Bambis - Let's Eat

Too Tough For Trousers re­leas­es Ju­ly 23rd.

Amyl And The Sniffers - Guided By Angels

Com­fort To Me re­leas­es Sep­tem­ber 10th via Rough Trade.

Buck Gooter - Nailed to a Cross

Head In A Bird Cage re­leas­es Sep­tem­ber 3rd via Ramp Lo­cal.

Tee-Vee Repairman - Patterns

Speak­ing of the dev­il… here's the lat­est ven­ture of the mighty Warttman em­pire and it's yet an­oth­er beau­ty to be­hold. Four rough gems of catchy garage punk and pow­er pop that, of all the Warttman-re­lat­ed groups, re­minds me most of R.F.M.C. and Sa­tan­ic To­gas, al­beit with a cer­tain south­ern rock (in this par­tic­u­lar case… south­ern what, ac­tu­al­ly??) bent bear­ing some sim­i­lar­i­ty to what you heard on ear­ly Sheer Mag EPs.

Al­bum-Stream →

Prison Affair & Research Reactor Corp. - Split EP

Not on­ly do Warttman-af­fil­i­at­ed aus­tralians Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp. and Barcelona's Prison Af­fair have a lot in com­mon in terms of their Lo-Fi garage aes­thet­ics, but al­so both of them had ear­li­er EPs reis­sued by Er­ste Theke Ton­träger at some point. Thus, it makes per­fect sense for them to join forces on this kick-ass new split-EP on ETT that once again is guar­an­teed to sat­is­fy con­nois­seurs of all the fin­er things in­side the realm of weird-ass yet catchy-as-hell garage punk good­ness.

Al­bum-Stream →

The Freakees - The Middle

Frea­kee Dea­kee re­leas­es Au­gust 3rd via To­mothy Records.

Cherry Cheeks - Boxes

Cher­ry Cheeks re­leas­es Sep­tem­ber 21st via To­tal Punk Records.

Lenguas Largas - Serious?

Chain Cult - We're Not Alone

We're Not Alone 7" re­leas­es Au­gust 13th via La Vi­da Es Un Mus Dis­cos