bel­ly Mr. Co­da
Home Coun­ties Re­de­vel­op­ment
Prac­tice Wife The Good Guys Al­ways Win
Toss­er Bent Out
Stuck Plank I
Shove No Through Road
Joust­ing The God Es­trus
Gouge Away Con­sid­er
Clamm Key­stone Pols
Ohmns Dece Bece Crece

Side B

The Cow­boy Do Your Best
Hank Wood and the Ham­mer­heads Look at You
Bed­wet­ters Anony­mous High Strange­ness
The Worms Dave is Dead
Nuts Psy­chother­a­py
Neu­trals Hitler's In The Charts Again
Jack­son Reid Brig­gs & The Heaters Knock It Down
Vaguess Strip Mall Sav­ior
Dumb Doc­tors Prozac Rock
Per­son­al­i­ty Cult Sharp Edges
Datenight I Hate This Game
Abort­ed Tor­toise Vi­o­lent Con­sumers
The Mark Vod­ka Group You've Got to Split
Heavy Lar­ry Use It Or Lose It
P.R.N.D.L. Taffy The Welsh­man
R.M.F.C. Work­er
Les Posters Agree To Dis­agree
Mi­cro­dos­er Killing Time
The Chats Iden­ti­ty Theft
The Fur Coats Dew­claws to the Dawn
Kalle Hy­gien Ab­solute Bomber
Shrinkwrap Killers Stolen Elec­tron­ics To Shove Up Your Ass
Ditch­es Did We Try
Cuir Syn­th­punk At­ti­tude
The G.V.B. Youth

Verspannungskassette #04 (Type 1 Covid-60)

Side A

Man-eaters Foreplay/​Lessons on Love (for the Re­cent­ly Mu­tat­ed)
Re­peat Of­fend­er Con Job
Shit Blimp Hey Man
Launch­er John­ny Thun­ders Memo­r­i­al Ser­vice /​/​ Jack­pot
Liq­uid As­sets Mutt
Chu­pa Cabra Vi­o­lent Urges
Moron's Mo­rons Rate Your Teacher
Terms Of En­dear­ment I Saw A Ghost
Psykik Vy­lence 3
An­ti­bod­ies Every­body Fuckin Hates Me
BIB Boil­ing Point
Pisse Draußen Zuhause
Das Drip Sec­ond Guess­es
Iso­tope Soap New World Bore­dom
The Vi­o­lent Thing Slow Leak
AR-15 Fleece
Fre­on Cri­sis Abort­ed
Dis­cov­ery Noth­ing
Cold Feet Not Again
Hot­mom Hell Is for the Chris­tians
Adder­all Worm (Us)

Side B

P22 Endling Cho­rus For The Ter­mi­narch
Donors Al­ways Some­times Nev­er
Vidro Sverige Brin­ner
The Mon­sters I'm a Stranger to Me
Li­po­suc­tion Gig Econ­o­my
Freaks A Small Amount of Ec­sta­cy
Grim­ly Form­ing Street Deal­er
S.H.I.T. Eras­er III
Sabré 100 Years
Smut Cum In­side
Laffing Gas Same Cy­cle
Liq­uids Dumb As Fuck
Fried e/​M Mod­ern World
Mod­ern Needs In­ver­te­brate
Dee Bee Rich Com­fort
Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp. Body Is A Beaker
Set-Top Box Nor­mal Guy

A whole buttload of mixtapes

Bring­ing back the tape in mix­tape. I didn't do a great job this year at keep­ing a steady sup­ply of these go­ing. To make up for it, here's a whole bunch of those things be­fore the year ends. One with your usu­al stan­dard­ized 12XU fare. One full of warm and cozy pow­er pop. And as an an­ti­dote to the lat­ter, a kin­da gruff one, lean­ing to­wards the hard­core side of things. So at least i can say i made four mix­es this year.

In case you won­der what verspan­nungskas­sette means… Keep won­der­ing be­cause it's a pret­ty much un­trans­lat­able play on words.

Verspannungskassette #2 (C-90)

Side A

(FLAC via


Pro­to Id­iot - Sit Back, Re­lax, En­joy
Neu­trals - I Can Do That
Hu­man Beat - Punc­tu­al Punks
Aus­ter­i­ty - Herd­ed
Over­time - De­hy­dra­tion
Ba­sic Hu­man - Shame
San­dré - Po­tu
Ku­mus­ta - Car
2 Stroke - Cri­sis, Cri­sis
Emer­gency Con­tact - Build­ings
Rank/​Xerox - Cra­dle of Life
Spray Paint - Look­ing For Work
Big­pig - Eyes
Trash­dog - ADHDEMON
The Nico Mis­sile - Put It On The Ta­ble
Den­nis - Knives
Cat Scan - Com­modi­ties
Ura­ni­um Club - Two Things At Once (Part 1)
The Cow­boy - Swim­ming with the Fishies
Pist Id­iots - Mo­tor Run­nin

Side B

(FLAC via


Penance Hall - Cov­ered In Shit
Nick Nor­mal - Win­dows Paint­ed Shut
Iso­la­tion - Shift
Mi­ni Skirt - Pret­ty
Pat­ti - Col­or Kill
Ukryte Za­le­ty Sys­te­mu - Swiat Ma Ksz­talt
Lost Sys­tem - State Of Re­al­i­ty
Gam­ma World - Mid­night Sniper
Acrylics - Haze
Ar­se - Pres­sure Test
John (timest­wo) - Dog Walk­er
The Missed - Tel­luri­an Mis­take
Dee Bee Rich - Vom­it
Prison Af­fair - Mas­tur­ba­tion
Crown Mould­ing - On The House
Civic - Vel­vet Casi­no
B Boys - On Re­peat
Ex-Gold - Red Light
Ed­dy Cur­rent Sup­pres­sion Ring - Hu­man Race

Entspannungskassette #1 (C-60)

Side A

(FLAC via


Mick Trou­ble - He's Frank
Sob Sto­ries - Dan­ny Reed
Lost Bal­loons - Feed the Pain
Scup­per - Pass Me By
Opos­sums - Promis­es
Woolen Men - Brick Hori­zon
Leg­endary Wings - Weath­er Ad­vi­so­ry
Bed Wet­tin' Bad Boys - Plas­tic Tears
Warm So­da - I Don't Wan­na Grow Up
Vaguess - A Long Time
Vi­tal Idles - Sec­onds
Chronophage - Wed­ding

Side B

(FLAC via


The Res­onars - The Gold­en Age
Alien Nose­job - Peo­ple Stairs
Chook Race - At Your Door
Seablite - Heart Moun­tain
Omi Palone - Void
The Love­birds - Streets of Rage
The Per­sian Leaps - About Your Record
Land­lines - Signs Of Life
EggS - I Fell In Love
Ra­dioac­tiv­i­ty - Sleep
Wire­heads - The Overview Ef­fect

Verspannungskassette #3 (C-60)

Side A (red)

(FLAC via


Neo­types - Banned in Ham­mond (Live)
Ex­pose - Mo­tive
Skele­ton Glove - Gimme Gimme Choco­late
The Dorks - Syco­phant
(The) Liq­uid As­sets (of Ot­tawa) - Mur­der­er
Cells - My Gun
Rax­il - Un­known Ti­tle
Miedo - Bá­jate de tu nube.
Op­tic Nerve - Sniper
Sick Head - Pis
Fos­ter Care - Rack Brain
Dregs - Mar­fa Creep
Ubik - John Wayne (is A Cow­boy (and Is On Twit­ter) )
Xenu & The Thetans - No Es Tu Causa
Lux - Ac­tion
Warp - Sheet Cake
Speed Plans - Hell House
Goon - Ain't Rite

Side B (black)

(FLAC via


Fried e/​M - Un­ti­tled 2
Dots - De­throned
Big Hog - Big Hog
Rinse - Pest Con­trol (song For Hell­strom)
Dry In­sides - Dawn Of The Skull
Lead - The Bad Sleep Well
Glue - Dis­grace
Alien Nose­job - Bond Clean
The Uglies - Tone Deaf
Gut­ter Knife - Abuse of Pow­er
Physique - The Rhythm Of Bru­tal­i­ty
Das Drip - Gym Rat
Tem­ple Dogs - Ra­bies
Hwan­za - 인간공장
Blue­print - Dis­gust
Holo­gram - Sim­u­la­tion
Rat-Nip - NC
Ztuped - Threat of Death
Con­so­la­tion - Head Down
An­nées Zéro - Rup­ture
Fuckin' Lovers - Con­trol