Verspannungskassette #13

Verspannungskassette #12

Vor­aus­sicht­lich mei­ne letz­te gu­te Tat in die­sem su­per­tol­len Jahr der Freu­de und des Fort­schritts. An­fang Ja­nu­ar star­te ich ei­nen neu­en Ver­such, die­ses Blog mit ein biss­chen mehr Re­gel­mä­ßig­keit zu wup­pen. In der Zwi­schen­zeit gön­ne ich mei­nen Kno­chen et­was Schlaf und mei­nem Kopf et­was The­ra­pie. Wir hö­ren uns im Ja­nu­ar wie­der!

Ich hab jetzt mal die je­wei­li­gen Band­camp-Sei­ten ver­linkt (klickt auf die Song­ti­tel). Wenn ihr es euch al­so ge­ra­de leis­ten könnt, dann zieht es doch in Be­tracht, die Bands und Künst­ler et­was we­ni­ger plei­te zu ma­chen, okay?

Sei­te A


Ja­son Henn A Straigh­ter Li­ne (Bal­lad of JPHS)
The Re­so­nars My Fog
Sk­ink Tank Isn't It Nice?
Zo­ids Black Ho­le
Snoo­per Mi­cro­be
Bil­liam I Need A Ro­bot
De­part­ment Tech­ni­ci­ans On­line
Sta­tic Sta­tic We Are of the Night
Si­li­con He­art­beat Ato­mic Ex­pe­ri­ments For Boys
Smirk Do You?
FILI Vol­com
Chro­no­pha­ge Tal­king An­droid
Zom­be­a­ches Ko­so­vo
Po­di­um Pó­di­um
Roll­trep­pe Misch­ma­schi­ne
Ner­vous Tick And The Zip­per Lips The Fee­ling Is Al­right
Sex Dri­ve Un­con­trol
Ri­chard Ro­se On the Bridge
TV Freaks Sou­ve­nir
Ter­mi­na­ti­on Cold Dead Blood

Sei­te B


Pro­to Idi­ot That Is Not a Good Idea
The Un­ders Ohio!
X-Nipp­les Loser's Bar
S!ck Trade
Le­ben­den To­ten Eat the Life
C-Krit The Kids Will Have Their Say Pt. II
Ond Tro Herfra/​Hertil
PeZ Vir­tue Si­gnals
In­nu­en­do Fin­ding De­ath
Fu­gi­ti­ve Bubble Sil­ver Spoon
Poi­son Joy Vul­tures
A/​Lpaca Korov'ev
Cruel­house Good Old Days
Sci­ence Man Bra­zi­li­an Nap­kins
Crack­ups Train­sta­ti­on
Pri­zed Pig Mista­ke
Nut­ri­ti­on Fai­led Sa­tyr
Jah Hell Lo­sing Steam
Sa­ta­nic To­gas Tools For Fools
The Dirts Ze­ro Boy
The Spits Kop Kar
The Swea­tys Mar­ried To The Li­me­light
Erik Ner­vous Mo­ti­va­ti­on
Ci­vic Ra­di­ant Eye

Verspannungskassette #11 (C-60)

Sei­te A


True Sons Of Thun­der Kil­lin’ It
Speed Plans Brick Wall
Gim­mick Chalk­board
Re­al Peo­p­le Psy­chic War /​ The Hol­ly­wood Gimp
Sep­tic Yanks Hu­man Cur­ren­cy
G.S.B. Some­bo­dy Li­ke Me
Gnarles Man­son Feel Nut­hin
The Frea­k­ees Per­fect Hair
Pri­mal Brain Pri­mal Brain
Rat-Nip Age Out
Hist­ami­ne Pa­ra­no­id
Grout Fa­ded
Metz No Ce­i­ling
Stran­ge­light Ad­jus­ta­ble Ra­te
Ka­lei­do­scope Vol­un­teer Ar­mies
The Un­fit Pills

Sei­te B


Peace De Ré­sis­tance Pi­ckin' on a Scab in L.A.
Smarts In­di­vi­dua­li­ty
Dis­co Junk Prin­ter Jam
Wild Joe I've Got Wild Joe Vi­si­on
Milt Pro­cras­ti­na­tor
Gen Pop Han­ging Drum
The Ce­le­to­ids Light Beam
Ar­me­da­li­te Rif­les All That Make­up
Dumb Punts Get Up
Mr. Teenage Was­te Of Time
Star Par­ty All I Re­al­ly Wan­na Do
Wi­cket­kee­per The Si­de
Safe­ty Net John­ny Who­le­so­me
Su­per-X Turn To Black

Verspannungskassette #10 (C-60)

Sei­te A


Schiach Feiawea
Vor­lon An­gel Re­ven­ge
Gn­ar­ly Du­de Sex
Pri­son Af­fair Ent­re Bar­ro­tes
Coll­ec­ti­ve Hard­core Ra­dio Pi­ra­cy
Li­quid Face Lo­bo­to­my
Cher­ry Cheeks Over It
Ali­en No­se­job On­ce Mo­re 1984
Print Head Make A Day
Mo­dern Needs Pro­jec­tor
Sa­la­mi­re­cor­der She will kill me
Bil­liam An­gry, Short, Song
Dr. Sure’s Unu­su­al Prac­ti­ce Blood Mun­ny
Ben­ni Hea­vy Me­tals

Sei­te B


USA Nails Tem­po­ra­ry Home
Lip Vio­lent Na­tu­re
Joy Dir­ty
Warm Red De­ca­des Of Break­fast
Straw Man Ar­my Op­ti­on Des­pair
Al­ga­ra Mie­do A Per­der
Class Tou­rist Cho­ke
REVV Rou­ti­ne
K. H. Mirth Long Lost Fri­end
Ke­ro­se­ne Kream Hu­man Man
Gar­ba­ge Dis­po­sal Uni­on Kerouac’s Last Pint
Cheap Me­at Ages
Last Quok­ka Peo­p­le
Stiff Ri­chards Glass

Verspannungskassette #9 (C-90)

Sei­te A


Shame Al­pha­bet
Ray Gun Sean­ce
Ran­cher Head Crash
Black­lis­ters White Pia­no
Shif­ting Spud­gasm
Wax Chat­tels Yo­ko­ha­ma
Girls In Syn­the­sis Pres­su­re
TOL Col­lapsing
Wort­lis Quo­zo Это Не Я
Chainshot Vic­tim Soul
GAG Mad Dog
Laun­dry Boys Mus­tard Mons­ter
True Sons Of Thun­der Toob Sock
Chi­co Per­ro Es­tamos Me­jor Que Nun­ca
Other Half Trance Sta­te
Ro­lex Stripes
Lan­dow­ner Be­ing Told You’re Wrong
Re­mo­te Con­trol Sub­ject
Ok Sa­tán It Is To­day (Be­lie­ve It)
Yam­me­rer Boa Con­stric­tor
The Ar­chae­as Rea­li­ty Com­man­der

Sei­te B


Bran­dy (Wish You Was) Mad­ball Ba­by
Speed Week Phis­hing
Mo­th Work
Iso­to­pe Soap The Hap­piest Kid on Earth
Erik Ner­vous Toil Is Stu­pid
Di­gi­tal Lea­ther Com­pass
I Am The Fly Axolotl
Tor Wi­fi Head
Di­ode To­mo­thy
Bor­ky!! Post Punk
Pro­vo Ih­ml
Es­ca­re On­ly Li­ves
Neo Ne­os Big Chin
Ru­ben Ri­ley Dead Man's Ro­cket
Ex-White My Love, The Rock
Gee Tee Mu­tant World
Sin­kin' Fee­lings Gim­me The Look
Sa­ta­nic To­gas Hit #69
Va­guess Mask of Va­ni­ty
Si­li­co­ne Va­lues Nu­clear Sun
To­ner Un­der the Gun

Verspannungskassette #8 (C-90)

Sei­te A


F.E.I.D.L. Fünf Fin­ger Ra­batt
Bat Math Nobody's
Ba­sic Shapes Wolf in Sheep's Clot­hing
Bob­by Funk I'm a Cat
Rea­li­ty Group Hard Man
Ba­by Ty­ler Needz
CB Ra­dio Gor­ge­ous The De­vil
Vin­ta­ge Crop Ten­si­on
R.M.F.C. Rea­der
No Fix Vicious Cy­cle
Mi­ni Skirt Gi­ve It Up
Pu­blic Eye I Might Go
Si­li­co­ne Va­lues I Ha­te Fa­scist Rock And Roll
Ja­cuz­zi Boys Of­fen­ded
Play­boy Man­ba­by I Wish My Brain Was a Com­pu­ter
To­ny Dork Ton­gue Tied
The Meanies Drow­ning Tower
The Re­so­nars A Smi­le and a Pro­mi­se
Boo­gie Board Sta­ti­on

Sei­te B


Power­plant A Spi­ne
Erik Ner­vous Li­ving In The Woods
Cher­ry Cheeks Wa­ke Up
Tom­my and the Com­mies Im­pul­se Ac­tion
Ner­vous Tick and the Zip­per Lips Don’t Know Whe­re To Go
ISS Too Punk For Hea­vy Me­tal
Psy­chic Gra­vey­ard Hair­brush Mouth
Su­per Se­ni­or Too Much Te­qui­la
Eu­gh Don’t Trust Har­ry
Dee Bee Rich Loook
Dum­my On My Back
Ghoulies Un­pack Your Bags
The Li­qui­da­tors Mar­ried To Your Mind
Si­li­co­ne Prai­rie Ozone Day
Shark Toys Fu­ture
Tau­lard Fo­mo
Sweet Re­a­per Fas­ter Ge­ta­way
The Year­ners Red Au­ra
Va­guess Fen­ces
Germ House Blunt Ob­jects

Verspannungskassette #7 (C-60)

Sei­te A


Cells - Ur­ban Mu­tants Med­ley
Goog­le - Men­tal Cas­tra­ti­on
A.I. - Ro­py
CTRL Group - G.I.G.O.
Sa­b­ré - Com­pli­ca­ti­ons
Fi­nal War - Use­l­ess Sacri­fice
Tower 7 - (Ftp) Hol­low Veins
Fuck­ing - Wa­ter­board
Ho­ly War - Vio­lent Thirst
Ko­bra - No Fu­tu­ro
Si­al - Ta­ri Pe­mus­nah Kua­sa
Cut­ters - Ro­bo Debt Blues
Gim­mick - Car­ton of Sto­ges
C.H.E.W. - Noi­se Squa­re
Poi­son Ruïn - Fog of War
Cool Jerks - The Butcher's Apron
Oi­ly Boys - Heat Harm­o­ny

Sei­te B


Ce­ment Shoes - Smas­hed On Glass
Ohmns - Tom­my Kno­ckers
Fu­ture - Draw To A Clo­se
Zen­o­morph - White­board
Sci­ence Man feat. Ner­vous Tick - Load-Bea­ring Card­board
Syl­vie S - Song 2
Kit­chen Peo­p­le - Hun­ger Pains
Li­quids - 11 AM
TJ Ca­bot & Thee Ar­ti­fi­ci­al Re­jects - What's In It
Li­quid As­sets - Stain
Pa­ra­noi­se - In­flu­en­za In­fluen­cer
Ha­mer - All The Time
Blood Bags - Get in, Get Out
Im­po­ten­tie - Stil­le Re­bel­len
Mas­ke - Ver­sof­fe­ne Träu­me

Verspannungskassette #6

Sei­te A


USA Nails - New Life
Glen Schen­au - Jh­um­ble
Sa­lem Tri­als - Head On Rong
Flat Worms - Terms of Vi­sua­liza­ti­on
The Cow­boy - El Po­ño
Shepp­ar­ton Air­plane - What It's Worth
Tom Lyng­coln - Trust Fun
Metz - Acid
Heads. - Push You out to Sea
Macros - Sal­mon Shorts
Uk Gold - Off Du­ty Nuns
Brain Bagz - Hot Cree­pers
Needs - Fee­ding the Me­so­lim­bic Do­pa­mi­ne Re­ward Cir­cuit
Help - 2053

Sei­te B


Aus - Am Puls der Zeit
He­alth Plan - Food Grief
De­S­truc­tos - The Sight
Know­so - Fu­cker Such As You
Li­iek - One Two
Li­thics - Beat Fall
Nag - Po­la­ri­ze
Clock Of Time - Rot­ten Mas­ter
Per­ma­nent Coll­ec­tion - West Co­ast Fe­ver
Pro­tom­ar­tyr - Mi­chi­gan Ham­mers
Scot­ti­brains - Aris­to­rats
Keith Ival - Litt­le Boy
Gum Coun­try - So­me­whe­re

Zwei Mischkassetten

Zwi­schen­zeit­lich hab ich mir doch tat­säch­lich ein­ge­re­det, ich könn­te mei­nen teils Um­zugs-, teils Pro­kras­ti­na­ti­ons­be­ding­ten Blog­rück­stand ein­fach so auf­ho­len. Nun ja, so 'ne Über­ra­schung: Wird nicht pas­sie­ren. Statt­des­sen muss halt das Kas­set­ten­deck mal wie­der lau­fen. Hier sind 150 Mi­nu­ten Ge­döns nach der 12­XU-Ein­heits­for­mel. Au­ßer­dem neu in der C-60 Ab­tei­lung: Neue Kas­set­ten! Und mit neu mei­ne ich wirk­lich neu her­ge­stellt. Kei­ne Alt­be­stän­de (die schei­nen eh lang­sam auf­ge­braucht…) in neu­en Ge­häu­sen. Aus Frank­reich kommt das gu­te Zeug und ba­siert auf 'nem Re­zept aus dem al­tem BASF-Koch­buch. So muss das!

Verspannungskassette #04 (Type 1 Covid-90)

Seite A

Dead Cells Bell
Li­iek Dy­na­mi­te
Ra­dio Sect Doc­tor
Sec­ta­ri­an Bloom Go­ne
Con­stant In­sult Va­can­ci­es
Co-ed Tren­ches
Spam Risk Aka­na­me
Melk­bel­ly Mr. Co­da
Home Coun­ties Re­de­ve­lo­p­ment
Prac­ti­ce Wi­fe The Good Guys Al­ways Win
Tos­ser Bent Out
Stuck Plank I
Sho­ve No Th­rough Road
Jous­ting The God Estrus
Gouge Away Con­sider
Clamm Key­stone Pols
Ohmns De­ce Bece Cre­ce

Seite B

The Cow­boy Do Your Best
Hank Wood and the Ham­mer­heads Look at You
Bed­wet­ters An­ony­mous High Stran­gen­ess
The Worms Da­ve is Dead
Nuts Psy­cho­the­ra­py
Neu­trals Hitler's In The Charts Again
Jack­son Reid Briggs & The Hea­ters Knock It Down
Va­guess Strip Mall Sa­vi­or
Dumb Doc­tors Pro­zac Rock
Per­so­na­li­ty Cult Sharp Ed­ges
Da­ten­ight I Ha­te This Game
Ab­or­ted Tor­toi­se Vio­lent Con­su­mers
The Mark Vod­ka Group You've Got to Split
Hea­vy Lar­ry Use It Or Lo­se It
P.R.N.D.L. Taffy The Welsh­man
R.M.F.C. Worker
Les Pos­ters Agree To Dis­agree
Mi­cro­doser Kil­ling Time
The Chats Iden­ti­ty Theft
The Fur Coats Dew­claws to the Dawn
Kal­le Hy­gien Ab­so­lu­te Bom­ber
Shrink­wrap Kil­lers Sto­len Elec­tro­nics To Sho­ve Up Your Ass
Dit­ches Did We Try
Cuir Syn­th­punk At­ti­tu­de
The G.V.B. Youth

Verspannungskassette #04 (Type 1 Covid-60)

Seite A

Man-ea­ters Foreplay/​Lessons on Love (for the Re­cent­ly Mu­ta­ted)
Re­peat Of­fen­der Con Job
Shit Blimp Hey Man
Laun­cher John­ny Thun­ders Me­mo­ri­al Ser­vice /​/​ Jack­pot
Li­quid As­sets Mutt
Chu­pa Ca­bra Vio­lent Ur­ges
Moron's Mo­rons Ra­te Your Te­a­cher
Terms Of En­de­ar­ment I Saw A Ghost
Psy­kik Vy­lence 3
An­ti­bo­dies Ever­y­bo­dy Fuck­in Ha­tes Me
BIB Boi­ling Point
Pis­se Drau­ßen Zu­hau­se
Das Drip Se­cond Gues­ses
Iso­to­pe Soap New World Bo­re­dom
The Vio­lent Thing Slow Leak
AR-15 Fleece
Fre­on Cri­sis Ab­or­ted
Dis­co­very Not­hing
Cold Feet Not Again
Hot­mom Hell Is for the Chris­ti­ans
Ad­de­rall Worm (Us)

Seite B

P22 End­ling Cho­rus For The Ter­min­arch
Do­nors Al­ways So­me­ti­mes Never
Vi­dro Sveri­ge Brin­ner
The Mons­ters I'm a Stran­ger to Me
Li­po­suc­tion Gig Eco­no­my
Freaks A Small Amount of Ec­sta­cy
Grim­ly Forming Street Dea­ler
S.H.I.T. Era­ser III
Sa­b­ré 100 Ye­ars
Smut Cum In­si­de
Laf­fing Gas Sa­me Cy­cle
Li­quids Dumb As Fuck
Fried e/​M Mo­dern World
Mo­dern Needs In­ver­te­bra­te
Dee Bee Rich Com­fort
Re­se­arch Re­ac­tor Corp. Bo­dy Is A Bea­k­er
Set-Top Box Nor­mal Guy

Ein Arsch voll Mixtapes.

Brin­ging back the tape in mix­tape. Weil ich es über's Jahr nicht so wirk­lich auf die Rei­he be­kom­men hab, re­gel­mä­ßi­gen Nach­schub an Misch­kas­set­ten zu lie­fern, gibt's da­für kurz vor Jah­res­en­de gleich drei auf ein­mal. Eins mit ty­pi­scher Kost nach 12­XU-Norm. Ein flau­schi­ges Power­pop-Tape. Und als pas­sen­des Ge­gen­gift noch ein sehr kratz­bürs­ti­ges Ex­em­plar, dem du bes­ser nicht blöd kommst. Dann kann ich für die­ses Jahr we­nigs­tens sa­gen: vier hab ich ge­schafft.

Verspannungskassette #2 (C-90)

Sei­te A

(FLAC via


Pro­to Idi­ot - Sit Back, Re­lax, En­joy
Neu­trals - I Can Do That
Hu­man Beat - Punc­tu­al Punks
Austeri­ty - Her­ded
Over­ti­me - De­hy­dra­ti­on
Ba­sic Hu­man - Shame
San­dré - Po­tu
Ku­mus­ta - Car
2 Stro­ke - Cri­sis, Cri­sis
Emer­gen­cy Cont­act - Buil­dings
Rank/​Xerox - Crad­le of Life
Spray Paint - Loo­king For Work
Big­pig - Eyes
Trash­dog - ADHDEMON
The Ni­co Mis­sile - Put It On The Ta­ble
Den­nis - Kni­ves
Cat Scan - Com­mo­di­ties
Ura­ni­um Club - Two Things At On­ce (Part 1)
The Cow­boy - Swim­ming wi­th the Fi­shies
Pist Idi­ots - Mo­tor Run­nin

Sei­te B

(FLAC via


Pe­n­an­ce Hall - Co­ver­ed In Shit
Nick Nor­mal - Win­dows Pain­ted Shut
Iso­la­ti­on - Shift
Mi­ni Skirt - Pret­ty
Pat­ti - Co­lor Kill
Ukry­te Za­le­ty Sys­temu - Swi­at Ma Ksz­talt
Lost Sys­tem - Sta­te Of Rea­li­ty
Gam­ma World - Mid­night Sni­per
Acrylics - Ha­ze
Ar­se - Pres­su­re Test
John (timestwo) - Dog Wal­ker
The Missed - Tel­lu­ri­an Mista­ke
Dee Bee Rich - Vo­mit
Pri­son Af­fair - Mas­tur­ba­ti­on
Crown Moul­ding - On The House
Ci­vic - Vel­vet Ca­si­no
B Boys - On Re­peat
Ex-Gold - Red Light
Ed­dy Cur­rent Sup­pres­si­on Ring - Hu­man Race

Entspannungskassette #1 (C-60)

Sei­te A

(FLAC via


Mick Trou­ble - He's Frank
Sob Sto­ries - Dan­ny Reed
Lost Bal­loons - Feed the Pain
Scup­per - Pass Me By
Opos­sums - Pro­mi­ses
Woo­len Men - Brick Ho­ri­zon
Le­gen­da­ry Wings - Wea­ther Ad­vi­so­ry
Bed Wet­tin' Bad Boys - Pla­s­tic Te­ars
Warm So­da - I Don't Wan­na Grow Up
Va­guess - A Long Time
Vi­tal Id­les - Se­conds
Chro­no­pha­ge - Wed­ding

Sei­te B

(FLAC via


The Re­so­nars - The Gol­den Age
Ali­en No­se­job - Peo­p­le Stairs
Chook Race - At Your Door
Seab­li­te - He­art Moun­tain
Omi Pa­lo­ne - Vo­id
The Love­birds - Streets of Ra­ge
The Per­si­an Le­aps - About Your Re­cord
Land­li­nes - Si­gns Of Life
EggS - I Fell In Love
Ra­dio­ac­ti­vi­ty - Sleep
Wire­heads - The Over­view Ef­fect

Verspannungskassette #3 (C-60)

Sei­te A (Rot)

(FLAC via


Neo­ty­pes - Ban­ned in Ham­mond (Live)
Ex­po­se - Mo­ti­ve
Ske­le­ton Glove - Gim­me Gim­me Cho­co­la­te
The Dorks - Sy­co­phant
(The) Li­quid As­sets (of Ot­ta­wa) - Mur­de­rer
Cells - My Gun
Ra­xil - Unknown Title
Mie­do - Bá­ja­te de tu nu­be.
Op­tic Ner­ve - Sni­per
Sick Head - Pis
Fos­ter Ca­re - Rack Brain
Dregs - Mar­fa Creep
Ubik - John Way­ne (is A Cow­boy (and Is On Twit­ter) )
Xe­nu & The The­tans - No Es Tu Cau­sa
Lux - Ac­tion
Warp - Sheet Ca­ke
Speed Plans - Hell House
Goon - Ain't Ri­te

Sei­te B (Schwarz)

(FLAC via


Fried e/​M - Un­tit­led 2
Dots - De­thro­ned
Big Hog - Big Hog
Rin­se - Pest Con­trol (song For Hell­strom)
Dry In­si­des - Dawn Of The Skull
Lead - The Bad Sleep Well
Glue - Dis­grace
Ali­en No­se­job - Bond Clean
The Uglies - To­ne De­af
Gut­ter Kni­fe - Ab­u­se of Power
Phy­si­que - The Rhythm Of Bru­ta­li­ty
Das Drip - Gym Rat
Temp­le Dogs - Ra­bies
Hwanza - 인간공장
Blue­print - Dis­gust
Ho­lo­gram - Si­mu­la­ti­on
Rat-Nip - NC
Ztu­ped - Th­re­at of De­ath
Con­so­la­ti­on - Head Down
An­nées Zé­ro - Rup­tu­re
Fuck­in' Lo­vers - Con­trol