Modern Needs - Survey of the Animal Kingdom

San Francisco's Mod­ern Needs let off one de­li­cious fart af­ter an­oth­er in­to the at­mos­phere, con­sist­ing of straight, sim­ple & ef­fec­tive Fuzz rem­i­nis­cent of ear­ly 80s west­coast punk & hard­core as well as plen­ty of crude KBD-vibes. As such, they make good com­pa­ny to oth­er con­tam­po­rary bands like Launch­er, Frea­kees, Beast Fiend or Liq­uid As­sets.

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Shit Blimp - A Groundbreaking Standard of the Genre

On their re­cent EP some Cleve­land, Ohio based group serves us ten flaw­less­ly ex­e­cut­ed deep brown pud­dles of filthy and con­ta­geous hard-/noisec­ore, boiled down to less than ten min­utes of quirky, messy joy.

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Iron Cages - January 2020 Tour Promo

On their newest EP, Washington's Iron Cages give us three ex­cel­lent new blasts of garag­i­fied hard­core punk which in­di­cate mas­sive step for­ward for the band, to­wards a more com­pact and co­her­ent sound friends of stuff along the lines of Fried Egg, Punk Gui­tars, Cü­lo, Anx­i­ety or Elec­tric Chair will sure­ly ap­pre­ci­ate.

Discovery - Demo

California's Dis­cov­ery de­liv­er an­oth­er two short but po­tent blasts of this par­tic­u­lar fu­sion be­tween blown out fuzzy hard­core & garage stuff that, in re­cent years, seems to be crop­ping up from every crack in the as­phalt, a fact i couldn't be more hap­py about.

Pink Guitars - We Are Made Of The Sun

Just like its pre­de­ces­sor, the sec­ond EP by this band from Buf­fa­lo, NY turns out to be an­oth­er high­ly con­cen­trat­ed dose of un­con­ven­tion­al, in­ven­tive and at times strik­ing­ly melod­ic hard­core fun, al­so ex­pand­ing its styl­is­tic ten­ta­cles in­to places of garage-, fuzz- and KBD style punk.

Al­bum-Stream →

Speed Plans - More Hardcore

Okay… this is an easy one to ex­plain. You just put equal amounts of MC5 and Bad Brains in­to a blender and the re­sult will have a taste sim­i­lar to what­ev­er this group from Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­va­nia does on its third not-quite-an-LP. As sim­ple as that and every bit as elec­tri­fy­ing as you might hope for.

Al­bum-Stream →

Goon - Natural Evil

Here's an ul­tra neat at­tack made of noise-drenched hard-/post­core by a band from Den­ver, Col­orado. Think of a cu­ri­ous mix­ture of Lumpy & The Dumpers, Anx­i­ety, Cü­lo or their qua­si-suc­ces­sors Taran­tüla.

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Alien Nosejob - HC45

Alien Nose­job seem to be­come the kind of band where Aus­muteants singer Jake Robert­son on­ly does what­ev­er the fuck he wants to at the mo­ment. They start­ed out as a more or less ex­act copy of his more well known band, then it start­ed to get un­pre­dictable as they ven­tured in­to retro tear­jerk­er pow­er pop, among oth­er things. Al­so, we had to suf­fer through a maxi sin­gle of ul­tra-cheesy synth pop. This time they make it eas­i­er for me: It's hard­core. It ro­tates 45 times a minute. And it's very good.

Al­bum-Stream →

Acrylics - Sinking In

Af­ter a num­ber of in­cred­i­ble EPs, it took San­ta Rosa's Acrylics a good two years to as­sem­ble their fist long play­er, which - to no re­al sur­prise - turns out to be their most var­ied and ma­ture chunk of noise. Their am­bi­tious, but si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly al­ways per­fect­ly co­her­ent mix of styles draws a per­fect tri­an­gle be­tween the dark post punk of Crim­i­nal Code, hard­core punk of the quite pun­ish­ing va­ri­ety rem­i­nis­cent of Cü­lo, Hate Preach­ers, Im­pul­so and for­ward think­ing Post­core of acts like Ivy and Bad Breed­ing.

Al­bum-Stream →

Lux - New Day

Barcelona's Lux al­ready have a de­mo and a promis­ing de­but al­bum un­der their belt, but with this re­cent EP their sound re­al­ly clicks in­to gear, in which some of the more ex­cen­tric strands of 80s post- and hard­core punk - Man Sized Ac­tion and The Pro­le­tari­at come to mind - col­lide with dis­tinc­tive goth/​deathpunk bass lines. You might al­so be re­mind­ed of more re­cend bands like Street Eaters or the po­tent cow­punk propul­sion of Mur­der­er.

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