Rough­ly four years af­ter their last sign of life we quite un­ex­pect­ed­ly get an­oth­er fine EP from this Van­cou­ver group, who pulled off a flaw­less first EP in 2016/​17, fol­lowed by a some­what dis­ap­point­ing, slight­ly un­der­cooked sec­ond ef­fort. On this one, how­ev­er, they're back in their zone and al­ter­nate be­tween two ex­cel­lent in-your-face rip­pers and an­oth­er pair of slow­er, more melan­cholic songs de­mand­ing a bit more pa­tience from the lis­ten­er but cul­mi­nat­ing in a wor­thy pay­off. As be­fore, they re­mind me a lot of a more melan­cholic, sub­dued and melod­ic in­car­na­tion of Rank Xe­rox, Sar­casm or Sieve­head.