C.H.I.M.P. - Demo

…and here's yet an­oth­er ex­quis­ite load of quirky, fun & catchy DIY garage- and synth punk by some aus­tralian dude that fits right in be­tween, say, the last Alien Nose­job full-length and the even more col­or­ful mi­cro­cosm of Warttman-af­fil­i­at­ed groups.

Al­bum-Stream →

Tongues Of Fire - Numb

Big Bopper - Math Show

Isotope Soap - Autistic Eye

In Need of Sys­tem­at­ic En­tropy will be re­leased some­time this fall via Push My But­tons.

The Q-Tips - Shut Your Face

There Are Those Who Drill Violently​!​ re­leas­es Sep­tem­ber 3rd via Sloven­ly Record­ings.

Frvits - Magiciens Hardcore

Stu­pid Era re­leas­es Sep­tem­ber 3rd via Sloven­ly Record­ings.

Gustaf - Book

Au­dio Drag For Ego Slobs re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 1st via Roy­al Moun­tain Records.

Monoburro - Discografia

Every­one keep an eye on the chilean la­bel In­stant Par­ty. Hav­ing al­ready caught my ears re­cent­ly with the Piz­za Boys tape, these folks have just un­earthed an­oth­er gem by a mex­i­can group i prob­a­bly wouldn't have heard of oth­er­wise and they fuck­ing rule! This tape com­piles all four EPs they've re­leased so far. Elec­tri­fied garage- and synth punk kin­da like S.B.F.-meets-The Spits, but the lat­ter with way more ro­bots, more cy­ber­punk but maybe al­so… mum­ble punk?

Al­bum-Stream →

Credit Bureau - Credit Bureau

Re­al­ly quite a lot of eggy goodness/​insanity goin' on this week. In an ef­fort not to re­peat my­self i'll keep it short: Here's the lat­est Cas­sette from the al­ways ex­cel­lent Deluxe Bias im­print, a record­ing that fit­ting­ly sounds a bit over-bi­ased. Ask your par­ents what that means.

Al­bum-Stream →

Μπριτζολιτσεσ - Αισχοσ Ντροπη

So the egg-plague has now ar­rived in Greece. Was about time, i'd say. Μπριτζολιτσεσ are a duo from Athens cook­ing up a mix­ture of garage- and synth punk that even yours tru­ly has to clas­si­fy as to­tal­ly and de­li­cious­ly nuts. A lev­el of nut­ty­ness that's rough­ly in the ball­park of lu­natics like Skull Cult or the whole Warttman-in­fest­ed Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp./Set-Top Box clus­ter­fuck. What­ev­er un­de­ci­pher­able mess google trans­late makes of the lyrics gives me a hunch that un­der­stand­ing the lan­guage won't make the whole thing any san­er.

Al­bum-Stream →