It took the Har­ris­burg, Penn­syl­va­nia group a few years to tie up the loose ends and fin­ish the pro­duc­tion of this LP but here it fi­nal­ly is, giv­ing us more of their synth-, garage- and post punk that will once again elic­it com­par­isons to Dig­i­tal Leather - es­pe­cial­ly the sim­i­lar­i­ty of the singer's voice to DL's Shawn Foree al­ways strikes me as un­can­ny - al­though Dele­tions at this point sound more like a crud­er, yet si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly pret­ty straight­for­ward and catchy-as-fuck ver­sion of that. In the sec­ond half things lean heav­ier to­wards the post punk, slight­ly goth end of things, bear­ing some sim­i­lar­i­ty to, say, Pow­er­plant, Iso­tope Soap, Why Both­er? or ear­ly The Faint as well as some flour­ish­es of De­vo and Desparate Bi­cy­cles… even a touch of Mor­ri­cone in Dif­fuse and Con­fuse. Not every sin­gle ef­fort on here pays off equal­ly well but when they hit the spot, they do it with brava­do.