The Leipzig post-/garage punk scene nev­er ceas­es to amaze, as Au­to­bahns al­ready did on oc­ca­sion of their split EP with the al­so bril­liant S.G.A.T.V.. Now here's their full-length de­but co-re­leased by three usu­al-sus­pect la­bels from around the globe and this one's a treat, folks! Right from the start there's some strong Bil­liam-es­que en­er­gy to these songs, mod­er­ate­ly egg-ish garage punk smash­ers that al­so call to mind stuff like Tom­my Cos­sack, Set-Top Box and fur­ther ec­cen­tric­i­ties of the Snoop­er, Beer or Prison Af­fair kind or maybe Germany's very own Egg Id­iot. Tellin' Ya trans­ports some of the best traits of re­cent Vaguess records in­to a more dis­tinct egg­punk con­text. All the while, Au­to­bahns op­er­ate as a su­per-tight unit here, ex­pert­ly kick­ing up a hell of a storm while nev­er los­ing their iron­clad grip on their melod­ic sen­si­bil­i­ties… this is some catchy shit all the way through, reach­ing its peak in the undi­lut­ed noise pop ec­sta­sy of Loss Of The Rights.