V.D. I've Got My Sights On You
Woo­len Men Spoi­led
Si­li­co­ne Prai­rie Vic­to­ri­an Fla­me
Fa­mous Mammals Li­ke A Shadow
Bil­liam Freak Li­ne
Power Pants Flys On My Face
Pe­que­ño Vic­tor Ce­re­b­ro de Ge­la­ti­na
Power­plant Beau­tiful Boy
Lan­dow­ner Thou­sands of Ye­ars in Fast For­ward

Me­dia Puz­zle Keen Street
Be­ta Ma­xi­mo Straight Egg
Neo Ne­os Clock­work
Häu­ser Al­right
X-Ac­to You Sli­ced Up My Wi­fe
Tex­tu­re Freq Gra­ni­te Head
El My­rons Not A Good Mo­de
Ce­re­al Glyphs Shadow Slaw

Swee­ping Pro­mi­ses Throw of the Di­ce
Me­al Cpt Ti­ger
Lon­gings Ex­pen­si­ve Gra­ves
Life­guard 17-18 Love­song
Atol Atol Atol Atol Atol Atol

Sei Se­ga In­ad­ap­ta­dos
Lo­tha­rio Drunk Fuck
Si­li­co­ne Va­lues Dis­posable Mu­sic
Crab­ber Less End­less
Split Sys­tem Alo­ne Again