R.M.F.C. Hu­man Sta­te
Ali­en No­se­job Split Per­so­na­li­ty
Vio­lent Ch­an­ge Fabio's Play­haus
Dad­gad Hi­re Me
Max Mu­cus Time is Sca­ry
White Knuck­le Split Ton­gue Slip
Ny­lon PC Vio­lence
Ad­he­si­ve Hy­per­link
Plum­bob Plum­bing Song For Gel to Sing
Pack Rat Pa­ra­si­te Ci­ty
Rif­le Mark­ed Man
Love­bi­te Bum­ming
Top Dol­lar No Exit
Ne­cron 9 8 Ball

Yobs For­tu­ne Tel­ler
The Bad Plug I Know My Chi­ckens
The X’d Go Away
Ru­dix Ni Pen­sar
Wal­do Fal­do Año 2033
Com­bat Tri­bes Un­der­ta­ker
Ghost Beef Mo­le­man In­va­si­on
Why Bo­ther? What's Wrong Wi­th Me?
Les Aranyes Lle­fis­co­si­tat
Power Pants New World
The Wind Ups Not­hing But Time
De­ath Par­ty Dead To Me
Ci­tric Dum­mies Drugs in the Snow
Erik Ner­vous Al­li­ga­tor Fa­cing East

Blues La­wy­er Have Nots
Glas Nost Nar­cis­sist
Any­ti­me Cow­boy Coun­ting Fea­thers
Pri­va­te Life Keep It Mo­vin'
Gen­re Re­wired
Lug­ga­ge Nowhe­re
Ar­se Ka­putt.
Day­d­ream Pa­tron Saint

Pe­di­gree Ru­na­way
Pyrex Struck Down
TV Cult Emp­ty Quar­ter
Gy­ra­te Col­li­si­on
Drunk Me­at Pic à glace
Home Front Na­ti­on
The Serfs The Di­ce Man Will Be­co­me
The Va­cant Lots Scars