An un­ex­pect­ed new EP of the fab­u­lous Red Dons, whose mas­ter­mind Daniel Husayn ap­par­ent­ly has, in re­cent years, been most­ly busy with mas­ter­ing great tunes rather than play­ing and record­ing such. So now here we have the first new ma­te­r­i­al in close to six years of the orig­i­nal­ly Port­land-based group . It's among their most solemn, moody and qui­et stuff so far and the gam­ble pays off just ad­mirably thanks to their un­wa­ver­ing song­writ­ing ex­cel­lence, an un­bend­ing per­for­mance and that cer­tain har­mon­ic sen­si­bil­i­ty that is very much their own.