Puss - Anger Protocol

These New York­ers' lat­est LP is ba­si­cal­ly just an ex­pand­ed ver­sion of their 2021 EP Tri­an­gu­la­tion by way of Stran­gu­la­tion, though i'm gonna say the ad­di­tion of the four open­ing tracks el­e­vates the whole thing to an­oth­er lev­el al­to­geth­er, coun­ter­bal­anc­ing the kin­da rigid, some­what more late-eight­ies noise rock-lean­ing tracks of said EP with a fresh in­fu­sion of chaos that re­al­ly seals the deal here, quite ob­vi­ous­ly tak­ing cues from lo­cal no wave his­to­ry - both the un­struc­tured noisy kind and the funky James Chance-isms - as well as a bunch of oth­er ear­ly eight­ies pro­to noise rock acts á la Flip­per, Prim­i­tive Cal­cu­la­tors and, most of all, No Trend.

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Soft Shoulder - It's A Small World After

(…) as fo­cused as they haven't been in a long while (…) i wrote about their pre­vi­ous al­bum Smile Building's Ex­it. Tempe, Ari­zona group Soft Shoul­der then be like: "Hold my beer…" and come around the cor­ner with yet an­oth­er LP, record­ed around the same time as its pre­de­ces­sor and pre­sent­ing their sound in an even more snap­py and com­pelling light. Their unique blend con­sist­ing of both con­tem­po­rary and an­cient post punk mag­ic tricks, old­school noise rock and dis­tinct­ly no wave- and '80s The Fall-in­formed noise ex­per­i­ments has nev­er had more catchy ap­peal and sparkle than on this record.

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Collate - Generative Systems

Portland's Col­late have nev­er been a group to push the bound­aries of their own genre ex­act­ly, but that doesn't mean there's not plen­ty of fun to be had any­ways with their com­par­a­tive­ly straight­for­ward and sim­plis­tic mix­ture lo­cat­ed some­where in­be­tween the more funky end of the no wave spec­trum and Gang Of Four-es­qie dance-/post punk grooves. It's a record that kin­da sneaks up on you with much of its strongest ma­te­r­i­al hid­den away in the sec­ond half.

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The Bozo Big Shit Garbage Band - It's My Move

A new Trad­ing Wreck­age re­lease, which is al­ways good for some vague­ly no wave-in­formed joy, chaos and de­prav­i­ty. This one's a re­al stun­ner though! In this par­tic­u­lar in­car­na­tion, The Bo­zo Big Shit Garbage Band ap­pears to be a so­lo en­deav­or of Tony Shit al­so known as Reese McLean and what­ev­er oth­er monikers the guy has gone un­der, who has al­so been an in­te­gral part of the likes of Gay Cum Dad­dies, Eat Avery's Bones, Bukkake Moms, Flesh Narc and many oth­ers. While some cos­mic back­ground hum of no wave ex­per­i­men­ta­tion is still tan­gi­ble here, a lack of hu­man chaos and clut­ter dur­ing record­ing ap­pears to have al­so trans­lat­ed in­to an equal­ly less clut­tered al­bum. Al­though still every bit as cre­ative and un­pre­dictable as we came to ex­pect from pre­vi­ous re­leas­es, this newest one does it all in a struc­tured, catchy and propul­sive man­ner pre­vi­ous­ly un­heard from this dude, at times rem­i­nis­cent of groups on the in­ter­sec­tion of garage-, post- and art punk like the UV Race, Soft Shoul­der, Shark Toys and Par­quet Courts, while in oth­er mo­ments, this shit might sounds like some Am­Rep and Touch&Go-esque 90s Noise Rock col­lides with mid-eight­ies The Fall.

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Timüt - No Live

Ex­cel­lent shit, this record­ed-live-on-tour de­but al­bum by a group from Metz, France. This stuff can be rough­ly clas­si­fied as (neo-) no wave funk with, just maybe, a slight added touch of egg­punk and oc­ca­sion­al mo­ments of '90s Dischord uni­verse. Maybe think of a more en­er­getic, di­rect, dance­able and min­i­mal­ist, less art­sy vari­ant of groups á la D.U.D.S., Pill or N0V3L.

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Peel - The Spectacle Of Perpetual Motion

Hy­per­ac­tive, quirky and chaot­ic yet equal­ly smart and elab­o­rate, slight­ly no wave-ish post punk from Ban­dung, In­done­sia! This is es­sen­tial new fod­der for fans of shit in the vein of, say, Pat­ti, Re­al­i­ty Group, Big Bop­per and Ex­it Group.

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Soft Shoulder - Smile Building's Exit

Tempe, Ari­zona group Soft Shoul­der have been at it for way over a decade now and still seem as live­ly and pro­duc­tive as ever, hav­ing churned out a steady stream of sin­gles and EPs re­leased dig­i­tal­ly and as lim­it­ed lathe cuts the past year. Their newest LP presents them as fo­cused as they haven't been in a long while though, their quirky-as-fuck mix­ture of post punk and noise rock burst­ing with en­er­gy as catchy grooves some­what rem­i­nis­cent of The Fall from the late eight­ies on­ward col­lides with a de­cid­ed­ly no-wave school of noise and dis­so­nance.

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Vision 3D - Hypnose

Pret­ty fuck­ing amaz­ing shit, the sec­ond long play­er of this group from Tour­nai, Bel­gium. Right out of the gate i'm re­mind­ed of so much good stuff both an­cient and con­tem­po­rary on the in­ter­sec­tion of art-, post- and garage punk, round­ed out by a dis­tinct­ly dis­so­nant no wave-ish, noise rock-y edge. Some­times they sound a bit like as if the amer­i­cana-in­fused post punk of Angst were to col­lide with the sim­plis­tic beat of Man Sized Ac­tion and a good mea­sure of ear­ly The Fall strum­mi­ness. Oth­er mo­ments, i imag­ine to hear echos of Mem­branes, Gor­dons or Swell Maps, while you might just as well draw com­par­isons to more re­cent acts such as Hon­ey Radar, Toe Ring, Lithics, Germ House, Shark Toys and Sub­tle Turn­hips.

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Rider/​Horse - Select Trials

Not too long af­ter the re­cent Dur­ing 7" on Chun­klet In­dus­tries (a full length of that group should be ex­pect­ed drop soon) we al­ready get to hear an­oth­er group fea­tur­ing Spray Paint vo­cal­ist and gui­tar play­er Cory Plump. As Rider/​Horse he's team­ing up with a dude named Chris who has in some un­spec­i­fied ca­pac­i­ty worked with the likes of Les Savy Fav and Trans Am. To­geth­er they're cre­at­ing a sound that's tak­ing the more elec­tri­cal­ly dri­ven vibe of the most re­cent Spray Paint re­leas­es in­to a dark and hazy, heav­i­ly in­dus­tri­al-lean­ing psy­che­del­ic night­mare kind of realm some­what rem­i­nis­cent of Ex­haus­tion, Haunt­ed Hors­es or Danyl Je­su, as well as the dub-in­fused sound­scapes of Ex­ek, with whom they al­so share that cer­tain taste of Swell Maps.

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Deck In The Pit - In A Lane

Some weird-ass shit, this archival re­lease con­tain­ing the com­plete record­ings, made in or around 2016, of a short-lived Bris­bane group… and of course it doesn't take a fuck­ing ge­nius to fig­ure out this is yet an­oth­er project re­volv­ing around ec­cen­tric avant-garde gui­tar tor­tur­er Glen Schenau of Kitchen's floor, plus two oth­er dudes who played in Syd­ney 2000 and Piss Pain re­spec­tive­ly. It might be their in­volve­ment ren­der­ing this stuff al­most ap­proach­able for a Schenau-re­lat­ed ar­ti­fact, al­though by ap­proach­able i mean: No more ap­proach­able than, say, ear­ly The Fall or Mem­branes records are ap­proach­able. If that sounds ap­proach­able to you, then this will too!

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