An ex­quis­ite jet-pro­pelled rack­et, the sec­ond long­play­er by Athens, Geor­gia group Mc­QQeen - now proud­ly car­ry­ing the Big Neck Records seal of qual­i­ty. What kin­da starts out a bit in the vein of bands á la Flat Worms, The Cow­boy and Fash­ion Pimps & The Glama­zons with a con­spic­u­ous Psychedelic/​Space Rock un­der­cur­rent then ex­pands in­to a quite com­pre­hen­sive sweep through much of what is and has been great on the in­ter­sec­tion of garage punk, noise rock, post punk and -core in­clud­ing con­tem­po­rary acts of the Metz, John (Timest­wo) or Spray Paint kind as well as the oc­ca­sion­al flour­ish of De­struc­tion Unit's space punk ex­cess, the fuzz punk or­gies of ear­ly The Men, even some slight touch­es of U-Men or McLusky are to be found in there.