Pódium - Pódium

In the two years that have passed since Podi­um of Va­len­cia, Spain gave us an ex­cel­lent first im­pres­sion with their de­but EP, what has been a so­lo record­ing project back then has grown in­to a com­plete band line-up, rest­less­ly bull­doz­ing ahead with their own fla­vor of straight & stu­pid garage punk, rough­ly in the same or­bit as Ar­chaeas, Ex-Cult, Flat Worms and Sauna Youth, while adding to their for­mu­la some sub­tle over­tones of noise, ston­er punk, hard- & post­core.

Al­bum-Stream →

Jah Hell - Hell On Earth 2020

Fun and taste­ful no-frills melod­ic Fuzz Punk /​ Noise Pop from the UK, con­sist­ing most­ly of crunchy nois­es, per­cus­sive nois­es and tape hiss. Re­gard­ing two of these Songs, On The House and Pedi­gree Chums… I've heard these be­fore from a band/​project called Crown Mould­ing so i as­sume some kind of con­nec­tion here, ge­nius pop mu­sic Sher­lock that i am.

Al­bum-Stream →

Nutrition - No

Is this re­al­ly the first time i'm post­ing a re­lease of this group? This is baf­fling to me 'cos it feels as if these guys from Kaloomps, Cana­da have been around for­ev­er, hav­ing first won my at­ten­tion with a string of nine cass­in­gles of steadi­ly in­creas­ing qual­i­ty, fol­lowed by a self-ti­tled EP which for some rea­son didn't click with me quite as much. On their re­cent fol­low-up how­ev­er, they're def­i­nite­ly in their zone, de­liv­er­ing six high-mo­men­tum bursts of vague­ly KBD-ish and Wipers-es­que Garage-/Post Punk, al­so bear­ing some sim­i­lar­i­ty to groups like Launch­er, In­sti­tute, Liq­uid As­sets and, oc­ca­tion­al­ly, a hint of Crass.

Al­bum-Stream →

Prized Pig - PPEP

A thor­ough­ly pleas­ant lis­ten­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, this de­but EP by some Los An­ge­les group, made up of noise rock, post- and garage punk in­gre­di­ents, re­mind­ing me of a slight­ly garage-lean­ing in­car­na­tion of Nag, spiked with some weird­ness of the Soup­cans, Stink­hole or Lumpy & The Dumpers va­ri­ety. Tasty shit.

Verspannungskassette #11 (C-60)

Side A


True Sons Of Thun­der Killin’ It
Speed Plans Brick Wall
Gim­mick Chalk­board
Re­al Peo­ple Psy­chic War /​ The Hol­ly­wood Gimp
Sep­tic Yanks Hu­man Cur­ren­cy
G.S.B. Some­body Like Me
Gnarles Man­son Feel Nuthin
The Frea­kees Per­fect Hair
Pri­mal Brain Pri­mal Brain
Rat-Nip Age Out
His­t­a­mine Para­noid
Grout Fad­ed
Metz No Ceil­ing
Strange­light Ad­justable Rate
Kalei­do­scope Vol­un­teer Armies
The Un­fit Pills

Side B


Peace De Ré­sis­tance Pickin' on a Scab in L.A.
Smarts In­di­vid­u­al­i­ty
Dis­co Junk Print­er Jam
Wild Joe I've Got Wild Joe Vi­sion
Milt Pro­cras­ti­na­tor
Gen Pop Hang­ing Drum
The Cele­toids Light Beam
Armedalite Ri­fles All That Make­up
Dumb Punts Get Up
Mr. Teenage Waste Of Time
Star Par­ty All I Re­al­ly Wan­na Do
Wick­et­keep­er The Side
Safe­ty Net John­ny Whole­some
Su­per-X Turn To Black

Mystic Inane - Peckerwood Nero

Nat­ur­al Beau­ty re­leas­es De­cem­ber 12 via La Vi­da Es Un Mus Dis­cos & Cle­ta Pa­tra Records.

Shrinkwrap Killers - Feral Rats Have Become Our Only Pets

Fer­al Rats Have Be­come Our On­ly Pets re­leas­es De­cem­ber 4 via Iron Lung Records.

Pódium - Pódium

Pódi­um re­leas­es No­vem­ber 27 via Sloven­ly Record­ings.

Bipolar - Depression

Bipo­lar re­leas­es No­vem­ber 27 via Sloven­ly Record­ings.

Zombeaches - Mutual Colour

Cheers to the Fu­ture re­leas­es No­vem­ber 20.