Klint Heat Wa­ve
OD-EX What Co­mes Next
Reck­less Ran­dy Crack of the whip
Spam Lo Ver­dade­ro Es Lo Que Puedo, Lo Fal­so Lo Que Quie­re
De­ebeat Ra­mo­ne Against It
Clut­te­red Grot­to Flea Bi­tes
Li­quid Lunch Big Re­su­me
Bln­di Ca­be­za
The Carp The Old Way

Bil­liam Cur­rent World
The Ho­ney­bu­ckets Re­make Re­mo­del Re­build De­s­troy
Hell-Gata Xxxxxx
Knice Kni­fe
Re­tur­ners #1
Grout Fa­mi­li­al
De­ge­ne­ra­ted Jerks Face to Face
Sub Space I Walk The De­vil

Rub­bing Fa­ti­gue Fa­ti­gue
No Hu­mans Two Sto­machs
Girls In Syn­the­sis Watch Wi­th Mo­ther
Eyes and Flys Emp­ty Safe
Glaas The Moon
The Khats Two Cats
Bo­de­ga Everybody's Sad

Big Town Dia­lo­gue
Chon­cy Six Months
The Pits Shoul­da Coul­da
Gla­zer Chan­nel Mas­ter
Me You Us Them Fight or Flight
Gui­tar Dou­ble Down