Nag - Red Panda

It's busi­ness as usu­al for Atlanta's Nag on their newest EP, on which they're stay­ing clear of new ex­per­i­ments and bright ideas. I'm per­fect­ly fine with that. In­stead, their sound made from frag­ments of post-, fuzz- and noise punk once again man­ages to con­vince me, craft­ed in­to three rock sol­id songs that aren't even try­ing to look smarter than they ac­tu­al­ly are - and that's ex­act­ly why they work so well.

Discovery - Demo

California's Dis­cov­ery de­liv­er an­oth­er two short but po­tent blasts of this par­tic­u­lar fu­sion be­tween blown out fuzzy hard­core & garage stuff that, in re­cent years, seems to be crop­ping up from every crack in the as­phalt, a fact i couldn't be more hap­py about.

Pink Guitars - We Are Made Of The Sun

Just like its pre­de­ces­sor, the sec­ond EP by this band from Buf­fa­lo, NY turns out to be an­oth­er high­ly con­cen­trat­ed dose of un­con­ven­tion­al, in­ven­tive and at times strik­ing­ly melod­ic hard­core fun, al­so ex­pand­ing its styl­is­tic ten­ta­cles in­to places of garage-, fuzz- and KBD style punk.

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Spräckta - Demo

This Toronto/​Vancouver based group fea­tur­ing mem­bers of Dam­agers, among oth­ers, gives us yet an­oth­er one of those fuzzed out, de­li­cious­ly ex­plo­sive hard­core-/garage punk mix­tures, at times evok­ing com­par­isons to Ver­ti­go, Fried Egg, Kalei­do­scope or Cü­lo. Ex­cel­lent stuff!

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Apex - Demo #1

Five short and fun blasts of off-kil­ter genre blur­ring rum­ble - part garage-/fuzz punk, part hard-/weird-/noisec­ore, part KBD style strange­ness. Some­what like a mix of Lumpy & The Dumpers and Mur­der­er, this shit might al­so con­tain traces of Flip­per and No Trend.

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The Nico Missile - 8 Ways To Get Infected

The Nico Mis­sile is an­oth­er one of Ricky Hell's many pas­times. There are few sur­pris­es here, in­stead you get more of his fa­mil­iar trade­mark of qual­i­ty. If you know some of his oth­er Bands like Fas­ci­nat­ing or Ricky Hell And The Void­boys you kin­da know what to ex­pect: Garage-edged Fuzz Punk and Noise Pop some­where in the Neigh­bo­hood of No Age, Ter­ry Malts, Tiger! Shit! Tiger! TIger! or Male Bond­ing. What more could you want?

Al­bum-Stream →

Fried e/​M - Tour Tape

Mis­souri punks Fried e/​M cre­ate some beau­ti­ful­ly rough and old­school noise, some­where on the fringes of hard­core-, garage- and KBD punk. Their sound specif­i­cal­ly re­minds me of Nox­ious Fumes, but a more re­cent Band like Launch­er might al­so be a good enough com­par­i­son.

Paz SS - No Es Para Ti

With their first long play­ing cas­sette, Paz SS from Va­len­cia, Spain de­liv­er a good batch of plain old garage- and fuzz punk done right, eqipped with the nec­es­sary propul­sion by a thor­ough­ly com­pe­tent band. You might com­pare them to the straght garage punk of bands like Ex Cult, Sauna Youth or Foul Swoops, the en­er­getic Fuz­zcore of Ill Globo and oc­ca­sion­al­ly there's even a faint shim­mer of Wipers.

Al­bum-Stream →

Basement Boys - Basement Boys

A some­what quirky an­i­mal, this de­but al­bum by Min­neapo­lis' Base­ment Boys. Starts out by ra­di­at­ing a kind of post punk vibe sim­i­lar to Plax or The Cow­boy, then in­creas­ing­ly skews to­ward garage punk, au­gu­ment­ed by a small dose of noise and some beach goth melan­choly, at times re­mind­ing me of stuff like Co Sonn, Ex-Cult, Shark Toys or ear­ly Wavves.

Al­bum-Stream →

Warp - Traffic Control

Warp hail from San Fran­cis­co and have mem­bers of - among oth­ers - Flesh World and Blank Square among their line­up. Their de­but al­bum is al­ready kick­ing butts in a ful­ly con­vinc­ing fash­ion and de­liv­ers an adorably ex­cen­tric sound rough­ly in the realm of fuzz- & garage punk, hard- & post­core which comes across just as un­pol­ished as it's in­ven­tive. The whole thing is some­what rem­i­nis­cent of bands like Vexx or Dots, as well as the oc­ca­sion­al faint echo of Sur­fa Rosa-era Pix­ies. Qual­i­ty stuff!

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