Reck­less Ran­dy Skate­board II
Power Pants Got­ta Do It Mys­elf
Bil­liam Scoop & Weigh
Me­dia Puz­zle Simp­le As That!
Cher­ry Cheeks You Don't
Club De Bow­ling Sa­li­en­do A La Cal­le
Fee­ding Tu­be Can you???
Poo Poo Talks B2S
Re­pul­si­on Switch I'm Down
El­vis 2 Li­vin wi­th the A.P.P
Stuart Pear­ce Nu­clear Foot­ball
De­zin­for­maci­je Kan­ta Za Smeće

WWW Li­tio
Part Time Filth Filth Inc.
Night­man Sau­te­ed
Plumb Bob Plum­bing Song For Gel To Sing
Bog Peo­p­le Dark Ski­es
La­zer Bul­let No Mon­ku
Mu­ta­ted Vo­id Ab­an­do­ned
No Brai­ners Bull­shit World
Gö­t­ri Sang Pem­bun­uh
To­tal Sham Ice Cold
Zo­ids Evil Knie­vel Su­per­star

Know­so Drink from the La­ke
Zen­o­morph (Ba­by I'm A) Freak­show
Ghoulies Towel King
iPad Ba­by Ohio Rizz­ler
TTT-Tur­bo 2 Heads 1 Soul
Raut Pu­nish The Sin­ners
Snoo­per For Yr Love
Pear'n Who?
Μπριτζολιτσεσ I Used To Be A Cheese­puff

Cthtr Cop­per Gate
Go­blin Day­ca­re Gut­s­town
Munch­kin Head Unknown Title
Night­wat­chers 2 temps, 3 mou­ve­ments
Con­sen­sus Mad­ness L(abor) O(f) L(ove)
Psych­bike Eva­ded
ØL Pis­se­venn
High Heels Ja­ne From Oc­cu­p­ied Dow­ning­town
Ataque Zerø Ciu­da­des