Neutrals - Rent /​ Your House EP

Fol­low­ing two strong de­mo tapes and the flaw­less rip­per that was last year's de­but al­bum via Emo­tion­al Re­sponse Records, Oakland's Neu­trals al­ready have an­oth­er EP out on which they seem­less­ly re­sume their re­mark­able win­ning spree. No oth­er band right now so ef­fort­less­ly nails this spe­cif­ic sub­genre of end­less­ly charm­ing, qirky heart-on-its-sleeve style DIY post-/art punk sure­ly in­spired by the likes of Tele­vi­sion Per­son­al­i­ties, ear­ly Mekons or Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles, while still seem­ing firm­ly root­ed in this day and age.

Al­bum-Stream →

Yammerer - Reality Escape Resort

Two pre­view tracks from this (prob­a­bly) british band's de­but EP al­ready made me kin­da hun­gry for more of their shit and now the record's oth­er two songs prove we haven't been promised too much. A sound­scape of rest­less garage punk un­folds, trans­port­ing a feel­ing of widescreen spa­cious­ness you rarely get to wit­ness in this genre - some­what as if re­cent Ura­ni­um Club met Ra­dio Bird­man and Mod­ern Lovers, com­ple­ment­ed by a bit of MX-80 weird­ness. Al­so, the epic clos­er Sea­sons 13-31 seems to have tak­en some cues from Wipers' Youth Of Amer­i­ca.

Al­bum-Stream →

Italia 90 - III

Al­though oth­er british bands of their genre en­joyed much more me­dia at­ten­tion than lon­don art-/post punks Italia 90 have in re­cent years, few oth­er bands, in my hum­ble opin­ion, em­body so much of the soul and re­bel­lious no-bull­shit DIY at­ti­tude of the scene, a bit­ter and emo­tion­al in­dict­ment of a so­ci­ety col­lec­tive­ly shrug­ging off its own guilty con­science. It's about time this Band gets no­ticed a lot more. On their third EP -just like on its pre­de­ces­sors - i hear strong echoes of old post punk greats: Cri­sis, Mem­branes, Swell Maps and ear­ly Mekons for ex­am­ple. Si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly Italia 90 keep ex­pand­ing on their son­ic spec­trum. Usu­al­ly when punks go slow, this tends to re­sult in a hor­ri­ble train­wreck. But sur­pris­ing­ly, the slow­est, most sub­dued mo­ments are the clear high­lights of this record. In Open Veins, the gen­tle per­for­mance col­lides with the dis­il­lu­sioned and an­gry charges de­liv­ered by its lyrics. This com­bi­na­tion re­minds me a bit of re­cent Pro­tomar­tyr, while the clos­ing track Against The Wall has a sub­tle psy­che­del­ic note in com­mon with Wire's Chairs Miss­ing al­bum.

Al­bum-Stream →