Verspannungskassette #63 (C-60)

They Had So Ma­ny Names Ghosts & Girls
Su­per­fri­ends Im­postor Syn­dro­me
Sprgrs Es­cuchar
Завірюга Дай Рецепт
Sex Mex New Girl
Power Pants Spi­der-Man Un­der­wear
Bil­liam Lea­ther Pep­per
Dunk­le Stras­sen Die Ver­deck­ten Er­mitt­ler
Blue Dol­phin Do­ci­le Jan­net­te

The Lo­sers Hand-Ma­de Coff­in
Con­sen­sus Mad­ness Mad­ness
Ach­ter­licht Blind
Com­man­do Désa­bu­sé
Ec­to­plasm Dis­gu­i­sed
Ro­te Coug­hing On The Sys­tem
To­tal Na­da Cuer­pos
Me­at Shirt Bur­ning Bil­der­berg

Klint Be­fo­re New Dawn
Kal­te Hand Stra­fe
Con­stant Cold War Dwel­ler
Col­la­te Num­bers
The Bo­zo Big Shit Gar­ba­ge Band You're Gon­na Make Me Ill
Flat Worms Time Warp in Exi­le

Diz­zy Da­ze Slug
Pam­ple­mousse Der­ry, Maine
Plea­ser Full Col­lap­se
Phan­tom Bay Air­tight
Red Dons Dead Sounds
Pa­le An­gels I'm a Boar
Da­ten­ight Sin­ce She Bought A Car

Verspannungskassette #62 (C-90)

Le­thal Wea­pon Big Pos
Sur­ge Tos­sed Asi­de
Ge­eked Freak Ci­ty
V.D. (I Wan­na) Psy­cho­tic Break
Ci­ca­da Self Pu­ri­fi­ca­ti­on
Slant De­jec­ted
Hez Ni­ños Ma­los
Wet Spe­ci­mens Cur­sed Ethic
Colony·drop 戦争屋の幽霊
Dogs of Eter­ni­ty Cos­mic Geno­ci­de
Re­dac­ted How You Feel
Ne­ga­ti­ve World Sta­tus Ob­so­le­te
Re­jekts Pa­ra­no­id

Ins­a­ne Ur­ge No Sen­se
Sweepers This Dir­ty House
Ab­or­ted Tor­toi­se Mal­prac­ti­ce
De­ebeat Ra­mo­ne Beat The Beat­les
Ghoulies Self-Help
Sprgrs Mi­ckey Mou­se Me Ha Mor­di­do
Ho­sti­le Blitz All Will Pe­ri­sh
Bag­hed Big Ol' Ego
Daugh­ter Bat & The Lip Stings Mi­lo The Dog
Dir­ty Ass Mas­tur­ba­si Pem­bang­kang De­lu­sio­nal
Sa­ta­nic To­gas Di­gi­tal Word
Theee Re­tail Simps Jum­pin Jack Off
Vir­von Var­von Voices

Te­le­kri­men Him­no a la ban­da
Bil­liam Out On Me­di­ca­ti­on
Завірюга Змія У Штанях
Osees Goon
Crying Lo­ser Wet Grip
Ed­ging Fear Cow­boy
Nur­se Joy Com­for­ta­ble
Hev­rat Ha'Hashmal שוק על ירך (Shin on Thigh)
Cor­ker H.E.

Gas Kunst 101.4
The Pre­sent Age Cut Twice
Mother's Milk Omi­nous Crea­tu­re
Tu­be Al­loys Com­pu­ter Love Again
Gym To­nic Play Dead
Vin­ta­ge Crop Spring­time
Ka­tar­si Her­i­das
SGATV Brain, Not OK

Verspannungskassette #61 (C-60)

Pa­blo X Mo­rons
New Buck Bil­o­xi I Ha­te The Queen
Den­nis Co­metti Lo­cked Out
The Jim­mys Ro­mance Scam­mer
Was­ted Den­im Rats and Freaks
Li­ce­Trays Blood Loss
Bal­loon Thief Mind Ea­se
X-Nipp­les San Gennaro's Blood
ALF Road Ra­ge
WWW Rea­li­dad Vir­tu­al

Iso­to­pe Soap Ho­ney Man
Bad An­xie­ty Com­mit­ting Cri­mes
The Dud Uglys Sta­ring At The End
Ank­le Grab­ber Pa­ra­di­se On Pau­se
Piss Shi­vers Eyes Off You
Re­ti­re­ment De­ath Sen­tence
G.U.N. A Prisoner's Ta­le
Dispö­sal Pain­ted Crut­ches
Drý­sild­jöfull Kolsv­ar­tar Tun­gur

Eye Of The Cor­mo­rant Rag War­fa­re
The Hand Safer Now?
Beef Qui­ckie
Nasty World The Mer­cy Of The Law
Die Pa­niks Cow­boy Time
Lohn der Angst Lohn der Angst
Tricks Turn Around
Gol­den Grease As­sis­ted Li­ving

The Wind Ups Cof­fee Cup
Lo­tha­rio Miss­ing Per­son
Witch Piss Grow Mold Die Old
M.O.T.O. Blast Of Si­lence
Noi­se Vio­la­ti­ons Love To Feel Good
Jugg­ler Lán­goló Világ
Mi­ra­cle Debt Goth Pha­se

Verspannungskassette #60 (C-60)

V.D. I've Got My Sights On You
Woo­len Men Spoi­led
Si­li­co­ne Prai­rie Vic­to­ri­an Fla­me
Fa­mous Mammals Li­ke A Shadow
Bil­liam Freak Li­ne
Power Pants Flys On My Face
Pe­que­ño Vic­tor Ce­re­b­ro de Ge­la­ti­na
Power­plant Beau­tiful Boy
Lan­dow­ner Thou­sands of Ye­ars in Fast For­ward

Me­dia Puz­zle Keen Street
Be­ta Ma­xi­mo Straight Egg
Neo Ne­os Clock­work
Häu­ser Al­right
X-Ac­to You Sli­ced Up My Wi­fe
Tex­tu­re Freq Gra­ni­te Head
El My­rons Not A Good Mo­de
Ce­re­al Glyphs Shadow Slaw

Swee­ping Pro­mi­ses Throw of the Di­ce
Me­al Cpt Ti­ger
Lon­gings Ex­pen­si­ve Gra­ves
Life­guard 17-18 Love­song
Atol Atol Atol Atol Atol Atol

Sei Se­ga In­ad­ap­ta­dos
Lo­tha­rio Drunk Fuck
Si­li­co­ne Va­lues Dis­posable Mu­sic
Crab­ber Less End­less
Split Sys­tem Alo­ne Again

Verspannungskassette #59 (C-60)

Rub­ber Blan­ket Peace Plan
Wet Slap The Time Is Now
New Coke I'm So Bo­red Wi­th You
Cy­borg 1-12 Mal­func­tio­ning Brain
Mid­gee Park Bench
Gurk Green Fin­gers
Syn­the­tic Sur­faces Cat Car
Bus­ted Head Ra­cket Mass De­ba­ting
IZM Cel­lar Door
Night Punch So­me­thing
Peel Se­ra­pah Ba­nal (Ft. Jus­uf Rach)

JJ and the A’s Show Me
The Cir­cu­la­tors Ge­ne­ra­ti­on Next
Cruels­ter Be­la­rus Wi­th My Ba­by
Pa­pa Li­ma 0800
Foil Tied Down
Ex Par­ents Pres­ser
De­sti­ny Bond Worlds Un­seen
To­tal Sham Pa­ris
Zoo­man Foul Me­at
Slo­gut­is Bed So­re
War­lock Corp­se в этом мире ты чужой

Lost Packa­ges Free­ze Time Chan­nel
Muell Kun­de
Rwe­tes Nie Wy­pa­da
66cl Ca­bal­le­ro
Ti­müt Disco's Dead
Warp Cream of the Crop
Fun­cle Dun­cle It's Okay to….
Piss Me Off Ste­al My Suns­hi­ne
1001 Re­habs Ra­mon Or No Na­me

Bart and the Brats Boi­ler
Fe­ver Gle­a­ming Dues Paid
Wire­heads 1000 Red Ve­no­mous Sna­kes
Ta­xi Girls Suns­hi­ne
Wrist­watch Head
Po­gy & Les Ke­fars Dé­lu­ge
Da­ten­ight Whe­re The Flowers Grow
Me­tal Gu­ru Suite No1, Ep1, Sen­tir­si inu­tile
Par­do­ner Are You Free To­night?

Verspannungskassette #58 (C-90)

Ea­sy Browns Frog Bit
Dream­cast Night­ma­re Cat and Mou­se
Mo­ney Splits I Don't Wan­na Be Ti­ny
Bil­liam Kinks Pa­nic At­tack
Power Pants F.T.G
Be­ta Má­xi­mo. De­se­os In­du­ci­dos
Todd Brief­ly Maps
Sau­cer­men Blitz­krieg Cop
Cy­borg 1-12 Tar­get Earth
Klint Bac­te­ri­um
Pri­son Af­fair Escrí­be­lo con sang­re
Beer Amour Fou
Ver­güen­za Aaa

The Stools Bad Eye Bob
Puf­fer Iron Hand
The Go­vern­ment Fight the Ti­de
Ly­s­ol Pad­ded Cell
De­s­troy All Gon­do­las De­ath By Ham­bur­ger
Gū­ta­ra Kyō Re­vol­ving Hell
Glass Pra­xis In­no­cence
Go­ril­la Men We're Not Stu­pid
Im­plo­ders De­te­rio­ra­ting World
Weak Pul­se Chain Ja­il
Their Was­te Can Be Of Use He­re
Hot Earth Bree­ding An­o­ther Di­se­a­se
Spi­der Bi­te Splat­ter Test

Mr. Shrimp Fan­cy Car
The Toads Na­tio­nals­ville
So­cie­ty Neo
Thee Khai Aehm Hall
Hell­co Alarm Clock Hell
¿Wat­ches? Oys­ter in a Box
Not­hing­heads Beam En­gi­ne
Bo Gritz Chop­ped
Ko­ri­dor Keno­taf
Man­ta­ro­chen Por­zel­lan
Per­fect Ac­tress Dream

Tro­pi­ca­na Co­no­co
Bughunt Clea­ning Wi­th Fire
Spleen Sans Es­poir
Mo­tor­bike Off I Sped
Pri­o­rs Se­pa­ra­ti­on An­xie­ty
The Chi­ves Plea­sant Val­ley Sun­day
The Was­te­men The Pain­ter
The Ma­ry Veils Nice and Ea­sy
The Mis­an­thro­pes All Is New
Th Da Freak Say Say

Verspannungskassette #57 (C-60)

Op­tic Sink A Face In The Crowd
Clar­ko Stif­led
Pay­pho­nes No Ch­an­ge
Cam­my Cau­tious and the Wrest­lers Crit­ter
Klint Should Have Run
Joust Blue Star Tat­too
White Col­lar Pe­di­gree
Re­pul­si­on Switch Cua­der­no
Ran­som Re­flec­tion

An­ti-Ma­chi­ne Se­cret­ly Drin­king
Ea­sy Tar­gets Cult
Love­bi­te Rig­ged
Dust Coll­ec­tor Scal­pel Life
Curb Alert Pest
BBQT Dan­ge­rous Da­me
The Lee Ma­jors Crash This Ci­ty
Bad/​/​Dreems Black Mon­day
Shrink­wrap Kil­lers Per­fect Sperm for Sa­le

Yu­ve­es Pen­ny Farm
Stuck Time Out
TV Cult Party's Over
As­tio Ca­sa Pri­gio­ne
Glaas May­be I Should Lea­ve Neu­kölln
Nag Pool Rooms

Sand­re Ka­ta­li­na
Guar­di­an Sin­gles Night­ma­re Town
Psy­chic Baths This Bet­ter Be Im­portant
Or­gans An­he­do­nia
Can­ned Sna­kes Chop­pe Shop­pe
Les Lul­lies Der­nier Soir

Verspannungskassette #56 (C-60)

Germ House Top­ping The Heap
Ste­phen J. Den­ning What's Up
Scoo­ter Jay Co­lum­bus In Space
Reck­less & The Men­ace F.S 88
Bil­liam The Last Gre­at Ame­ri­can Syn­th Punk Haul
Power Pants Crush
Moar Bur­ning Face Bush Ho­le
Nov LT Mu­sic School
Chan­nel 83 Wheel of Time
Bo­ne Sti­mu­la­tor Keep Your Eye On The Ball
The Hell What a Laugh

The Cut-Ups No Con­trol
Ex­ci­ted To Die Black­out
Graw­li­xes Thic­k­ly Sett­led
Del­co MF's Wa­shed Up
En­fants Sau­va­ges Ven­in Ostie
The Wirms Spa­de Coo­ley
Lafff Box Re­start The Pro­gram
Dez Dare Un­can­ny Ve­lo­ci­ty
Ex­white Workless Shit
Jug & the Bugs Bo­dy De­gra­de

Rot­ten Mind Point­less Love
Girls In Syn­the­sis I Know No Other Way
Pyrex Cool Te­le­vi­si­on
Soft­s­witch Ju­pi­ter Ma­chi­ne
Fan­tas­ma Fu­tu­ro Em Su­as Cos­tas
Brick Head Bad Egg
Drag­net Maths Test

The Out-Sect No Mo­re Lies
The Wind-Ups Le Beau Te­tard Sur Son Ci­ga­re
Neu­trals Sub­sti­tu­te Te­a­cher
Glas Nost The Boot
Bad Crime Hang
De­cent Cri­mi­nal Time
Sta­tu­es Dead of Sum­mer

Verspannungskassette #55 (C-60)

Mo­no­ne­ga­ti­ves Re­placeable Ana­to­my
Du­ring Ho­lo­Lens
Met­dog Screen Time
Ad­he­si­ve Con­cre­te Ba­by
Ca­the­dra­le In­nit
Ple­xi Stad Mo­dern Li­quid
Oyo Ta­za
Bil­liam Low Tes­to­ste­ro­ne
Ali­en No­se­job S&M La­dy

Mö­ney El Es­te
Cof­fee Stain Va­lid Ra­ge
C57BL/​6 Red Dawn
Ide­ade­ath Wired
Mock Exe­cu­ti­on Re­bels Wi­t­hout A Cau­se
Re­jekts Badge
Ne­cron 9 Zit
Gn­ar­can OD

Me­mo­ry Chain Frac­tu­red
Dis­play Ho­mes Pro­of Read
Warm Girls Moon­sick (Claire's Song)
Soft Should­er Cu­rious­ly Co­ar­se
Yu­ve­es Big Dig
Mar­ga­ri­tas Po­dri­das Fi­losa

An­gus­ti­as Cru­do
Op­tic Ner­ve Pen­dant
Shop Talk Camp Hero
He­arts Apart You're All Around
Faul­ty Co­gni­ti­ons Las Cruces
TV Par­ty Bag Of 5 Marbles

Verspannungskassette #54 (C-90)

Max Ca­pa­ci­ty Blue Wa­ter
Bo­dy Main­ten­an­ce Time En­ough
Dr Sure's Unu­su­al Prac­ti­ce Out­side Loo­king In
Pu­blic In­te­rest Re­si­due
Glit­te­ring In­sects Ob­scu­re World Af­ter De­ath
Liz­zards Free­zing Cold
Lo­ins Be­ans
Chi­mers Turn On The Lights
Eu­nix The Fault
Hair­net Com­pul­si­ve Clea­ner
Ad­vo­ids 1-O

TJ Ca­bot Past Dis­crepan­ci­es
JJ & The A's Show Me
Ba­by Ty­ler Tree in the Road
Ad­dict Brain I Feel Fi­ne
Las­so Te­ci­do So­cial
Sci­ence Man Gi­ve to the Pla­gue
No Üni­form Mark Of The Be­ast
Ca­lu­frax Stone­henge
Dart Night­ma­re
Poi­son Ruïn Re­sur­rec­tion II

Te­le­he­alth Idi­ot Pro­of (nO SoUp Du JoUr)
Mo­no­ne­ga­ti­ves Te­le­vi­si­on Fu­n­e­ral
The Bad Plug Blind Love
Da­ta Unknown Is The­re So­meone Out The­re?
Es Swal­lo­wed Who­le
Bus­ted Head Ra­cket Clow­ning
Gurk Iden­ti­ty Cri­sis
Go­blin Day­ca­re In Harm's Way
Cor­pus Earth­ling Dear Ayl­mer
Split Sys­tem Bul­let

The Chi­ne­se Mud­men Hits From The Bong
Reiz Kau­schie­ne
Ho­mic­i­de Idols Young, Sick And Pissed
Pay­pho­nes Mind Con­trol
Ta­phy Li­mou­si­ne
Sex Mex We'll Be Go­ne
Pur­ling Hiss Yer All In My Dreams
Paint Fu­mes Start­ing Over
Surf Fri­ends Si­gnal On
Be­ta Má­xi­mo Ba­te­ría Cos­tei­ra J-4