Verspannungskassette #73 (C-60)

Fac­to­ids As­so­cia­ti­on
Wes­ley & The Boys Beep Bop Beep Boop Bop
Pau­lo Vicious Acorda Be­bê 2
Gurk Me And My Fri­end
Bus­ted Head Ra­cket Bu­ried Ali­ve
Klint Some­bo­dy Cut Out My Brain
The De­ath Sen­tence The De­ath Sen­tence
Obe­dient About to Snap
Wood­stock 99 Hot­ter than a Half-Fu­cked Fox in a Fo­rest Fire
Brain Squeeze Hu­man Pa­ra­si­tes
Top Dol­lar Free
Cru­ci­form Not My Own
Glue­man Vi­si­ons Of De­ath
To­tal Sham An­ti Ever­y­thing
Chum Lord R.M.F.C.
Li­quid Lunch Dan's in Trou­ble (Mist­le­toe Blues)
Bil­liam Whe­re Is Jack­son Reid Briggs?

Lea­ves The Lad­der
Con­ti­nu­als Careful & For­gi­ving
Stuck Deep Tun­nel
Hev­rat Ha'Hashmal Mer­cu­ry In Re­tro­gra­de
Puss An­ger Pro­to­col
Dårs­kap Ge­g­room Beg
Os­bo Se­cu­ri­ty
Dog Date F Bomb
Jeffy & The Sun­ken Heads Bar­rel Th­rough The Con­s­truc­tion Zo­ne
Tra­gic Car­pet Scared To De­ath
Hood Rats Let's Break the Law
Cuir La ville aux 5 ports
Be­ta Má­xi­mo. Tra­ga al­mas
Teen Li­ne Pick A La­ne
Faul­ty Co­gni­ti­ons Sad Sack

Verspannungskassette #72 (C-60)

Vi­su­al Lear­ner Bul­let­pro­of
The Dogs Kha­zi
Ly­s­ol Pad­ded Cell
Del­ta 8 Stay Down
The Ce­le­bri­ties Crack­in Un­der Pres­su­re
Dad­gad Rok De­mo 2
Go­blin Day­ca­re Boss Man
Awful Com­po­si­te
Shrudd Skin
El­mos Fi­sh Bowl
Groind Ce­ci­lia

Bo­zo­ne Bur­ner Kil­ler
No Brains To­xic Boo­gers
Fen Fen Kill Your Par­ents
Head­clea­ner May­be It's Ra­bies
D.Sablu Scan­da­lous
Z-Pak Benchwar­mer
Ci­ca­da Self Pu­ri­fi­ca­ti­on
Gloat Rai­se The Li­ving
Youth In Asia Slave Fa­mi­ly
Rui­ned Vir­tue Ca­ter­pil­lar
Val­ta­ty­h­jiö Viil­to Ker­ral­la­an

Why Bo­ther? Never the Ma­chi­ne
Elec­tric Prawns 2 I'm Hoo­ked
Smirk Bad Be­ha­vi­or
A Place To Bu­ry Stran­gers Cha­sing Co­lors
Ke­ro­zi­ne Li­ving In A Night­ma­re
VR Sex Re­al Doll Time

Marb­led Eye All The Pie­ces
Mol­bo Gull­gå­sa
X-Nipp­les Di­s­ap­pear
Cha­os OK Flowe­ring
The Sca­ners R.O.B.O.T.
Uni­corn Fart Su­gar Nood­les

Verspannungskassette #71 (C-90)

Die TV Blow
Phil & The Ti­les Not To­day
No Hea­ler New York
Ura­ni­um Club 2-600-LULLABY
Con­spi­re The Spar­row
Gob Psy­chic Con­tent Mo­de­ra­tor
Ja­cket Bur­ner Last Ni­te
Bart And The Brats Can't Think Straight
El­vis 2 On The Mo­tor­way
Jean Mi­gnon Un­sen­ding An Apo­lo­gy
To­tal Sham The Night
In­nu­en­do Never Go­ing Back
Que Lin­do Mynt I Lom­ma

Lea­king Head Lea­king Head
The Goo­fies Dis­or­der
In­dus­try Les­sons In Im­per­ma­nence
Spe­wed Brain Ba­by is a Ha­ter
Act Step On A Crack
The Gobs The Gobs Com­mit An Ar­med Rob­be­ry
Go­blin Day­ca­re Busi­ness Is Busi­ness
Glut­ama­te Dance
Power Pants I'm Cra­ving You
Slags We're All Dogs
iPad Ba­by Girl Din­ner
Fac­to­ids No Time

Da­ri­us De­no­mi­na­tor Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal 1975
Chalk Claw
Cuir Gast
Ner­vous Tick and the Zip­per Lips Re­a­dy For Hell
Norm­ans Dead Sna­kes
Car­toon Steam Room
Ar­se Shame Bomb
Pork Bel­ly Lu­cky Start
Snoo­per On Li­ne
Jug When

Sex Mex Nerds Who Play Gui­tar
Shop Talk The Will
Doll­house I Ha­te You Dont Lea­ve Me
Sweet Tee­th Mo­ve On
Sta­tu­es Mer­cu­ry
An­ten­na Don't Cry
Dau­ber No Use For a Pig
Ma­ría En Dro­gas Ce­re­za
Ca­nal Ir­re­al Whis­pers
Ti­ger! Shit! Ti­ger! Ti­ger! In Bet­ween

Verspannungskassette #70 (C-90)

Li­quid Images French Ho­tel
Los Blobs Co­mer­cial
Thee Ret­cons Shake!
Va­rie­ty Plover
I.L.L.O. The Unknown
Ab­rich­ten Denk­mal
Ul­tra Lo­ver 14
Scud Don't Honk At Me
It­ches Dri­vers Li­cen­se
Gus Bald­win Burglar For You
Ta­ba­co Guil­lo­ti­na
Dee Ob­s­cen­i­ty I Ha­te My Fa­mi­ly
Palán­ta A Dög

Ame­ri­can Mus­cle Don’t Tuss­le Wi­th The Mus­cle
GPS Sin King
Blood­s­ta­ins Nu­clear Age
Viet*Viet Bad Cop Big Fat Pig
The Pro­blem Wi­th Kids To­day Lea­ther Ja­cket Blues
Hue­vo To­dos Quie­ren Bailar Con­mi­go
Ro­ni Choices
Hot Pur­su­it Lap Dog
Bloo­dy Keep Im­bi­be
Gold Cup The Num­bers
Me­at Draw Gib­bous Moon
Zu­lo Ma­ten­me por fa­vor

O-D-EX Spring Break
Bi­te Marx Dys­to­pia Now!
Freak Ac­ti­vi­ty Lots of Things
Bug Ask A Punk 4 The Ad­dy
Pla­ti­num Crack! Out Of Time
Dr. Dence Dot Spam Se­cond Opi­ni­on
Ali­en No­se­job The Exe­cu­tio­ner
Si­li­con He­art­beat 555
Zon­dar The Chain
Bil­liam Red Hot Iron
Ru­de Te­le­vi­si­on Con­ve­ni­ence Store
Seggs Tape Ra­vio­li
Mu­sic for Mi­cro­wa­ves Flat Share Kit­chen

Brui­se Con­trol No Mo­re
En­emic In­te­ri­or Pi­lars De La De­ca­dèn­cia
Chue­ko Stu­pid Peo­p­le
Fast Fi­ve
Nas­ti No Tee­th
Crawl Space Not The­re
Vio­lin Grim Depths
Junk Guts Ta­ke Your Me­di­ci­ne
Hol­low Point Test My Pa­ti­ence
Split Sys­tem End Of The Night
The Chisel Cry Your Eyes Out
Fin­no­guns Wa­ke Blue Ski­es
Va­guess Car­ry­on

Verspannungskassette #69 (C-60)

REVV Prism
Hick Tra­cy So­lu­ti­on
Rat Art Tech
Bil­liam Maximum/​Max Out
Met­dog Sur­fin Da Web
Barf! Suc­cessful Mu­si­ci­an
Pau­lo Vicious Co­cô De Um Dia
Bus­ted Head Ra­cket Po­or No Mo­re

Klint Keep On Ro­ckin
Beer Full Lea­ther Ja­cket
Fac­to­ids Re­el Rock
Ru­de Te­le­vi­si­on Ar­ti­fi­ci­al Paint
Ha­cker Scam­mer
Hogg No Self
Eti­quet­te Unknown Title
Jëg Hüs­ker Fo­mo Boy

Spo­dee Boy Pro­ce­du­res
Aus Zug­vö­gel
Warm Exit Con­cre­te Fa­sci­na­ti­on
MKVul­tu­re Coach
Glas Nost Speak Vio­lence
Cor­ker Di­stant Dawn

Pura Manía Las Lo­cas Aven­tur­as De Ho­ra­cio Gó­mez
Plea­sants Ka­rao­ke Booth
Big­heads At­ti­ca
Ac­ci­den­te Ata­jos
Je­ne­ra­tor Jenk­ins De­sert Mi­ra­ge
The Slads Pa­nic At­tack

Verspannungskassette #68 (C-60)

Reck­less Ran­dy Skate­board II
Power Pants Got­ta Do It Mys­elf
Bil­liam Scoop & Weigh
Me­dia Puz­zle Simp­le As That!
Cher­ry Cheeks You Don't
Club De Bow­ling Sa­li­en­do A La Cal­le
Fee­ding Tu­be Can you???
Poo Poo Talks B2S
Re­pul­si­on Switch I'm Down
El­vis 2 Li­vin wi­th the A.P.P
Stuart Pear­ce Nu­clear Foot­ball
De­zin­for­maci­je Kan­ta Za Smeće

WWW Li­tio
Part Time Filth Filth Inc.
Night­man Sau­te­ed
Plumb Bob Plum­bing Song For Gel To Sing
Bog Peo­p­le Dark Ski­es
La­zer Bul­let No Mon­ku
Mu­ta­ted Vo­id Ab­an­do­ned
No Brai­ners Bull­shit World
Gö­t­ri Sang Pem­bun­uh
To­tal Sham Ice Cold
Zo­ids Evil Knie­vel Su­per­star

Know­so Drink from the La­ke
Zen­o­morph (Ba­by I'm A) Freak­show
Ghoulies Towel King
iPad Ba­by Ohio Rizz­ler
TTT-Tur­bo 2 Heads 1 Soul
Raut Pu­nish The Sin­ners
Snoo­per For Yr Love
Pear'n Who?
Μπριτζολιτσεσ I Used To Be A Cheese­puff

Cthtr Cop­per Gate
Go­blin Day­ca­re Gut­s­town
Munch­kin Head Unknown Title
Night­wat­chers 2 temps, 3 mou­ve­ments
Con­sen­sus Mad­ness L(abor) O(f) L(ove)
Psych­bike Eva­ded
ØL Pis­se­venn
High Heels Ja­ne From Oc­cu­p­ied Dow­ning­town
Ataque Zerø Ciu­da­des

Verspannungskassette #67 (C-60)

Grem­lin Sa­me Fa­te
Roo Staf­ford Go­ing Blind
Ach­ter­licht Nieu­we Mul
Kié­gett Föld Érze­lem Ren­dőr­ség
Cult Crime Stom­pin' On Your Flowers
Was­ted Den­im I Got Bet­ter Things To Do
Bad Shout Took me a Mi­nu­te
The Vor­tex A.W.O.L.
Shrudd Ma­chi­ne Lungs
Ter­mi­te Vi­si­ons

Si­li­con New Night­ma­re
Ex­ci­ted To Die To­xic In­te­rests
Use­l­ess In­fo (unknown title)
Spi­ro­ke­te Road To Our Fu­ture
Le­xi­con Dir­ty Bed
Den­te Ca­ni­no Aler­ta Ver­mel­ho
Mad­ak Choe Fa­scist Creed
Sikm Sikm
Ala­mo­ans Clo­sed-Cir­cuit Te­le­vi­si­on

Shaw­nis And The Shim­mers Mun­chies
Fun­gas Hats Off to the Fi­ve Ba­zaars
Fac­to­ids End/​Night
Am­bu­lanz Race Hor­se
Met­dog Pa­ra­no­id at the Check­out
Hy­gie­ne L.T.N.
Me­dia Puz­zle Blas­tin'

Mould Bird­song
Li­bra­ry Card Co­gni­ti­ve Dis­so­nan­ce
Coe­val End­less
Girls In Syn­the­sis Sin­king Fee­ling
Wit­ching Wa­ves Ves­sel
Bigs­hare­bag Skul­let

Verspannungskassette #66 (C-60)

Blood Coo­kie Fo­rest Witch
Ad­he­si­ve Stay­in Bu­sy
Snoo­per Com­pa­ny Car
Pa­ra­noi­as Soft Sci­ence
The Ab­do Men It's Be­en A Bad Week
No Stones Pen­chant (Ani­mals)
La Ll­ama Amor y Muer­te
Speed Plans Ever­y­bo­dy Got­ta Die
Sun Child­ren Sun Sword Of Ju­s­ti­ce

La­mic­tal Why Am I Li­ke This??
Is­ma­tic Gu­ru Mind Fe­ver
Bus­ted Head Ra­cket & Bil­liam Bau­ble Break
Mid­gee Pa­ra­noia
Red Her­rings Red Her­rings
Ty­vek Go­ing Th­rough My Things
The Jud­ges Who's Your God To­day?
Grem­lin Null Fu­ture
Di­on Luna­don Se­crets

Yard­boss No Cas­ket
Noj No Room Cut To Fit
Diz­zy Da­ze Fa­ded
Soft Should­er Mar­ching Farm A
Lu­xu­ry Apart­ments En­er­gy
Cel Ray Schmoo­ze Fest

Sklit­a­kling Skit­ten fet­ter
TV Cult Crys­tal Ca­ve
Ble­ak­ne­ss Words
Gri­saille Bles­su­res
Be­ta Má­xi­mo. Cie­lo gris
Dis­creet Charms Mo

Verspannungskassette #65 (C-90)

R.M.F.C. Hu­man Sta­te
Ali­en No­se­job Split Per­so­na­li­ty
Vio­lent Ch­an­ge Fabio's Play­haus
Dad­gad Hi­re Me
Max Mu­cus Time is Sca­ry
White Knuck­le Split Ton­gue Slip
Ny­lon PC Vio­lence
Ad­he­si­ve Hy­per­link
Plum­bob Plum­bing Song For Gel to Sing
Pack Rat Pa­ra­si­te Ci­ty
Rif­le Mark­ed Man
Love­bi­te Bum­ming
Top Dol­lar No Exit
Ne­cron 9 8 Ball

Yobs For­tu­ne Tel­ler
The Bad Plug I Know My Chi­ckens
The X’d Go Away
Ru­dix Ni Pen­sar
Wal­do Fal­do Año 2033
Com­bat Tri­bes Un­der­ta­ker
Ghost Beef Mo­le­man In­va­si­on
Why Bo­ther? What's Wrong Wi­th Me?
Les Aranyes Lle­fis­co­si­tat
Power Pants New World
The Wind Ups Not­hing But Time
De­ath Par­ty Dead To Me
Ci­tric Dum­mies Drugs in the Snow
Erik Ner­vous Al­li­ga­tor Fa­cing East

Blues La­wy­er Have Nots
Glas Nost Nar­cis­sist
Any­ti­me Cow­boy Coun­ting Fea­thers
Pri­va­te Life Keep It Mo­vin'
Gen­re Re­wired
Lug­ga­ge Nowhe­re
Ar­se Ka­putt.
Day­d­ream Pa­tron Saint

Pe­di­gree Ru­na­way
Pyrex Struck Down
TV Cult Emp­ty Quar­ter
Gy­ra­te Col­li­si­on
Drunk Me­at Pic à glace
Home Front Na­ti­on
The Serfs The Di­ce Man Will Be­co­me
The Va­cant Lots Scars

Verspannungskassette #64 (C-60)

Din­ge pas­sie­ren ge­ra­de in mei­nem Le­ben und ich weiß selbst noch nicht ob ich das jetzt gut, schlecht oder frag­wür­dig fin­de. Wie auch im­mer, mei­ne Zeit­pla­nung ist für die nächs­ten paar Wo­chen et­was über'n Hau­fen ge­schmis­sen. Des­halb be­kommt ihr die­ses Wo­chen­en­de auch erst mal nur ein neu­es Mix­tape vor­ge­setzt und ich neh­me mir für spä­ter in der Wo­che noch ein paar Posts vor… wenn al­les klappt. Das se­hen wir dann.

Ze­ro Bars He­ist
Wes­ley & The Boys Ja­il, Again
La­ckey I Think I've Had It
Cra­che Hom­me
Chain Whip Re-De­ca­pi­ta­ted
Head­cheese Who's Got The Milk
El Nu­cli Bu­dells
Char­lie Tan­gos Dont Get Caught
Plea­su­re Twist
Gol­pe Di­ritto Di Ob­bed­ire
Mo­ther Na­tu­re Weights In The Ba­se­ment

Ank­le Grab­ber Vi­le Hands Rea­ching
Drý­sild­jöfull Skel­fir
Ca­co­gens Corp­se Ea­ter
Nin­ja Sword He con­quers… Alo­ne!
Me­dia Puz­zle Re­al Man
O.R.C Go­id
Mag­got House Mu­tant Pub
Sa­ta­nic To­gas Split Per­so­na­li­ty
Check­point Ice Sum­mit
Rob­bie Thun­der Rock N Roll Bedti­me

Cu­tic­les Mat­tress 2
Wimps Mind Rea­der
Can­ned Sna­kes 1k Cuts
Erik Ner­vous Went De­af
Cher­ry Cheeks Hard Stancing
New Vogue Il­lu­si­ons
Sick Thoughts (I'm A) Hell­rai­ser

On­yon Dog­man
Sín­te­sis Bom­ba al Par­la­ment
Ar­min Door­bell
Chon­cy De­fault
Pe­pe­ta­pia Es­cu­p­os Con Tier­ra
Lounge Tou­rist F.C.
In­sti­tu­te Where's It Go?