Big Jar of Mayo - Big Jar of Mayo

More qual­i­ty shit cour­te­sey of Deluxe Bias. This ab­surd­ly short cass­in­gle of noise in the realm of KBD-in­formed weird­core, garage- and post punk will sure be a de­light to folks who've al­ready de­vel­oped a huge bon­er for Mys­tic Inane, Rolex or Fried E/​M.

Fugitive Bubble - Fugitive Bubble /​/​ C-Krit - C-Krit

Im­po­tent Fe­tus, the mar­vel­lous new-ish cas­sette sub­la­bel of the equal­ly fan­tas­tic Stuc­co em­pire, has al­ready brought quite a bit of joy to the world re­cent­ly with that Sep­tic Yanks tape. In the mean­time, they've al­ready re­leased two new pud­dles of noise to bathe in, made by two groups of un­known where­abouts, eas­i­ly up­hold­ing the high qual­i­ty stan­dards.
Fugi­tive Bub­ble cre­ate a de­light­ful and in­ven­tive mess of fuzzed out hard-, noise- and weird­core, at times re­mind­ing me of Das Drip, Warm Bod­ies, Vexx, the ear­ly out­put of NAG or Kalei­do­scope.
C-Krit, on the oth­er hand, sound a lot like a dis­fig­ured cross­breed be­tween Soup­cans, No Trend and Lumpy & The Dumpers. Al­so, their fucked up ren­di­tion of the Scream­ing Sneak­ers ever­green Vi­o­lent Days is pure gold.

Al­bum-Streams →

Das Drip - _​

Sad to hear that not long af­ter their genre-de­fy­ing/de­stroy­ing/­fuck­ing/de­con­struct­ing/­ex­plod­ing al­bum of last year, this EP is al­ready the swan song of North Carolina's hottest ad­dress in con­tem­po­rary hard­core. So take this last chance to mar­vel at Das Drip's am­bi­tious hardcore/​postcore/​artcore/​weirdcore… cer­tain­ly nev­er bor­ing­core.

Al­bum-Stream →