Haunted Horses - Pig

The Worst Has Fi­nal­ly Hap­pened re­leas­es Ju­ly 29th via Three One G.

Sexual Jeremy - My First Rodeo

The Re­al Sex­u­al Je­re­my re­leas­es June 3rd via De­co­her­ence Records.

Damak - Waiting For The Rain

Cri­sis of Faith re­leas­es Au­gust 1st via Ak­lasan Records.

Sex Mex - Runaway

Live Sex Act re­leas­es June 17th.

Verspannungskassette #34 (C-60)

Klint Dance
CC and the Hairy Area I'm an Em­path
Fer­al Cy­cle
Bo­zo C.S.I.
Snoop­er Xe­rox
Pres­sure Pin Su­per­fi­cial Fea­ture
The Vor­tex V2SK
Go­ril­la Knife­fight See You In Hell
Djinn Evil Dead

The Losers Stabbed In The Back
Ar­mor On The Clock
Prim­i­tive Fuck­ing Ballers Sus­pi­cious Ex­is­tence
Vidro Vå­gor­nas Svall
Die In Vain Bas­ka Bir Yer Yok
Red Gaze Frigid Zone
Gripe (Es­tás) Ba­jo Con­trol
Salt­ed Wounds Got Your Back
Car­rie Fast Food

Peace De Ré­sis­tance Man­i­fest Des­tiny
The Re­al Dis­trac­tions Beach Men
The Blinds Else­where
Bode­ga Thrown
Warm Ex­it T.V
Beige Ban­quet What Is Go­ing On?

Gad Whip Nos­tal­gic For Hope
Straw Man Army Un­der­land
Off Peak Ar­son Closed Cur­tains
Quak­er Wed­ding The Kitchen Floor
The Haz­mats Emp­ty Rooms

The Blinds - Endless Fascination

This Mel­bourne group's 2017 de­but EP still res­onates with me as one of the most unique ex­pe­ri­ences in the garage-/post-/art punk spere of its time. Al­most five years hav­ing passed since then, it's no sur­prise their fol­low-up EP show­cas­es a some­what more stream­lined yet still am­bi­tious and sur­pris­ing grab-bag of songs which con­tin­ue to draw plen­ty of in­spi­ra­tion from both Chairs Miss­ing-era Wire and ear­ly, Syd Bar­rett-era Pink Floyd, this time lean­ing in heav­ier on the spaced-out post punk side of things, al­so sound­ing not quite un­like a more eleb­o­rate ver­sion of B-Boys or Go­tobeds. Then at their most melod­ic and straight­for­ward, Else­where is the kind of an­themic old­school in­die rock smash­er rarely en­coun­tered these days.

Al­bum-Stream →

Crisis Man - Asleep In America

An­oth­er pow­er­ful punch in the nuts from that Cal­i­for­nia su­per­group shar­ing mem­bers with the likes of Acrylics, Pub­lic Eye, Vi­o­lent Change and Cer­e­mo­ny. Here, they de­liv­er their most com­pact and vig­or­ous set of new tunes so far, hav­ing fine-tuned their for­mu­la of equal parts hard­core- and garage punk for max­i­mum im­pact, fus­ing the un­re­lent­ing force of Acrylics and Bad Breed­ing with the abra­sive garage qual­i­ties of, say… ear­ly Teenanger or Video.

Al­bum-Stream →

Remote Control - Everyone Is The Same

Re­mote Con­trol re­leas­es May 20th via Un­der Heat Records.

Billiam - Lunchbreak

8 Hours In Bil­liamville re­leas­es May 20th via Un­der Heat Records.

Display Homes - CCTV

What If You're Right & They're Wrong? re­leas­es Ju­ly 20th via Er­ste Theke Ton­träger.