Verspannungskassette #53 (C-60)

Elec­tric Prawns 2 Pen­i­ten­tiary
Pow­er Pants Hot­dog Hell
Snitsh Pitsh Mo­tion Feast
TTT-Tur­bo Chain$
Dadgad Nosleep
Itchy & The Nits Crabs
C.A.T.C.H. Out Of Breath
Gurk Sali­va Wa­ter­fall
Cosas Ile­gales Ven­tanas Ro­tas
AdamR Weirdo

Cy­mat­ics Mis­sion Mind Con­trol
Park­ing Lot Späti
3D & The Holo­grams Com­bat Boots
An­ti­botox An­ti­botox
Snarling Dogs En­e­my
Pos­er Con­trol Shrek 3
Elec­tric Chair Ob­sessed
Top Se­cret Sa­tan Bran­dish­ing
Cut­up Pow­er Steer­ing
Pig Earth Repro­bate

Dele­tions Da­ta Stream
N.E.0.N. Inc The Times Change The Prob­lems Don't
Telegenic Plea­sure Shal­low Hu­man Char­ac­ter­is­tics
Mononeg­a­tives Cro-Magnon
Spit­ting Im­age Turn Per­son
Ro­mance XYZ
Bor­zoi Rawhide Down (Shoot The Freak Pt. 2)
Die TV Ex­e­cu­tion
En­e­mic In­te­ri­or Les Om­bres

Bal­loon Thief Sodi­um City
Greg Wheel­er and the Poly Mall Cops Man­ic Fever
Chris Pal Rivers
Why Both­er? Hawk­ing Ra­di­a­tion
Met­al Gu­ru Man­ca L'aria
Air Vent Dweller Scram­bled
Gonk In My Head
Teenage Tom Pet­ties Posters

Verspannungskassette #52 (C-60)

Dan Mel­chior Band The Right In­flu­encer
Heavy Moth­er Fri­day Night (Black­out!)
Gee Tee Bad Egg
Teo Wise Ami­go
Toi­let Rats Sen­so­ry Over­load
Pringue Bi­cis Nece­si­ta
Heart­beeps Sick In Your Head
The Covids Bust To Bits
Muck C.F.B.
Killer The Bar

Obe­di­ent Black Out and Block
Axed Nev­er Goin Back
Il­lit­er­ates Chip Away
Spewed Brain No Sleep
Snoop­er Waste
Bart and the Brats Fake Bands
Anteater Dai­ly Fan­ta­sy
Pyr Ka­ta Voulisi Σκάβεις Τον Λάκκο Σου
Opsec Con­trolled De­liv­ery

O.R.C Dis­em­bow­eled At The Tav­ern
Home Front Re­al Eyes
Ubiq­ui­tous Meh! I Iden­ti­fied the Ufo
Emit­ter Small­er
Soft Shoul­der Door (Pass)
Af­ford­able Re­pay­ments Gills
Waste Man Changes

Dregs Lights Out
The Un­knowns Delet­ed
Scam Like­ly Star­ing at the Sun
Out­ta­con­troller Less Is More
Hinin Déjà mort
Litovsk Ceris­es Et Grenades
Be­ta Máx­i­mo. Hornos de ladrillo

Verspannungskassette #51 (C-90)

Mononeg­a­tives North Car­oli­na Atom­ic Bomb
Pow­er Pants Stinger
Dee­beat Ra­mone XO Tourlife
S.G.A.T.V. I Need You
Be­ta Máx­i­mo. Frag­men­ta­dos
Teo Wise Pos­i­tive
The Gobs Freeze My Prick
Big Fyg Is That Right? (Love pt. 2)
Klint Mad At My­self
Hick­ey Know It All
Au­to­bahns Full Of Dogs
Äd­wud Demons
Cel Ray At­ten­tion

In­tro­vert­er Lowlife
Wayne Pain and the Shit Stains Tits from the Shad­ows
Moron's Mo­rons Nightvi­sions
Civic Born In The Heat
Big Break Big Break
People's Tem­ple Jan­gling Tune
Hood Rats M-39
Leche Pre­mi­um Suf­frage
Bar­ri­cad­ed Sus­pects Ter­mi­nal Growth
Del­co Mf's Fu­ture World /​ Death Of Me
Con­tra Scuadron 731
Zorn The Spell of The Fairy Tree

Gr3yboy Ne­va Love
Neon Kit­tens Spine
Elek­trokohle Voll­mond
Larochs That's The Bag I'm In
Faux­Fun Room Clear­er
Cat­a­logue Kids Of The Black Hole
Chon­cy Run­ning
Or­ren­do Sub­ot­nik C'or con­tri­to

Sun­down­er Can­cer Wages
Fat Black Cats Area 51
Golomb 71
Op­er­ants The Shift
Spi­ral XP De­ja Vu
Scab Breath In The Sum­mer
PLRLS Burn For Me
Tek­sti-TV 666 Jef­frey

Verspannungskassette #50 (C-60)

Kalle Hy­gien & The Dog Pound The De­tester
Class Burn­ing Cash
Click­baiters Lousy Friend
Lucy & The Drill Holes In­ter­obang!
Spam Descartable
De­for­ma­tive Got­ta Get My Fix
Jean Mignon Cana­di­an Ex­it
Dross Night­mare World
Punter Cur­few Eter­nal
Fac­to­ry City Chil­dren Ob­sessed

Ro­mance Fast Car
Day Residue Piss Par­adise
Ro­tary Club Plan­et 67
Perp Walk Sus­cep­ti­ble Host
Clos­etalk­ers Cursed
Rat-Nip Schemer
Speed Plans Cleve­land
Spread Pos­i­tiv­i­ty and Die The Cor­ner Room
Geves/​גבס I'm Burning\אנ
Wakas! Iseng-Iseng Pem­bu­ka

Thee Khai Aehm My Spell
Pol­e­vaulter Con­tent
Pow­er­plant Brood­moth­er
Neon Kit­tens Bob & Ter­ri
Salem Tri­als Last Days of Eu­ropa
The Drin Walk so Far
Soft Shoul­der Sol­id Con­crete Ground

Ob­jec­tions Bet­ter Luck Next Time
Hot Ocean Tug­boat Willie
Tee Vee Re­pair­mann Bus Stop
Ming City Rock­ers Des­per­ate
Sex Dri­ve Work
Mov­ing Tar­gets Deca­dent Side

Verspannungskassette #49 (C-70)

Italia 90 Com­pe­ti­tion
Larochs Sea Crea­tures
Bzdet Husaria
John (Timest­wo) Theme New Bond Ju­nior
Nick G Bells
Sta­t­ic Means Pitch­forks

Pris­on­nier Du Temps Li­on En Cage
Chimers Gen­er­a­tor
Black But­ton Cor­rec­tion
Tet­nis Bal­lis­tics
Kudzu Dang Me
Zoids Ter­ror Vi­sion

Neon Kit­tens Frozen Peas
Prop­er­ty Dance Flaw
Dadgad Fuck You Up
Big Fyg Let­ters From Coop­er
Zhoop RIP
Gor­go­jo nph
Sirk­ka Hyvä Ehdokas
Dead City Grey­hound
Sim­u­la­tion Bod­ies
Straight Ar­rows Fast Prod­uct

Saucer­men Sick
Tricks De­ci­sions
Wayne Pain & The Shit Stains The Zoo
Jeffy & The Sunken Heads Barf Cars From Mars
Strange At­trac­tor Ba­by Je­sus Head
Qin­qs The Great White Won­der
Aminoacid­club Sirens & Horns
Liq­uids Head Hang Low
Tee Vee Re­pair­man Or­gan­ic Mould
Sil­i­cone Val­ues By­stander Ap­a­thy

Verspannungskassette #48 (C-90)

Smacko Mem­o­ry Man
Die TV Son­ny
Mon­ey Splits I gots a Headache
Cool Sor­cery Det­o­na­tion
Le Pil­grim Huit Dol­lars
Chi­nese Junk You Rat­tle My Cage
Black Boys On Moped Do I Love You (More Than A Piz­za)?
Sex Hater $1400 Throw
Badge Grab­ber Wet Night­mare
Go­ril­la Knife­fight Burn The In­ter­net
Djinn Dark­ness
Mind­less! Fight!
The Aches Tak­ing Over
Prim­i­tive Fuck­ing Ballers Drown Me
Bar­ri­cade Speed Lust

Safe­ty Zone Who else is there to help?
S.H.I.T. Haunt­ed
Fer­al Recluse
Toi­let Bug You Call That 'Liv­ing'?
Anteater Anteater Theme
Cheap Heat Sta­sis
Shaved Ape Lord
Clin­ic Again
pH Peo­ple I Rolled Wrong
ICD10 Taste the Void
Alien Birth Sounds of Work
Fu­ture Ul­ti­mate Suf­fer­ing
Witch Piss Hand of Glo­ry
Scab Breath Take It
Itch­es Strat­ego

Feed­ing Tube Any­where But Here
Beef D.N.A.
Seg­gs Tape Piti
Da­ta Un­known Cause 2 Prey
Jeffy & The Sunken Heads You Have A Big Dumb Stu­pid Dumb Face
Brody And The Grodies A Pe­nis Is The Lo­go (The Jun­gle Com­pa­ny)
Klint Guilty
Izm J'accuse
Ÿdeg …And Then They Said:
Nag Cri­sis Of Faith
Träume Ma­jak
MESH Pota­to Head

Co-op Life Ex­ten­sion
Bobo Feed­back
Lithics Course Of Time
Body House Mag­ic Bul­let
Gloop I Nev­er Re­al­ly Knew
Sad Roach $cam or Die
Chum Lord Phat
Elec­tric Prawns 2 Boys In A Band
Sex Mex Pills
Légumes Sex Lo­go
Di­a­b­los Inc. I Know Love One Day Comes
Equal Parts A Cri­sis

Verspannungskassette 47 (2xC-60)

Fuck, there's been way too much awe­some mu­sic late­ly so a C-90 wouldn't suf­fice and Verspan­nungskas­sette #47 has to be an­oth­er dou­ble fea­ture. Well it's al­most fuck­ing christ­mas time any­way so for the oc­ca­sion i'm pick­ing the finest sec­ond hand garbage tape out of my cas­sette dump and even pull out a NOS sealed BASF thingy… you get old­er, you need such lux­u­ry.
So let's get this shit over with, start­ing off with a spe­cial an­nounce­ment cour­te­sey of Klint that hope­ful­ly makes you wan­na lis­ten to 12XU Ra­dio as much as 12XU Ra­dio hope­ful­ly makes you wan­na lis­ten to Klint. All the rough­est shit is on side a. For your pre­scribed dose of garage punk go straight to side b. Noise rock and gloomy post punk to make you wan­na jump off a bridge on side c. Melod­ic punk and pow­er pop to re­store your san­i­ty on side d.

Klint 12xu Ra­dio
Drýsild­jö­full Hel­giathofn
Ruben Ri­ley Not The Sharpest Tool
Rolex Hey Sun­shine
Shake Chain Copy Me
Pow­er Flower Pow­er Flower Pow­er
Flea Col­lar Buttcrack Man
Shit­ty Life Out Of The Scheme
Sid Ear­gle Chud Ba­bies
Snorkel Half-Life
Dumb Idea D.H.Y.
Butcher's Laugh Men­tal Hy­giene Unit

Mem­o­ry Ward In Your Ear
Phan­tom Canker
Gam­ma Dress­ing
Z-Pak Ken Doll's Lament (Boy­hood)
Ex­al­tarist Vi­o­lent In­trud­er
An­ti-Ma­chine Too Many Eyes
Un­known Lib­er­ty Chil­dren
Vi­o­lin Be­trayed
No­hz Brief Lights, For­ev­er In Pain
Pis­sy Se­di­en­to
Spe­cial Branch Lethal Force

Last Quok­ka Eat The Rich
New Buck Biloxi Dark Star
Alien Nose Job Moldy Dough
Exwhite Ex­cess
Crime Waves No Rea­son 2 Live
No Brains Cer­ti­fied Mul­let
Hood Rats Won't Be A Vic­tim
Thee Deluxe Fad­ed

Spam Mi Amigx Pix­el
Teo Wise Mer­da x3
Ly­mes Wait­ing Im­pa­tient­ly
Nick Nor­mal Strange Notes
Gee Tee Find The Beat
Bust­ed Head Rack­et WYL2K?
Oyo La Lefa
Cap­tain Kazan Late 4 Work

Big Hog Coup de Gras
Red Mass Won­der Se­crets Of Health And Pros­per­i­ty (Ft. Slates)
Spi­ral Rash Au­tode­vour
Neon Kit­tens Plan­et
Rider/​Horse Great In­nings
Mis­ere Kon­trolle

Dead Mam­mals King Pink
Trig­ger Cut Land­lord
Can Kick­er Dis­as­so­ci­ate Now
Swal­low the Rat Oth­er Rooms
Gaffer So­cial
Plomb Bright Life

Kitchen's Floor Thir­ty-Five
Ze­ro Per­cent APR Mid­night
De­comisos La Toledana De­prisa, De­prisa
Víc­ti­ma Del Va­ci­amien­to We Don´t Get Along
Shux (I Don't Wan­na) In­door Toi­let
De­liv­ery Good
The Chis­el Keep it Sch­tum

Skl­i­tak­ling Stat­en
Postage Nos­tal­gia
Avions Fields Of Gold
Ri­fle Fas­cist Cops
Nasty Par­ty Mono­chro­mat­ic TV
Finnogun's Wake Lovers All
Mess Don't Look Back
Smirk Sou­venir

Verspannungskassette #46 (C-60)

Easers Kom­pa­ny Kar
Cryin' Hand Dopest Cut
Elec­tric Prawns 2 I Quit
Cave De­co Catch It
Squeeze USA Un­for­give­able
Guimauve Sale Con
Strait­jack­et Be­yond Re­pair
Klint Ex­is­tence
Kat Haus Big Dog
Doms Dawsi­bus

WWW Co­man­doloide
Pleas­ants Take­out Din­ner
Se­cret Agent Head­cheese Spin­nin Out
Com­bat Tribes Mark Of The Beast
The Dirts Men­tal Prob­lem
No Heal­er Good Times
Phil & The Tiles Health /​ Body
Gen Pop Rat Sales­man
Rude Tele­vi­sion Al­go­rithm Mas­ter
Class Left in the Sink

Lux De­cay Psy­chic Mir­ror
D.B.R. No Joy
Li­iek Moor
Hot Chicks Bed­bugs
Snoop­er Sub­di­vi­sion
Ham­mered Hulls Needle­point Tiger

Noth­ing­heads 3000 Years in Show­busi­ness
Love Not Nails Speak­ing (When Your're Spo­ken To)
The Bad Plug My Job
Mam­bo Kids Ro­to­la Giu
In­grates I Don't Care
Los Re­fres­cos Mi Se­cre­to

Verspannungskassette #45 (C-60)

Fen Fen Bad Taste
Gloop Tur­pen­tine Eye
Near­ly Dead Greg's Fix
Ar­se Go Hard
Met­rics Men­tal­verse
C.M.L. Trust You
Brain Bag Punch­ing Bag Brain

Ra­di­a­tion Risks Damned as Dirt
Red Rot Deac­ces­sion
Pi­geon Core
Con­stant Cold War In­trud­er
Hævn­er Glas­bur
La URSS Más al­lá del fu­turo
Stuck Do Not Re­ply

Damak Pen­du­lum
Hank Wood and the Ham­mer Heads You Could Have It
Dogsnot­Gods On­ly Us
Todd Killings And The Con­tracts Pri­vate Eye
Beam Mor­tis
Ben­zin Krise
Munchkin Head Pub­lic En­e­my
Raut Hack
Elec­tric Prawns 2 Raw Prawn Gravy

Cool Sor­cery Let Go
Nov LT Daniel John­ston on Love Is­land
Hägöl Sick
Sprgrs Bag­suck­er
Dee­beat Ra­mone Dis­sem­bler
Ghoulies Space Rats
TJ Cabot J.A.G. Turned Me In­to A Mu­tant
Daugh­ter Bat and the Lip Stings Ham­ma why@
Sil­ver Bi­planes Songs That Don't Ex­ist

Verspannungskassette #44 (C-90)

Mononeg­a­tives Kill Mono
Die TV Sticks Around
The Wolf­man­hat­tan Project Count­down Love
Kerosene Kream Mind Killer
Roo Stafford An­swer­ing Ma­chine
In De Nadfin Rock 'n' Nasty
Sil­i­con Heart­beat Bored To Death
Mag­got House Take a Bite
Met­dog When I Look Around
Nurse Joy Al­pha Gal
Cher­ry Cheeks ACAB
Bil­liam Sick Of Be­ing Haunt­ed
Game Set Match Free Liv­ing

The Stools Fas­cist Cu­pid
Triple Lutz R.I.D.
Toe­heads Painkiller
Cru­el­house Slan­der Yr­self
Cold Com­fort Go Long
Sutros Gravesit­ter
Back­hand Your House And Mine
Fuck­Fuck­Fuck Bad Habits
Dis­ci­plina Lim­i­tar Nun­ca Es­tu­viste Y Nun­ca Vas A Es­tar (2ª Parte)
Meal Serve For­ev­er
Fen Fen Je­sus Freak
Split Sys­tem It Ain't You

Egg Id­iot Nose War­riors
Hog My Heart Is A Hot­line
Rodo­den­drons Hunger
Po­lute Stoned Rid­er
Zikin Kakatzan atra­p­a­ta
To­tal Sham Kill Me Be­fore
Go­ril­la Knife­fight Id­ioc­ra­cy
Dump­ster Rats Witch’s Brew
Shove Death Ad­min Ma­chine
Hot­mom Ding Dang Mu­sic!
Girls In Syn­the­sis To­tal Con­trol

Meat Wave What Would You Like Me to Do
Kill Your Boyfriend The Man in Black
Pri­vate Lives Head/​Body
D.B.R. Fight
Lounge Tourist Es­una
Mag­ic Shoppe A Star Turns Blue
Alu­minum Red & Gold
Wet­nap Strick­land
Sweet Teeth Too Good
Michael Beach Out in a Burn­ing Al­ley