Easy Browns Frog Bit
Dream­cast Night­mare Cat and Mouse
Mon­ey Splits I Don't Wan­na Be Tiny
Bil­liam Kinks Pan­ic At­tack
Pow­er Pants F.T.G
Be­ta Máx­i­mo. De­seos In­duci­dos
Todd Briefly Maps
Saucer­men Blitzkrieg Cop
Cy­borg 1-12 Tar­get Earth
Klint Bac­teri­um
Prison Af­fair Es­crí­be­lo con san­gre
Beer Amour Fou
Vergüen­za Aaa

The Stools Bad Eye Bob
Puffer Iron Hand
The Gov­ern­ment Fight the Tide
Lysol Padded Cell
De­stroy All Gon­do­las Death By Ham­burg­er
Gū­tara Kyō Re­volv­ing Hell
Glass Prax­is In­no­cence
Go­ril­la Men We're Not Stu­pid
Im­ploders De­te­ri­o­rat­ing World
Weak Pulse Chain Jail
Their Waste Can Be Of Use Here
Hot Earth Breed­ing An­oth­er Dis­ease
Spi­der Bite Splat­ter Test

Mr. Shrimp Fan­cy Car
The Toads Na­tion­alsville
So­ci­ety Neo
Thee Khai Aehm Hall
Hell­co Alarm Clock Hell
¿Watch­es? Oys­ter in a Box
Noth­ing­heads Beam En­gine
Bo Gritz Chopped
Ko­ri­dor Keno­taf
Man­tarochen Porzel­lan
Per­fect Ac­tress Dream

Trop­i­cana Cono­co
Bughunt Clean­ing With Fire
Spleen Sans Es­poir
Mo­tor­bike Off I Sped
Pri­ors Sep­a­ra­tion Anx­i­ety
The Chives Pleas­ant Val­ley Sun­day
The Waste­men The Painter
The Mary Veils Nice and Easy
The Mis­an­thropes All Is New
Th Da Freak Say Say