A kin­da un­ex­pect­ed and ex­cel­lent mu­sic sub­mis­sion came in here by a group from Za­greb, Croa­t­ia play­ing a va­ri­ety of dark old­school post punk with a very slight goth edge, re­mind­ing my at dif­fer­ent points of con­tem­po­rary groups like Day­light Rob­bery, The Es­tranged, Prim­i­tive Teeth, Anx­ious Liv­ing, Crim­i­nal Code or Xe­tas while of the old guard, there's cer­tain­ly some Wipers-es­que gui­tar work in there and maybe some mid-80s Naked Ray­gun? In the sec­ond half of the al­bum, things get in­creas­ing­ly more melod­ic, gain­ing some kind of melan­cholic Leather­face-, HDQ- or mid-to-late 80s Gov­ern­ment Is­sue vibe.