A little hardcore roundup post thingy or whatever you wanna call this…

In my bum­bling quest to get some at least some shit done, here are three posts worth of re­cent hard­core punk stand­outs rolled in­to one. First there are five bursts of rather quirky, un­con­ven­tion­al noise­mak­ing cour­te­sey of Chicago's De­odor­ant, who had al­ready re­leased a fun lit­tle al­bum via Not Nor­mal Tapes in 2018. On their newest EP, they cov­er a lot of ground rang­ing from old­school hard-/post­core weirdos like Sac­cha­rine Trust, Beefeater, Re­al­ly Red or ear­ly Min­ute­men, to more re­cent groups á la Op­tic Nerve and Mys­tic Inane, round­ed out by a few sub­tle cow­punk vibes like in King Samo. If all of that shit's way to smar­ty­pants art­sy for that tiny brain of yours to han­dle, you might pre­fer the way more straight­for­ward ruckus of slight­ly garage-in­fused no-frills old­school may­hem as pre­sent­ed by Dye of Kansas City. But then again, in case that sounds like way too much fun and you pre­fer a bit more death, de­spair and in­san­i­ty in your punk rock, we've got you cov­ered too in the form of Dal­las group Urn's lat­est EP whose re­lent­less at­tack comes off about as dark and mud­dy as a pot of stale burnt cof­fee… dis­gust­ing and vi­tal­iz­ing at the same same time.

Al­bum-Stream →

Elephant Rifle - Satryasis

Fol­low­ing their 2018 al­bum Hunk, which some­how didn't re­al­ly click with me, the Reno, Neva­da group's newest EP man­ages to hit all the right spots this time while nev­er re­peat­ing it­self, cov­er­ing a son­ic range span­ning from old­school Am­Rep- and Touch & Go-style noise rock, hard­core punk rem­i­nis­cent of ear­ly Die Kreuzen and in its clos­ing track, some Dri­ve Like Je­hu-es­que Post­core.

Antibodies - LP 2021

An­ti­bod­ies' third "long"-player presents the group from Char­lottestown, Cana­da as fresh and lov­able as ever, de­liv­er­ing yet an­oth­er brief old­school burst of slight­ly noise-in­fest­ed, fun and some­what quirky hard­core punk that doesn't over­stay its wel­come and knows how to keep things in­ter­est­ing through­out.

Al­bum-Stream →

Imploders - Imploders

In case you like your hard­core punk wild, catchy and in­no­cent like it's 1981 on the US west coast… there's your new jam as it won't get much more 1981 than this Toron­to group's de­but EP. These five ridicu­lous­ly ap­peal­ing tunes don't sound anachro­nis­tic in the slight­est though. Rather, with their time­less garage and KBD vibes, they fit in just as well with con­tem­po­rary groups á la Launch­er, Frea­kees, Liq­uid As­sets or Ce­ment Shoes.

Al­bum-Stream →

Lysol - Soup For My Family

The Seat­tle group has been around for quite some time now and ac­cord­ing­ly at this point, their ul­tra-old­school garage punk sound heav­i­ly in­debt­ed to MC5 and Stooges feels as worn-in and ma­ture as it gets. Their speeds oc­ca­sion­al­ly reach in­to hard­core ter­ri­to­ry now, but that's pret­ty much the on­ly ma­jor change since their 2015 De­mo. All of this would be a recipe for ut­ter bore­dom in the hands of a less ca­pa­ble band but as al­ways, Lysol eas­i­ly ham­mer that shit home by virtue of sheer force.

Al­bum-Stream →

Tarred Cell - Tarred Cell

Pret­ty awe­some noisec­ore shit is flush­ing out the ear canals on this de­but EP by a group with mem­bers strewn all across Berlin, Leipzig and Bonn. This cer­tain­ly has some touch­es of Acrylics, Vul­ture Shit, Soup­cans and Stink­hole… or maybe of an al­ter­nate uni­verse in­car­na­tion of No Trend, Flip­per and Bro­ken Tal­ent played at triple speed.

Al­bum-Stream →

Skeleton Glove - Skeleton Glove

Berlin group Skele­ton Glove have al­ready put out a bunch of demos, all of which suf­fered to a vary­ing ex­tent from their Lo-Fi pro­duc­tion val­ues, so it's nice to fi­nal­ly hear them in a sound that does their sheer son­ic force jus­tice. The re­sult is every bit as good as i could've hoped for, their ul­tra-pri­mal brand of post- and hard­core punk with flour­ish­es of death rock and garage nev­er fail­ing to hit where it hurts the most.

Al­bum-Stream →

Super Cheap - Volume II

Got­ta tell you about this Su­per Cheap EP i got su­per cheap from Painters Tapes! It's a weird lit­tle lump of blown-out noise - it's fast and wild, it's pleas­ant­ly short. Kin­da like a mix be­tween Soup­cans, Lumpy and the Dumpers, Stink­hole and Con­nie Voltaire's more hard­core-cen­tric projects.

Al­bum-Stream →

Bootlicker - Bootlicker

Hav­ing re­leased four EPs on Neon Taste so far, Vancouver's Bootlick­er have hit the bull's eye every sin­gle time, so why change any­thing now? They haven't. Ac­cord­ing­ly, on their first long­play­er, their brand of no-frills old­school hard­core at­tack once more man­ages to be most­ly un­sur­pris­ing yet per­fect­ly grip­ping from start to fin­ish.

Al­bum-Stream →

Detestados - Unidos

It ap­pears this Austin, Texas group's sec­ond full-length has al­ready been slow­ly rot­ting away on their band­camp page large­ly un­no­ticed for a while now. This has to change fast. The al­bum starts out some­what akin to the melod­ic Lo-Fi garage punk and pow­er pop of Vaguess or Boo­ji Boys, then cy­cles through var­i­ous it­er­a­tions of a slight­ly KBD-es­que garage-, and hard­core-lean­ing sound not en­tire­ly un­like re­cent acts in the Launch­er, Liq­uid As­sets, Fried Egg or Frea­kees vein, with the oc­ca­sion­al sub­tle Gun Club vibe. Al­so, there's a beau­ti­ful­ly sham­bol­ic cov­er ver­sion of Minutemen's Coro­na that man­ages to not suck in the slight­est. Now all of you go make these dudes filthy rich and fa­mous!

Al­bum-Stream →