Shit Giver's 2017 de­but al­bum left quite an im­pres­sion on me with its am­bi­tious and ver­sa­tile vi­sion of post punk, burst­ing with ex­cen­tric ideas and un­pre­dictable song struc­tures. The L.A. group's first new mu­sic in al­most three years doesn't fail to amaze and sur­prise once again. It's their melod­ic song­writ­ing abil­i­ties that come in­to sharp fo­cus here, tak­ing shape as an ir­re­sistible mix of post punk, pow­er- and goth pop, de­vel­op­ing a catchy­ness i wasn't pre­pared for. Mean­ing­less ig­nites some un­ex­pect­ed­ly straight­for­ward pop fire­works, com­plete with a bor­der­line-cheesy sax so­lo, the kind of which a less­er song wouldn't sur­vive, but in this case i can't help but per­cieve it as a well-de­served cli­max. Tran­si­tion seam­less­ly con­tin­ues their new­found love for gloomy pop, but al­so proves that Shit Giv­er haven't lost their taste for elab­o­rate struc­tures, ei­ther.