Itches - Kingdom Upstairs

The newest EP by this group from Antwerp, Bel­gium is a flaw­less butt-kick­er made up of fair­ly tra­di­tion­al yet, thank­ful­ly, al­ways sound­ly con­struct­ed garage punk stylings, thor­oug­ly based on an ex­cel­lent un­der­ly­ing song sub­stance with some added british in­va­sion touch­es á la Res­onars, oth­er­wise to be lo­cat­ed in a sim­i­lar or­bit as Dadar, Shit­ty Life, Mi­traille, Big Ba­by or Sauna Youth.

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Cheap Heat - Demo 2022

This Sch­enec­tady, New York group kicks up a per­fect storm of some­what motörized noise some­where be­tween the cor­ner points of garage punk, hard­core and sleaze rock on their de­mo tape. A high­ly com­bustible recipe that should mix well with oth­er acts á la Ce­ment Shoes, Po­lute, Hip­py­fuck­ers, Flea Col­lar, Doll­house, Cü­lo… and maybe just a smidge of hard­core-era Hüsker Dü on top.

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Die TV - Side D

Side num­ber four by Marmo­ra, New Jer­sey garage trou­ba­dor Die TV is yet an­oth­er su­per-sol­id batch of garage-/synth-/elec­tro punk minia­ture good­ness. Not much more to add to that oth­er than what i al­ready said about his pre­vi­ous re­leas­es: Friends of weird­ness in the same or­bit as, say, Pow­er­plant, Stal­ins of Sound, Erik Ner­vous, The Spits, Set-Top Box, Dig­i­tal Leather… re­joice!

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Cool Sorcery - The Definitive Step​-​by​-​Step Dance Guide for Warlord Necromancers and Enthusiasts

A new EP by brazil­ian eggpunk's prime mover Cool Sor­cery aka Mar­cos As­sis. His sound is be­com­ing more am­bi­tious with each new re­lease and ac­cord­ing­ly, the newest one is an­oth­er de­light­ful struc­tured mess, seem­ing­ly draw­ing just as much un­like­ly in­spi­ra­tion from 70's hard- and pro­gres­sive rock as it does from the cur­rent garage- and syn­th­punk scene.

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Jeffy & The Sunken Heads - Jeffy & The Sunken Heads

My best ef­fort to de­scribe this work of the dev­il chan­neled by some St. Louis, Mis­souri dude is this: An over­abun­dance of stu­pid de­ment­ed shit con­densed in­to fun lit­tle garage tunes in the vague neigh­bour­hood of Buck Biloxi, Strange At­trac­tor or, al­ter­nate­ly, Dead Moon & The Dead Milk­men, maybe with some Wild Man Fish­er thrown in for good mea­sure. I think i'm just about dumb enough to ap­pre­ci­ate that!

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Sex Hater /​ Clinic /​ pH People /​ Alien Birth

Just an­oth­er quick roundup of nois­es and dis­tur­bances out of the ex­tend­ed hard­core or­bit. Start­ing off the batch with Sex Hater of Kansas City, who will sure­ly please ad­mir­ers of chaot­ic and down­right filthy hard­core shit in a sim­i­lar vein to groups á la To­tal Sham, Fried E/​m or Launch­er.

Speak­ing of filth, Clin­ic from Fres­no, Cal­i­for­nia di­al that cer­tain as­pect even fur­ther - their lat­est EP feel­ing like one sin­gle murky pud­dle of prim­i­tive anger and deep de­spair, not en­tire­ly dis­sim­i­lar in some places to the ear­ly Beast Fiend EPs.

pH Peo­ple, a group of un­known ori­gin, then slow the tem­po down con­sid­ery­bly while by no means lack­ing en­er­gy - their tape on Ur­ticaria Records is a po­tent mix­ture from the fringes of har­core punk and (pro­to-) noise rock with clear echoes of most­ly old­er stuff á la Flip­per, Spike In Vain, Nox­ious Fumes or Bro­ken Tal­ent.

And last­ly, there's one for the dun­geon dwellers among us in the form of Philadelphia's Alien Birth who de­liv­er an old­school met­al-in­fest­ed beast kin­da like a mix be­tween a more prim­i­tive Poi­son Ruïn and Gold­en Pel­i­cans go­ing all in on their sleaze rock lean­ings.

Shitty Life - Limits To Growth

Great fun as al­ways, the newest EP by Italy's Shit­ty Life on which they once again in­fuse their garage punk with tons of hard­core speed and en­er­gy (or vice ver­sa), mak­ing for an­oth­er straight­for­ward no-frills at­tack that will sure­ly please sym­pa­thiz­ers of acts á la Cri­sis Man, Dadar, Gluer or Easers.

Al­bum-Stream →

Power Flower - Anarchy Now or Fuck Off

This weeks prime ex­hib­it un­earthed from the bermu­da tri­an­gle of Garage-, Synth- and Egg­punk-re­lat­ed de­men­tia comes from a bunch of hun­gar­i­an folks let­ting loose a rack­et that leaves noth­ing be de­sired for con­noiseurs of the genre, scratch­ing an itch sim­i­lar to well known genre en­ti­ties á la Ghoulies, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., Slimex, Gee Tee or Set-Top Box.

Al­bum-Stream →

Sid Eargle - Cheap Thrills

I over­looked this this gem by South Car­oli­na dude or band Sid Ear­gle the first time around so i'm glad the greek la­bel Body Blows shoved this in my face a sec­ond time. Hid­den in­be­tween a mess of in­stru­men­tals and in­ter­ludes there's al­so an ex­cel­lent al­bum to be found plun­der­ing away at old­school garage and punk his­to­ry with an un­de­ni­able Dead Boys vibe, among oth­er things.

Al­bum-Stream →

Memory Ward - Memory Ward

This neat lit­tle tape on Phoenix, Ari­zona la­bel To­tal Peace de­liv­ers yet an­oth­er burst of rough-as-fuck noise-in­fest­ed hard­core punk with a weird­ly melod­ic un­der­cur­rent to bash your head against.

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