Ea­sers Kom­pa­ny Kar
Cryin' Hand Do­pest Cut
Elec­tric Prawns 2 I Quit
Ca­ve De­co Catch It
Squeeze USA Unf­or­gi­veable
Gu­i­mauve Sa­le Con
Strait­ja­cket Bey­ond Re­pair
Klint Exis­tence
Kat Haus Big Dog
Doms Daw­si­bus

WWW Co­man­do­lo­ide
Plea­sants Take­out Din­ner
Se­cret Agent Head­cheese Spin­nin Out
Com­bat Tri­bes Mark Of The Be­ast
The Dirts Men­tal Pro­blem
No Hea­ler Good Times
Phil & The Ti­les He­alth /​ Bo­dy
Gen Pop Rat Sa­les­man
Ru­de Te­le­vi­si­on Al­go­rithm Mas­ter
Class Left in the Sink

Lux De­cay Psy­chic Mir­ror
D.B.R. No Joy
Li­iek Moor
Hot Chicks Bedbugs
Snoo­per Sub­di­vi­si­on
Ham­me­red Hulls Need­le­point Ti­ger

Not­hing­heads 3000 Ye­ars in Show­busi­ness
Love Not Nails Spea­king (When Your're Spo­ken To)
The Bad Plug My Job
Mam­bo Kids Ro­to­la Giu
Ing­ra­tes I Don't Ca­re
Los Re­fres­cos Mi Se­cre­to