John (Timestwo) - Šibensko Powerhouse

Noc­tur­nal Ma­noeu­vres re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 8th via Brace Your­self Records /​ Pets Care Records.

Rakete Fehlstart - Schmidt

Garage punk made by a group from Stuttgart, Ger­many which, de­spite its ger­man lyrics, thank­ful­ly doesn't sound all that ger­man. Rather i'd com­pare them to re­cent groups of the more or less KBD-in­flu­enced breed like Liq­uid As­sets and Frea­kees. Fur­ther par­al­lels might be drawn to Erik Ner­vous, Use­less Eaters or Sauna Youth. A fine se­lec­tion, that is.

Al­bum-Stream →

Lysol - Soup For My Family

The Seat­tle group has been around for quite some time now and ac­cord­ing­ly at this point, their ul­tra-old­school garage punk sound heav­i­ly in­debt­ed to MC5 and Stooges feels as worn-in and ma­ture as it gets. Their speeds oc­ca­sion­al­ly reach in­to hard­core ter­ri­to­ry now, but that's pret­ty much the on­ly ma­jor change since their 2015 De­mo. All of this would be a recipe for ut­ter bore­dom in the hands of a less ca­pa­ble band but as al­ways, Lysol eas­i­ly ham­mer that shit home by virtue of sheer force.

Al­bum-Stream →

DDR - The Morning Grey

A kin­da un­ex­pect­ed and ex­cel­lent mu­sic sub­mis­sion came in here by a group from Za­greb, Croa­t­ia play­ing a va­ri­ety of dark old­school post punk with a very slight goth edge, re­mind­ing my at dif­fer­ent points of con­tem­po­rary groups like Day­light Rob­bery, The Es­tranged, Prim­i­tive Teeth, Anx­ious Liv­ing, Crim­i­nal Code or Xe­tas while of the old guard, there's cer­tain­ly some Wipers-es­que gui­tar work in there and maybe some mid-80s Naked Ray­gun? In the sec­ond half of the al­bum, things get in­creas­ing­ly more melod­ic, gain­ing some kind of melan­cholic Leather­face-, HDQ- or mid-to-late 80s Gov­ern­ment Is­sue vibe.

Al­bum-Stream →

C.H.I.M.P. - Demo

…and here's yet an­oth­er ex­quis­ite load of quirky, fun & catchy DIY garage- and synth punk by some aus­tralian dude that fits right in be­tween, say, the last Alien Nose­job full-length and the even more col­or­ful mi­cro­cosm of Warttman-af­fil­i­at­ed groups.

Al­bum-Stream →

Tongues Of Fire - Numb

Big Bopper - Math Show

Isotope Soap - Autistic Eye

In Need of Sys­tem­at­ic En­tropy will be re­leased some­time this fall via Push My But­tons.

The Q-Tips - Shut Your Face

There Are Those Who Drill Violently​!​ re­leas­es Sep­tem­ber 3rd via Sloven­ly Record­ings.

Frvits - Magiciens Hardcore

Stu­pid Era re­leas­es Sep­tem­ber 3rd via Sloven­ly Record­ings.