Animated Violence - Demo

A fun, smart high-en­er­gy blow of garage-in­fused hard­core punk de­liv­ered by a group that might or mightn’t be from Long Beach, Cal­i­for­nia, hold­ing a per­fect bal­ance be­tween dumb straight-ahead old­school en­er­gy and the var­i­ous quirks and ec­cen­tric­i­ties of more re­cent hard­core phe­nom­e­na, which sor­ta lo­cates them on the genre map some­where in the ex­cel­lent com­pa­ny of oth­er con­tem­po­rary trou­ble­mak­ers such as Mys­tic Inane, Launch­er, Fried E/​M, Mod­ern Needs or Liq­uid As­sets.

The Crawlies - Demos

Such a neat cloudy pud­dle of in­no­cent and filthy joy, this set of lo-fi de­mo record­ings by some philadel­phia garage group kick­ing up a fuzz of the most old­school and prim­i­tive kind. Kin­da like the ear­ly works of Ed­dy Cur­rent Sup­pres­sion Ring and UV Race au­gu­ment­ed with that more pri­mal en­er­gy akin to ear­li­er acts such as Gories, Obli­vians, Reatards.

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F.E.I.D.L. - Wödmusik

Ooohkay… still re­cov­er­ing from yesterday's "deutsch­punk" am­bush, let's now fo­cus on our for­eign lan­guage /​ world mu­sic de­part­ment again. "Wöd" ap­pears to be aus­tri­an for "World", as well as "pret­ty fuckin' rad", at least that's what the in­ter­net says and the in­ter­net is al­ways right. So yeah, this shit's pret­ty wöd, as you'd ex­pect from the suc­ces­sor to the Vi­en­na garage punk group's kin­da lei­wand 2020 EP.

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Sex Mex - Vol. 1

Their re­cent Skeleton/​Runaway dig­i­tal sin­gle was some qual­i­ty shit al­ready and a huge step up from pre­vi­ous re­leas­es. With their newest EP, the Austin, Texas group keeps the good stuff com­ing, clear high­lights this time be­ing the per­fect pow­er pop one-two punch The Amaz­ing Su­per Ul­tra Spi­der­man & Shit Me Out but the rest is great fun too, com­ing across a bit like an amaz­ing su­per ul­tra holy trin­i­ty of Aus­muteants, S.B.F. and Set-Top Box.

Rifle - Holloway Demos

A high­ly ap­pe­tiz­ing first taste that is, the de­but EP of this Lon­don group play­ing a some­what hard to pin down, ad­e­quate­ly rough-edged yet al­so kin­da catchy style that's like 60% garage punk and 40% post­core, over­all re­mind­ing me of a rather di­verse clus­ter of groups among which are the likes of The Aban­dos, Obits, Gold­en Pel­i­cans, Mass Lines, Dumb Punts and As­cot Stab­ber.

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208 - Nearby

I got­ta say i'm more than de­light­ed with the ver­sa­tile and smart and weird ways in which garage punk has evolved over more re­cent years but, you know, some­times i'm just crav­ing for some­thing more old­school and pri­mal. De­troit duo 208's new cas­sette on Painters Tapes does a fab­u­lous job scratch­ing that par­tic­u­lar itch, con­tain­ing the raw, prim­i­tive, sweaty and drunk­en blues va­ri­ety of garage punk, the kind you need to have a soul but no brain to ap­pre­ci­ate. Yeah, i'm aware that the soul is a pure­ly re­li­gious con­struct that has ze­ro ev­i­dence go­ing for it in re­al life. So let's say in­stead that you need a bro­ken soul­ful brain to ap­pre­ci­ate it, or some­thing like that, okay?. The fi­deli­ty of this is just per­fect, the kind of pro­duc­tion where heavy clip­ping both dig­i­tal and ana­log is a fea­ture, not a bug - a fuzz-saw man­gler of jams which might evoke com­par­isons to most­ly old­er shit like Obli­vians, Gories, Pussy Ga­lore, Feed­time, Reatards and what­not.

Al­bum-Stream →

Aspanya - Aspanya

The span­ish garage scene is full of gold late­ly (and speak­ing of el di­a­blo… have you all heard that fab­u­lous Hog­ar LP yet?) - lat­est piece of ev­i­dence is this nice lit­tle EP by a group from… Barcelona, i guess? At least that's one of the few words i'm able to recog­nise in their lyrics. They're play­ing a fun va­ri­ety of garage punk that most­ly al­ter­nates be­tween straight and stu­pid '77-ish sim­plic­i­ty and a more con­tem­po­rary, an­gu­lar groove á la Ura­ni­um Club, Pinch Points.

Al­bum-Stream →

Liquid Face - II

For his sec­ond 7" on Good­bye Boozy Records, Cal Don­ald aka Liq­uid Face in­creas­es both the en­er­gy- and dis­tor­tion lev­els con­sid­er­ably, mak­ing his spe­cial sauce of garage-/synth-/post punk come across kin­da like a weird cross­breed be­tween Pow­er­plant, Mononeg­a­tives and the noise punk of Brandy.

Al­bum-Stream →

Silicone Values - Burn The 1980's ​/​​ 1977

My fa­vorite british punk group of the mo­ment has yet to write a song that isn't as in­fec­tious as fuck and their most re­cent dig­i­tal (?) sin­gle re­lease de­liv­ers an­oth­er two of their strongest so far and once again will ef­fort­less­ly con­quer the hearts of every con­noiseur of Tele­vi­sion Per­son­al­i­ties-in­flu­enced strum­ming á la Sub­ur­ban Homes, Neu­trals or Freak Genes.

Zoids - Zzap!!

Zoids keep things classy and weird on their newest tape, which will soon be phys­i­cal­ly avail­able via Good­bye Boozy. Still clear­ly op­er­at­ing on the out­er fringes of crude and dis­so­nant garage-/post punk and high­ly de­ment­ed space rock, this group or per­son of mys­te­ri­ous where­abouts re­mains a charm­ing­ly bro­ken ma­chine that doesn't need any fix­ing.

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