Full Toilet - Why

As a coun­ter­bal­ance to my last post, here's kind of a mu­si­cal shit­post cre­at­ed by some seat­tle dude who al­so hap­pened to play in one or the oth­er lo­cal leg­end you might have heard of. A four­teen-act rock opera of 7"-sized pro­por­tions that kin­da plays out like an odd fu­sion of 80's Nomeansno, ear­ly Min­ute­men and Sac­cha­rine Trust… chances are i'm al­ready over­think­ing this though.

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Needles/​/​Pins - Needles/​/​Pins

Not a whole lot ever changes in the mu­sic of Vancouver's Needles/​/​Pins and in crap times like the past year-and-a-half, this fa­mil­iar­i­ty is rather com­fort­ing. They still play that cer­tain kind of punk rock… you know the one. The whol­ly un­sub­tle und un­apolo­get­i­cal­ly earnest, melod­ic, emo­tion­al and eu­phor­ic, the folk- and amer­i­cana-in­fused kind. The kind that in­evitably leads to em­bar­rass­ing sin­ga­longs and awk­ward dis­plays of emo­tion from con­cert au­di­ences. Dis­gust­ing, man. I miss it so much…

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The Smog - First Time, Last Chance

Let me be blunt here: You guys wan­na con­vince me to pay the equiv­a­lent of ~4,60€ for a dig­i­tal down­load of on­ly two songs, those two songs bet­ter be fuck­ing bril­liant. Luck­i­ly, fuck­ing bril­liant is ex­act­ly what these these two tracks by some Tokyo group are. Ka-ching!

Nasty Party - Celebration

This Sydney/​London based duo hits every nail on the head straight­away on their first EP with an hon­est ur­gency to their straight­for­ward lyrics and a sound not en­tire­ly dis­sim­i­lar to re­cent british DIY phe­nom­e­na like Sil­i­cone Val­ues or Sub­ur­ban Homes, al­though Nasty Par­ty sup­ple­ment their ob­vi­ous Tele­vi­sion Per­son­al­i­ties vibes with quite a bit of Buz­zcocks dri­ve. I'm al­so vague­ly re­mind­ed of Pro­to Id­iot and Freak Genes.

Slayer Jr - Slayer Jr

An­oth­er way-too-short cas­sette bear­ing the gift of qual­i­ty dumb old­school punk crank­i­ness of the heav­i­ly KBD-lean­ing kind, made by two mem­bers of L.A. weirdos Launch­er. What's not to like?

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Cosme - Demo

Now that thing's a treat! Some group from Ciu­dad López Ma­teos, Mex­i­co de­liv­ers a truck­load of pure joy on this tape, con­densed in­to three straight­for­ward-as-fuck bangers made out of fuzzed-out garage- and bub­blegum punk with some synth-sweet­ness on top, trans­mit­ting an undi­lut­ed sug­ar rush straight in­to your blood­stream.

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Civic - Future Forecast

This Mel­bourne group's first long­play­er is a seam­less con­tin­u­a­tion of what was al­ready so lov­able about their pre­vi­ous EPs. Sure, their style of old­school garage punk with that un­de­ni­able Ra­dio Bird­man vibe has grown a quite long beard by now, but what a charm­ing and glo­ri­ous beard that is! To be fair, they're al­so try­ing out some new things here, at some points let­ting a touch of Wipers shine through, dab­bling in dark post punk or try­ing their hands at Am­Rep-style sludgy noise rock. But let's not kid our­selves here; what this group does best at this mo­ment is knock­ing out one straight­for­ward yet so­phis­ti­cat­ed rock­er af­ter an­oth­er with amaz­ing con­fi­dence.

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Youth Regiment - Youth Regiment

An­oth­er Im­po­tent Fe­tus re­lease, an­oth­er short and sweet burst of noisy, old­school-ish hard­core punk ap­proach­ing the genre from charm­ing­ly odd an­gles.

Al­bum-Stream →

Pedigree - Connected?

Their 2019 de­but al­bum New Freak was great fun al­ready, but on the bel­gian group's newest EP all the mov­ing parts click in­to each oth­er way more tight­ly and ef­fec­tive, while their quite slick yet pow­er­ful garage punk sound has gained a bit more of a sub­tle post punk vibe. At var­i­ous points i'm re­mind­ed of groups like (ear­ly) Teenanger, Video, Flat Worms, Sauna Youth, Ex-Cult as well as french acts Night­watch­ers & Telecult.

Al­bum-Stream →

The Celetoids - Optic Nerve

While their 2017 Pu­pal Stage EP still struck me as a bit un­der­cooked, their newest tape shows these croa­t­ian punks (fea­tur­ing mem­bers of Mod­ern Delu­sion) re­fin­ing their sound in­to some­thing way more con­sis­tent and en­joy­able, made up of straight-ahead punk rock that some­times veers slight­ly to­wards the KBD-in­spired garage sound of groups like Launch­er, Frea­kees… at oth­er times tak­ing some cues from melod­ic, post punk-lean­ing acts in the fash­ion of Red Dons, Xe­tas, Anx­ious Liv­ing or ear­li­er The Es­tranged.

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