For a brief mo­ment i al­most made my­self be­lieve i could eas­i­ly cach up with that huge, part­ly self-in­duced blog­ging back­log. Guess what? Not gonna hap­pen. Tape deck ro­bot to the res­cue! Here's an­oth­er 150 min­utes of stan­dard­ized 12XU fare, a lot of which i didn't man­age to post here. Al­so for the first time in the C-60 de­part­ment: New Tape! New as in new­ly man­u­fac­tured. In France, to be spe­cif­ic, us­ing some se­cret sauce from the old BASF cook­book. Way to go!

Verspannungskassette #04 (Type 1 Covid-90)

Side A

Dead Cells Bell
Li­iek Dy­na­mite
Ra­dio Sect Doc­tor
Sec­tar­i­an Bloom Gone
Con­stant In­sult Va­can­cies
Co-ed Trench­es
Spam Risk Akaname
Melk­bel­ly Mr. Co­da
Home Coun­ties Re­de­vel­op­ment
Prac­tice Wife The Good Guys Al­ways Win
Toss­er Bent Out
Stuck Plank I
Shove No Through Road
Joust­ing The God Es­trus
Gouge Away Con­sid­er
Clamm Key­stone Pols
Ohmns Dece Bece Crece

Side B

The Cow­boy Do Your Best
Hank Wood and the Ham­mer­heads Look at You
Bed­wet­ters Anony­mous High Strange­ness
The Worms Dave is Dead
Nuts Psy­chother­a­py
Neu­trals Hitler's In The Charts Again
Jack­son Reid Brig­gs & The Heaters Knock It Down
Vaguess Strip Mall Sav­ior
Dumb Doc­tors Prozac Rock
Per­son­al­i­ty Cult Sharp Edges
Datenight I Hate This Game
Abort­ed Tor­toise Vi­o­lent Con­sumers
The Mark Vod­ka Group You've Got to Split
Heavy Lar­ry Use It Or Lose It
P.R.N.D.L. Taffy The Welsh­man
R.M.F.C. Work­er
Les Posters Agree To Dis­agree
Mi­cro­dos­er Killing Time
The Chats Iden­ti­ty Theft
The Fur Coats Dew­claws to the Dawn
Kalle Hy­gien Ab­solute Bomber
Shrinkwrap Killers Stolen Elec­tron­ics To Shove Up Your Ass
Ditch­es Did We Try
Cuir Syn­th­punk At­ti­tude
The G.V.B. Youth

Verspannungskassette #04 (Type 1 Covid-60)

Side A

Man-eaters Foreplay/​Lessons on Love (for the Re­cent­ly Mu­tat­ed)
Re­peat Of­fend­er Con Job
Shit Blimp Hey Man
Launch­er John­ny Thun­ders Memo­r­i­al Ser­vice /​/​ Jack­pot
Liq­uid As­sets Mutt
Chu­pa Cabra Vi­o­lent Urges
Moron's Mo­rons Rate Your Teacher
Terms Of En­dear­ment I Saw A Ghost
Psykik Vy­lence 3
An­ti­bod­ies Every­body Fuckin Hates Me
BIB Boil­ing Point
Pisse Draußen Zuhause
Das Drip Sec­ond Guess­es
Iso­tope Soap New World Bore­dom
The Vi­o­lent Thing Slow Leak
AR-15 Fleece
Fre­on Cri­sis Abort­ed
Dis­cov­ery Noth­ing
Cold Feet Not Again
Hot­mom Hell Is for the Chris­tians
Adder­all Worm (Us)

Side B

P22 Endling Cho­rus For The Ter­mi­narch
Donors Al­ways Some­times Nev­er
Vidro Sverige Brin­ner
The Mon­sters I'm a Stranger to Me
Li­po­suc­tion Gig Econ­o­my
Freaks A Small Amount of Ec­sta­cy
Grim­ly Form­ing Street Deal­er
S.H.I.T. Eras­er III
Sabré 100 Years
Smut Cum In­side
Laffing Gas Same Cy­cle
Liq­uids Dumb As Fuck
Fried e/​M Mod­ern World
Mod­ern Needs In­ver­te­brate
Dee Bee Rich Com­fort
Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp. Body Is A Beaker
Set-Top Box Nor­mal Guy