Wie un­schwer zu er­ken­nen ist kommt die­ses al­ter­tüm­li­che Tech-Ar­te­fakt aus Ja­pan-II 60 und wur­de in den bren­nen­den CrO2-Ab­grün­den des Mt. Fu­ji be­dop­pel­schich­tet. Das Mix­tape saugt, bit­te nicht an­hö­ren.

Wa­ter Tre­at­ment So­lid Sta­te Re­lay
Bil­liam Jen­ny De­s­troys Re­cords
Da­dar Fail­ure
Why Bo­ther? (I'm) Co­ming Apart
The Stron­gest Tool I Want My Hot­walls!
Ca­ta­stro­phic Dance En­sem­ble Sad Ma­chi­ne
Toe­heads Wan­na Be Alo­ne
Neu­ro­ty­pi­cals Sweet Li­ly
Palán­ta A Dög
Hu­man Out­fit Un­tit­led

Thought Con­trol Step On The Spi­ne
Gut­ter Oil Was­te Of Space
Big Kiss Cow­boy Shiz­nit
Head­cheese Big Plans
Pa­ra­si­tic Twins Dr. Doom
Pro­blem Cra­zy
Djinn Eyes Open
Mi­ra­ge Mon­do Tras­pa­ren­te
Pad­ka­ros­da Bu­jkál Ben­ned Va­la­mi

Die! Die! Die! Shang­hai /​/​ Wu­han
Stud Count Push
Metz Heaven's Gate
Whip­pets Spit
Oog Bo­go Cul­prit
Ra­re Spam Do You Want No-Wa­ve Or Do You Want No-Love

Ad­ded Di­men­si­ons Sel­ec­ti­ve Me­mo­ry
Woo­len Men Why Do Par­ties Have To End?
Green/​Blue Worry
The Drin Reach Th­rough the Mid­night
Your Pest Band Every Arith­me­tic
Mi­int Sob­re­do­sis De Benadryl