C.P.R. Doll - Music For Pleasure

De­but tape of a Perth duo fea­tur­ing folks oth­er­wise known from Ghoulies and Abort­ed Tor­toise… just as you'd ex­pect from that, this thing fuck­ing rips! A Lo-Fi DIY garage punk vibe meets some old­school melo­di­ous '77 sim­plic­i­ty, oc­ca­sion­al­ly al­so cross­ing over in­to rather con­tem­po­rary sound­ing post punk- and egg-re­lat­ed ter­ri­to­ries. This is out on Good­bye Boozy and Un­der The Gun Records but this shit would al­so fit right in with the Warttman posse so it's prob­a­bly no co­in­ci­dence that some dude al­so in­volved with Tee Vee Re­pair­man and Sa­tan­ic To­gas con­tributed some cre­ative in­put here as well.

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Curleys - Curleys

An­oth­er prim­i­tive blast of no-bul­ll­shit hard­core-in­fused garage punk by a group kin­da pre­des­tined to get re­leased on To­tal Punk Records, con­jur­ing up on­ly the most pri­mal and chaot­ic ten­den­cies of acts like Cri­sis Man, Liq­uid As­sets, Launch­er, Mys­tic Inane, Fried Egg… and maybe a slight hint of The Men­tal­ly Ill on top?

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Life Forms - Life Forms

A strong lit­tle batch of melod­ic garage punk by some UK group - fans of stuff like Ra­dioac­tic­i­ty, Sweet Reaper, Ex-White, Boo­ji Boys, Telecult, Steve Adamyk Band or Son­ic Av­enues lis­ten up!

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Nasty Party - Loaded Dice

While i couldn't quite warm up to the pre­vi­ous EP of Sydney's Nasty Par­ty, with their newest re­lease they re­al­ly hit the spot once again just like their did with their bril­liant de­but EP. Tread­ing in some­what sim­i­lar ter­ri­to­ry to Mekons- and Tele­vi­sion Per­son­al­i­ties-wor­ship­ping groups á la Sub­ur­ban Homes, Sil­i­cone Val­ues or Pro­to Id­iot, they round things off with a strong Buz­zcocks fla­vor.

The Missed - Activation

Af­ter their more pow­er pop-lean­ing de­but EP, the first full length of this Cleve­land group fea­tur­ing Ner­vosas' Mick­ey Marie on gui­tar and vo­cals, while not a ex­act­ly de­par­ture from their pre­vi­ous record, ex­pands their col­or palette quite a bit. Over­all the vibe here is more grim and melan­choly, steer­ing clos­er to moody yet melod­ic post punk ter­ri­to­ry with a dis­tinct Wipers in­flu­ence while once again prov­ing their stun­ning abil­i­ty at craft­ing catchy and unique hooks. Of more re­cent bands, you might con­sid­er them in a loose­ly re­lat­ed Or­bit to groups like The Es­tranged and Day­light Rob­bery.

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Exwhite - Estray

I'm kin­da blown away right now by the strength of that lat­est EP by a group prob­a­bly based some­where around the Leipzig/​Berlin/​Halle ax­is of garage- and post punk. What we get is sim­ply first rate melod­ic garage shit record­ed in ap­pro­pri­ate­ly rough fi­deli­ty, sim­ple and stu­pid, stun­ning­ly ef­fec­tive and com­plete­ly en­dear­ing. A feast for ad­mir­ers of, say, Boo­ji Boys, Sweet Reaper, Telecult… even some hint of Ra­dioac­tiv­i­ty /​ Marked Men is ev­i­dent here.

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A yum­my new EP by Mon­tre­al punks Pri­ors de­liv­er­ing three new in­fec­tious smash­ers start­ing off with some garage-meets-hard­core en­er­gy akin to sped-up Use­less Eaters or Mononeg­a­tives, fol­lowed by a su­per ef­fec­tive midtem­po post punk stom­per with a hint of Wire. The clos­ing track, then, has a bit of a Scream­ers and De­vo vibe to it and al­so bears some sim­i­lar­i­ty to more re­cent stuff by Iso­tope Soap.

Fuera De Sektor - El Mundo Sigue

Not sure where these folks are based - La Vi­da Es Un Mus Dis­cos' band­camp page men­tions uruguayan bands as an in­spi­ra­tion so maybe that's where the good shit is hap­pen­ing? Their face­book pro­file might clar­i­fy things but these days, i'd rather stay in the dark for­ev­er than log­ging on­to that stink­ing heap of crap one more time (speak­ing of which… C'mon fuck­ers, what are all of you still do­ing over there? Move your punk ass­es over to the open, in­de­pen­dent, non-cor­po­rate fe­di­verse! Bring your friends over too!). Well, whether that's the case or not, their style of post punk re­minds me quite a bit of Barcelona punks Al­gara for more than just their span­ish vo­cals, al­beit with a nice melod­ic street punk vibe and a slight touch of The Es­tranged on top.

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Canadian Rifle - I'm Just Like You 7"

Uh… these folks ap­pear to have been at it for ages now, yet this is the first time i've ever stum­bled up­on their mu­sic. The Chica­go group's lat­est EP is one hell of a treat made up of melod­ic punk rock with a cer­tain rough 80's SST-era alt rock edge - the spe­cif­ic breed that be­came kind of a thing again for a short pe­ri­od in the ear­ly 2010s but has since then been an in­creas­ing­ly rare ocur­rence once again. Think of a mix be­tween ear­ly Milk Mu­sic, Needles/​/​Pins, Cal­i­for­nia X, Com­man­der Keen or Hap­py Div­ing.

Feed - Western Fun /​/​ Djinn - Relapse /​/​ Zhoop - Top Shelf

I don't think i've ever giv­en this dude from Ham­mond, In­di­ana the full spot­light he de­serves here, al­though you might've en­coun­tered his shit on some Verspan­nungskas­sette mix­tapes, where his var­i­ous al­ter egos have been a reg­u­lar oc­cur­rence in re­cent months. Now here are three of his lat­est batch­es of min­i­mal­ist hard­core punk, each of his projects sound­ing pret­ty sim­i­lar if you ac­count for some slight vari­a­tion in tem­po and in­ten­si­ty… as well as some added bot­tom-of-the-bar­rel-end elec­tron­ic reen­force­ment in the case of Feed, which should've right­ful­ly earned him the ti­tle of great­est sty­lo­phone play­er in hard­core punk by now.

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