Youth Regiment - Youth Regiment

An­oth­er Im­po­tent Fe­tus re­lease, an­oth­er short and sweet burst of noisy, old­school-ish hard­core punk ap­proach­ing the genre from charm­ing­ly odd an­gles.

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Mystic Inane - Natural Beauty

Man, it's been at least half a decade since i last heard of this New Or­leans group. How­ev­er un­ex­pect­ed the re­lease of their new 7" might come, their blend of garage- & post punk, hard- & post­core cer­tain­ly sounds as fresh and en­er­getic as ever on this one, fit­ting in nice­ly with more re­cent groups in the vein of Launch­er, Liq­uid As­sets or Fried E/​M.

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Fugitive Bubble - Fugitive Bubble /​/​ C-Krit - C-Krit

Im­po­tent Fe­tus, the mar­vel­lous new-ish cas­sette sub­la­bel of the equal­ly fan­tas­tic Stuc­co em­pire, has al­ready brought quite a bit of joy to the world re­cent­ly with that Sep­tic Yanks tape. In the mean­time, they've al­ready re­leased two new pud­dles of noise to bathe in, made by two groups of un­known where­abouts, eas­i­ly up­hold­ing the high qual­i­ty stan­dards.
Fugi­tive Bub­ble cre­ate a de­light­ful and in­ven­tive mess of fuzzed out hard-, noise- and weird­core, at times re­mind­ing me of Das Drip, Warm Bod­ies, Vexx, the ear­ly out­put of NAG or Kalei­do­scope.
C-Krit, on the oth­er hand, sound a lot like a dis­fig­ured cross­breed be­tween Soup­cans, No Trend and Lumpy & The Dumpers. Al­so, their fucked up ren­di­tion of the Scream­ing Sneak­ers ever­green Vi­o­lent Days is pure gold.

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Septic Yanks - Septic Yanks

An­oth­er moldy wet lump of ul­tra­con­ta­gious punk shit, equal parts garage punk, KBD-style mis­chief and hard­core punk of the very old school. Not too far off from stuff like Liq­uid As­sets, Fried E/​M or Launch­er.

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Kaleidoscope - Decolonization /​/​ Straw Man Army - Age Of Exile

Two noisy new ar­ti­facts brought to us by New York's ex­quis­ite D4MT la­bel. First, there's a new ex­tend­ed play by hard-/post­core pow­er­house Kalei­do­scope on which their sound comes across a tiny bit more more sim­pli­fied and straight­for­ward than on last year's killer de­but LP, yet as in­spired, play­ful and in­ven­tive as ever.
Sim­i­lar things can be said about the de­but al­bum of Straw Man Army, a duo i can't find much in­for­ma­tion on, but at a quick glance they seem to con­sist of none oth­er than Kaleidoscope's drum­mer boy and some oth­er dude. Just as you'd ex­pect, this is an­oth­er quite ad­ven­tur­ous ride through the realms of dark post punk both clas­sic and con­tem­po­rary, some­times bor­der­ing on Crass-style min­i­mal­ism, Wipers-es­que melan­cho­lia while al­so re­mind­ing me of more re­cent ec­cen­tric­i­ties by the likes of Mur­der­er or Wymyns Prysyn.

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Alien Nosejob - Once Again The Present Becomes The Past

An­oth­er record by muteant Jake Robertson's shapeshift­ing project Alien Nose­job. Af­ter last year's 7" on Iron Lung Records, this is the sec­ond time he's ven­tur­ing in­to hard­core punk. Tak­ing ad­van­tage of the longer run­ning time, we see him mix­ing things up and ex­plor­ing the genre a bit deep­er this time, re­sult­ing in a quite var­ied set of tunes. Every­thing Robert­son tack­les here, it just works ad­mirably well.

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Chainshot - Chainshot

Hard­core Punk that starts out like a throw­back to the ear­ly days both in terms of its un­com­pro­mis­ing force as well as its in­ven­tive­ness, un­bur­dened by genre rules and con­ven­tions. Then things get… even more in­ter­est­ing with every pass­ing minute. Of­ten mak­ing use of un­char­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly melod­ic gui­tar work and catchy garage-style riff­ing, the Nashville group's freestyle ap­proach to plun­der­ing their way through punk's rich his­to­ry fits in just as well with more re­cent de­vel­op­ments in Hard­core and bands such as Ce­ment Shoes, Rolex or Pink Gui­tars.

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Bootlicker - How To Love Life 7"

An­oth­er ex­tend­ed play by these Van­cou­ver punks. You know what to ex­pect, they know how to de­liv­er. Six flaw­less erup­tions of old­school-ish, garage-doped no-frills hard­core punk.

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Cells - They Drew First Blood

A new EP by Mae­stro Voltaire's sec­ond most pro­lif­ic project Cells. Need i say more? Sev­en more gems of glo­ri­ous­ly fucked up, blown out hard­core punk joy.

Al­bum-Stream →

Kobra - Confusione

Whoa… got­ta say i wasn't pre­pared for the kind of storm this group from Mi­lan, Italy lets loose on their first long­play­er. On a sur­face lev­el this is some va­ri­ety of vague­ly old­school hard­core punk with strong an­ar­cho in­flu­ences, some traces of crust - you know, the kind of stuff we've had no short­age of in re­cent years. But then again, this record is char­ac­ter­is­lzed by an end­less string of col­or­ful, un­con­ven­tion­al de­ci­sions and flour­ish­es, mak­ing what could have been a rather cook­ie-cut­ter, de­cent genre ef­fort in­to an am­bi­tious, thrilling beau­ty to be­hold. Al­so helped by a pro­duc­tion which strikes the per­fect bal­ance be­tween re­lent­less propul­sion and blown out Lo-Fi scuzz. As far as con­tem­po­rary hard­core goes, this shit stands com­plete­ly on its own and sim­ply hits evey sin­gle nail on its head.

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