Side A


Cells - Ur­ban Mu­tants Med­ley
Google - Men­tal Cas­tra­tion
A.I. - Ropy
CTRL Group - G.I.G.O.
Sabré - Com­pli­ca­tions
Fi­nal War - Use­less Sac­ri­fice
Tow­er 7 - (Ftp) Hol­low Veins
Fuck­ing - Wa­ter­board
Holy War - Vi­o­lent Thirst
Ko­bra - No Fu­turo
Sial - Tari Pe­mus­nah Kuasa
Cut­ters - Robo Debt Blues
Gim­mick - Car­ton of Sto­ges
C.H.E.W. - Noise Square
Poi­son Ruïn - Fog of War
Cool Jerks - The Butcher's Apron
Oily Boys - Heat Har­mo­ny

Side B


Ce­ment Shoes - Smashed On Glass
Ohmns - Tom­my Knock­ers
Fu­ture - Draw To A Close
Zenomorph - White­board
Sci­ence Man feat. Ner­vous Tick - Load-Bear­ing Card­board
Sylvie S - Song 2
Kitchen Peo­ple - Hunger Pains
Liq­uids - 11 AM
TJ Cabot & Thee Ar­ti­fi­cial Re­jects - What's In It
Liq­uid As­sets - Stain
Para­noise - In­fluen­za In­flu­encer
Hamer - All The Time
Blood Bags - Get in, Get Out
Im­po­ten­tie - Stille Re­bellen
Maske - Ver­sof­fene Träume