CML - State Of Mind

The Dirty Tape re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 12th via Rot­ten Ap­ple.

Class - Cockney Rebel

Epoca de Los Va­que­ros re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 28th via Feel It Records.

Guimauve - Tedium Vitae

Guimauve re­leas­es No­vem­ber 10th.

EggS - How It Was Before

A Glit­ter Year re­leas­es No­vem­ber 4th via Howl­in Ba­nana Records.

Hog - My Heart Is A Hotline

Ready For The End re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 14th via Dust Up! Records.

Why Bother? - The Warning

There Are Such Things re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 14th.

Cave Deco - www​.​goblins​.​com

Get Out Of My Com­put­er re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 28th via Al­ready Dead Tapes and Records.

Private Lives - All the Queen's Men

Pri­vate Lives re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 11th via Feel It Records.

Maggot House - Creepnite

Creeps Unite re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 13th.

Man… or Astro-Man? - Distant Pulsar

Dis­tant Pul­sar re­leas­es De­cem­ber 1st via Chun­klet In­dus­tries.