Verspannungskassette #43 (C-60)

Wie un­schwer zu er­ken­nen ist kommt die­ses al­ter­tüm­li­che Tech-Ar­te­fakt aus Ja­pan-II 60 und wur­de in den bren­nen­den CrO2-Ab­grün­den des Mt. Fu­ji be­dop­pel­schich­tet. Das Mix­tape saugt, bit­te nicht an­hö­ren.

Wa­ter Tre­at­ment So­lid Sta­te Re­lay
Bil­liam Jen­ny De­s­troys Re­cords
Da­dar Fail­ure
Why Bo­ther? (I'm) Co­ming Apart
The Stron­gest Tool I Want My Hot­walls!
Ca­ta­stro­phic Dance En­sem­ble Sad Ma­chi­ne
Toe­heads Wan­na Be Alo­ne
Neu­ro­ty­pi­cals Sweet Li­ly
Palán­ta A Dög
Hu­man Out­fit Un­tit­led

Thought Con­trol Step On The Spi­ne
Gut­ter Oil Was­te Of Space
Big Kiss Cow­boy Shiz­nit
Head­cheese Big Plans
Pa­ra­si­tic Twins Dr. Doom
Pro­blem Cra­zy
Djinn Eyes Open
Mi­ra­ge Mon­do Tras­pa­ren­te
Pad­ka­ros­da Bu­jkál Ben­ned Va­la­mi

Die! Die! Die! Shang­hai /​/​ Wu­han
Stud Count Push
Metz Heaven's Gate
Whip­pets Spit
Oog Bo­go Cul­prit
Ra­re Spam Do You Want No-Wa­ve Or Do You Want No-Love

Ad­ded Di­men­si­ons Sel­ec­ti­ve Me­mo­ry
Woo­len Men Why Do Par­ties Have To End?
Green/​Blue Worry
The Drin Reach Th­rough the Mid­night
Your Pest Band Every Arith­me­tic
Mi­int Sob­re­do­sis De Benadryl

Verspannungskassette #42 (C-60)

Sick Thoughts Ho­le In The Wall
Bart and the Brats Con­stant Non­sen­se
Mo­ral Pa­nic Big Fi­sh
Is­ma­tic Gu­ru Mil­li­me­ter
Big Screen Pat Sa­gat
C.P.R. Doll Big DNA 2030
Pat and the Pis­sers Blind Au­to­no­my
Dis­co­very Pre­scrip­ti­on
Shiv­ved Just The Sa­me
Lea­king Head Left 2 Rot

Church­goers Left Blind
Cold Brats Cli-Check-Ma­te
Maz­mor­ra Fin Del Mun­do
DOR Cinz­as
Krul Moon
Los Darks Te Echo Hu­mildad
Ex­po­se Mo­ti­ve
Flash Sen­ten­cia­do
Me­mo PST Pigs RV
Frust­wut Frust­wut

Coded Mar­king Imo­va­ne
Ita­lia 90 Mag­da­le­ne
To­tal Luck Ram­ble
Pu­blic Plea­su­re Shel­ley Duvall's Ci­ga­ret­te Ash
Die! Die! Die! Smel­ter
Soft Should­er Not Roll­mop, Sa­tay, nor Kor­ma

The She­a­ves Sa­tu­ra­ti­on In­duc­tion
No Knuck­le I Just Want A Pie­ce
Fake In­di­ans What goes on
S.U.G.A.R. He­art­brea­k­er
Mo Tro­per I’m The King of Rock ‘n Roll

Verspannungskassette #41 (C-74)

R.M.F.C. Ac­cess
Dogs­not­Gods Dead Zo­ne
Night­man Night­man
Pla­ti­num Crack! Go To Work
Fi­ve Bucks Back Home
Sex Mex Big Jo­ke
Nubot555 Bur­ning the Shell
Oyo La­mo­tri­gi­na 0
Re­pul­si­on Switch Pla­ga
The Gobs Tuf­fer Than You
Coke Asi­an Hard On
Osees A Foul Form

Cur­leys We Say No
Fe­ral Un­der Pres­su­re
Re­po Man I Don't Think So
Gel Men­tal Sta­tic
Speck The So­cial
Tooth Paint Post Of­fice
Zhoop On The Road
The Chats Out On The Street
Gluer Pum­ping the Iron
Clamm Ca­re
Ex­white Vic­tims

Ers­te Hil­fe Back­stein­haus
Mo­no­ne­ga­ti­ves Se­cond Self
Freak Ge­nes Mat­ter Will Mo­ve
Thy­ro­ids Ex­ces­siv­ley Im­pres­si­ve
Gol­lo Fun­cio­na­rio
Big Scout BLN
Life­guard I Know I Know
Stran­ded (Get in the) #van­li­fe
Mar­ga­ri­tas Po­dri­das No Quie­ro ser Mad­re

Other Half Slump
Ma­ri­lyn Ma­ria Wat­ching Ame­ri­ca
Iso­la­ti­on In­ten­ti­on
Fi­la­tu­re Dans not­re ville
Qitsch Flower Boy
Cri­sis Par­ty Exist
Li­quid Nails Day­light Again
TV Cult Ou­bli­et­te

Verspannungskassette #40 (C-60)

Klint Heat Wa­ve
OD-EX What Co­mes Next
Reck­less Ran­dy Crack of the whip
Spam Lo Ver­dade­ro Es Lo Que Puedo, Lo Fal­so Lo Que Quie­re
De­ebeat Ra­mo­ne Against It
Clut­te­red Grot­to Flea Bi­tes
Li­quid Lunch Big Re­su­me
Bln­di Ca­be­za
The Carp The Old Way

Bil­liam Cur­rent World
The Ho­ney­bu­ckets Re­make Re­mo­del Re­build De­s­troy
Hell-Gata Xxxxxx
Knice Kni­fe
Re­tur­ners #1
Grout Fa­mi­li­al
De­ge­ne­ra­ted Jerks Face to Face
Sub Space I Walk The De­vil

Rub­bing Fa­ti­gue Fa­ti­gue
No Hu­mans Two Sto­machs
Girls In Syn­the­sis Watch Wi­th Mo­ther
Eyes and Flys Emp­ty Safe
Glaas The Moon
The Khats Two Cats
Bo­de­ga Everybody's Sad

Big Town Dia­lo­gue
Chon­cy Six Months
The Pits Shoul­da Coul­da
Gla­zer Chan­nel Mas­ter
Me You Us Them Fight or Flight
Gui­tar Dou­ble Down

Verspannungskassette #39 (C-90)

Mus­tard De­gra­do­li
Sick Thoughts Mo­ther, I Love Sa­tan
Chai­ned Bliss Drift­er
Doe St The Old Guard
The Uglies Py­ra­mid
Mum­bler Che­cking Out
Zhoop Sun­ri­se Spli­ce
Scat­ter­brai­niac Th­ree Fin­gers Poin­ting Back To You
Gri­pe Tor­res
Re­flex Per­spec­ti­ve
Estru­me Fa­ti­ga
Black Dog Ab­so­lu­te Dis­as­ter
Bans­hee Scream La­dy De­ath An­gel

Se­le­ne Del­ga­do Cock Ca­ge
SPAD Lo­tion For Ma­ni­pu­la­tor
G.R.O.S.S. Car­bon
Bad Bree­ding De­ath March
Trenchraid In­hu­man Sys­tem
The Dum­pies Kin­da Weird
Snif­fa­ny & The Nits Chi­cken Li­ver
Hys­te­ric Po­le­mix The Co­lor Of Pri­vi­le­ge And Fra­gi­li­ty
Ra!d Never En­ding La­by­rinth
TV Cult Vi­deo­dro­me
Dus­ters Last Ones Stan­ding
Ma­ría en Dro­gas La Es­ce­na Es­tá Muer­ta

Night Ba­bes Ant­ler in Ant­ler
Off Peak Ar­son Vi­vid
Ba­be Re­port Mal­ort is My She­p­herd
Mul­ti­cult Ex­tra Spe­ri­cal View
Le­mon­grab Air­bor­ne
MIT Wa­ke in Fright
Emp­tyz Com­mer­cial Mu­sic
Klint De­mi­li­ta­ri­zed Wheat Si­los - De­n­a­zi­fied Sun­flower Oil
T.L.B.M. Pho­ne Keys Wal­let Weed
Al Pa­ci­nos Sis­ter Da­vid
Re­pul­si­on Switch Fla­vors

¡MIAU! (Tan fe­liz) Hab­lan­do con­mi­go mis­mo
Gee Tee Stuck Down
Oog Bo­go Cuckoo
TJ Ca­bot Away
Po­di­um Una Co­raza
Corp­se­paint Bloa­ted
Doms Im­pul­se Re­ac­tion
Tuff Bluff Pop­pies
Out­ta­con­trol­ler Li­mit And A Si­tua­ti­on
Split Sys­tem De­mo­li­ti­on

Verspannungskassette #38 (C-60)

Di­on Luna­don It's the Truth
Pis­se Re­gel­stu­di­en­zeit
Mo­no­ne­ga­ti­ves Ro­le Re­ver­sal
Spa­si HTCM in Block Ci­ty
Dad­gad Snap Your Fin­gers
Cool Sorcery Cand­le
Self Im­pro­ve­ment Cras­hing
Bri­an Di­se­a­se Bri­an Di­se­a­sed
De­ebeat Ra­mo­ne De­ebeat Ra­mo­ne

Te­ne­ment Rats Crime Pays
Mouth­parts Gam­mon Soup
Me­at Wa­ve Ri­di­cu­lous Car
Djinn To­mor­row Is To­day
Zhoop Ac­tions
Deck In Love Wi­th Mas­sa­ge
Zoo Joie's Song
God2 Es­ca­la­te
B.E.A.S.T. Temp­le of Per­verts

Die Far­ce Die Veb 3d
Girls In Syn­the­sis By­pas­sing
TV Dust So­lu­ti­on
Car­ni­vor­ous Bells The Lad­der
Germ House Stack­ing Mista­kes
Go­lomb Un­ex­pec­ted Ne­ga­ti­ve Force

Vin­ta­ge Crop The Bloo­dy War
Hur­ry Up What's Your Na­me
Mar­tha My He­art is a Drum­mer
No-Heads Con­cre­te & Steel
Hea­lees Smas­hing Co­lors

Verspannungskassette #37 (C-60)

Black Li­zard Kill­fi­re
Pha­seli­cker Make De­af
Te­le­sa­tan I Am Weak
Aca­de­my Or­der Vic­tu­als
Pi­ge­on Per­ma­net Quest
Cult Ob­jects Sea Foam
Soft Should­er Old Kinds of Kicks

Am­bu­lanz Fa­mi­ly
O.R.C Don­key
The Black Gloves Pro­to­tem­pla­te
Las­sie On­kel Ma­ik
Doc Flip­pers Ter­ri­ble II
Li­thics Na­tu­re Ob­ser­va­ti­on Po­em

The Clue Pa­na­so­nic
Clut­te­red Grot­to Na­sal Spray
3D & The Ho­lo­grams VR Exe­cu­ti­on
Nohz­dy­ve Sweet Dreams
Dumps­ter Rats Ra­bid
Klint Brahm­sea
Snoo­per Town To­pic
Fried E/​M Life­style Creep
Exxxon Con­no­co
An­droid Not By Faith But By Sight

S.H.I.T. The War On You
Scab Breath Gi­ve Me My Gun Back
OK Sa­tán Looks Li­ke Shit
Brund­le Dial To­ne
The Exe­cu­ted Shock Sta­te
Graw­li­xes Fa­tal Wan­king
The Uglies Wish My Life Was Mo­vie
Life Forms Com­plex
Green/​Blue Away

Verspannungskassette #36 (C-90)

Kat Haus Pla­s­tic Brat
Nasty Par­ty I Can't Stand The Ra­dio
Fen Fen In­sect
Cr­na Žuč Iz­gaže­na Bu­duć­nost
Gonk Cro­co­di­le Socks
Bil­liam Num­ber 19 Pan­ca­ke Par­lor Spe­cial
Scab Breath I'm Right, You're Wrong
Sis­te­ma De Entre­ten­imi­en­to Su Cuer­po Es­tá A Pun­to De Ex­plo­tar
Bel­ly Jel­ly In­ter­net to Cu­ba
Brund­le Lost
Clut­te­red Grot­to Cy­ber­ne­tic
Glut­ama­te Bed Bugs
Welt Star Welt Star

Dis­as­ter Ar­tist Egg­man
Be­ta Má­xi­mo Bus­co Co­ra­zo­nes
Pla­ti­num Crack! Fuck The IRS
Flexï Pla­s­tic Bag
Glue­man Shit Is Beat
Big Break Hap­py Bank Ho­li­day
Spo­dee Boy Ne­on Lights
Mi­t­raille Don't Be­long
Te­ta­nus Win­ner
Wood­stock '99 Pick­led Drunk Dri­ver
Pri­mal Brain Eat The Street
Slo­gan Boy Fi­sh In A Bag
The Wilful Boys Ain't No Feeb­le Bas­tard
Poi­son Ruïn Not To­day, Not To­mor­row

Con­di­ti­ons Ap­p­ly An­gry All the Time
Bos­que Ro­jo Rom­per el cer­co
Fuck Mo­ney He­art Throb
Rip Room Flaw in the Lo­gic
Lost Le­gi­on The Game
Mc­Q­Qeen Weekend Ex­or­cism
Syn­dro­me 81 Les Der­niers Jours
The Missed Lis­ten Clo­se
Ma­la Vis­ta Re­le­ga­ted Lo­ver

Con­di­ti­ons Ap­p­ly An­gry All the Time
Bos­que Ro­jo Rom­per el cer­co
Fuck Mo­ney He­art Throb
Rip Room Flaw in the Lo­gic
Lost Le­gi­on The Game
Mc­Q­Qeen Weekend Ex­or­cism
Syn­dro­me 81 Les Der­niers Jours
The Missed Lis­ten Clo­se
Ma­la Vis­ta Re­le­ga­ted Lo­ver

Verspannungskassette #35 (C-90)

Ghost Beef 2023
Spread Joy Spa Sche­du­le
Scab Breath Snif­fing Glue
Check­point Gra­ve­dig­ger
Li­on Coun­try Fer­ra­ri Cow­boy Hat
Die TV Con­so­nants
Sex Mex Elec­tric Chair
Pri­son Af­fair Big Bot­tom Ba­by
La­mic­tal Doc­tor Says
Gluer I Lost…
Or­ren­do Su­bot­nik Stop­pa
Ju­dy and the Jerks Bu­ford
Zhoop TMNT
Ever­yo­ne Is Alo­ne So­me­ti­mes I Am A Field Of Be­ans
Re­mo­te Con­trol Ever­yo­ne Is The Sa­me

Do­go­lo­ko Tus Ami­gos
Porn­s­cars Blur­ring The Li­nes
Cri­sis Man Po­li­ce In­ju­s­ti­ce
Cuir Pre­nons De La Dro­gue
Bil­liam Cli­ve
Con­Sec Quit or Die
Ma­nic Ri­de Never Go­ing Back
Warthog Ter­restri­al Pro­gress
Ste­ri­le Mind Turns To Ash
Di­all Drought
Pyrex Touch
No­Touch How Ma­ny?
Cli­nic Split
Sword­brea­k­er Fu­rious Char­ge

Ner­vous Trig­gers Beach Co­ma
The Dan­ger­men Wrong Train Home
Skid Ci­ty Dou­ble Deuce
Big Cream Shop­ping List
Mal­flo­ra Can
Ex Par­ents Di­se­a­se Ma­gnet
Bul­let Brains Mr. Cru­ci­fix
Li­mi­nal The House Par­ty
Bull­shit De­tec­tor They Ha­te Us
Feed Caf­feine Freak

Cos­mit Cost of Breathing
Mat­ty Grace I'm Si­de­ways
Night Court Shit­ty Con­fi­den­ti­al
Mick Trou­ble A Was­ted Light
Fa­mous Logs in Histo­ry All Fu­ture Lu­xe
Mi­ra­cle Debt Lur­king Toward
.avi Ga­fas ro­sas
Gy­ra­te Over & Over
L' ap­pel Du Vi­de De­li­ri­um

Verspannungskassette #34 (C-60)

Klint Dance
CC and the Hairy Area I'm an Em­path
Fe­ral Cy­cle
Bo­zo C.S.I.
Snoo­per Xe­rox
Pres­su­re Pin Su­per­fi­ci­al Fea­ture
The Vor­tex V2SK
Go­ril­la Knif­e­fight See You In Hell
Djinn Evil Dead

The Lo­sers Stab­bed In The Back
Ar­mor On The Clock
Pri­mi­ti­ve Fuck­ing Bal­lers Su­s­pi­cious Exis­tence
Vi­dro Vå­gor­nas Svall
Die In Vain Bas­ka Bir Yer Yok
Red Ga­ze Fri­gid Zo­ne
Gri­pe (Es­tás) Ba­jo Con­trol
Sal­ted Wounds Got Your Back
Car­rie Fast Food

Peace De Ré­sis­tance Ma­ni­fest De­sti­ny
The Re­al Dis­trac­tions Beach Men
The Blinds El­se­whe­re
Bo­de­ga Thrown
Warm Exit T.V
Beige Ban­quet What Is Go­ing On?

Gad Whip Nost­al­gic For Ho­pe
Straw Man Ar­my Un­der­land
Off Peak Ar­son Clo­sed Curta­ins
Qua­ker Wed­ding The Kit­chen Flo­or
The Haz­mats Emp­ty Rooms