Optic Sink - A Face In The Crowd

A Face In The Crowd 7" er­scheint ir­gend­wann nächs­tes Jahr auf Space­ca­se Re­cords.

Off Peak Arson - Vivid

Lifeguard - I Know I Know

Crowd Can Talk er­scheint am 5. Au­gust auf Born Yes­ter­day Re­cords.

Other Half - Marxist Mark

Ne­ga­ti­ve Me­a­su­res + Other Half Split 7" er­scheint am 19. Au­gust auf Venn Re­cords.

Podium - Una Coraza

Verspannungskassette #38 (C-60)

Di­on Luna­don It's the Truth
Pis­se Re­gel­stu­di­en­zeit
Mo­no­ne­ga­ti­ves Ro­le Re­ver­sal
Spa­si HTCM in Block Ci­ty
Dad­gad Snap Your Fin­gers
Cool Sorcery Cand­le
Self Im­pro­ve­ment Cras­hing
Bri­an Di­se­a­se Bri­an Di­se­a­sed
De­ebeat Ra­mo­ne De­ebeat Ra­mo­ne

Te­ne­ment Rats Crime Pays
Mouth­parts Gam­mon Soup
Me­at Wa­ve Ri­di­cu­lous Car
Djinn To­mor­row Is To­day
Zhoop Ac­tions
Deck In Love Wi­th Mas­sa­ge
Zoo Joie's Song
God2 Es­ca­la­te
B.E.A.S.T. Temp­le of Per­verts

Die Far­ce Die Veb 3d
Girls In Syn­the­sis By­pas­sing
TV Dust So­lu­ti­on
Car­ni­vor­ous Bells The Lad­der
Germ House Stack­ing Mista­kes
Go­lomb Un­ex­pec­ted Ne­ga­ti­ve Force

Vin­ta­ge Crop The Bloo­dy War
Hur­ry Up What's Your Na­me
Mar­tha My He­art is a Drum­mer
No-Heads Con­cre­te & Steel
Hea­lees Smas­hing Co­lors

Curleys - What I Like

Cur­leys er­scheint am 9. Sep­tem­ber auf To­tal Punk Re­cords.

Me You Us Them - Humilitarian

Sound Con­firms er­scheint am 29. Ju­li.