Fol­low­ing their most am­bi­tious record so far in last year's Ma­te­r­i­al LP, which ex­pand­ed the son­ic pal­lette out in­to the weird­er fringes of some­what Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles-lean­ing art punk and al­so fea­tured some of the most in­fec­tious pow­er pop song­writ­ing of that year, the newest 7" by Nick Vic­ario aka Smirk, who's al­so known as a mem­ber of Pub­lic Eye, Cri­sis Man und Ce­men­to among oth­ers, keeps things com­par­a­tive­ly sim­ple and straight­for­ward this time while his heav­i­ly sam­ple-backed songs and arrange­ments still un­err­ing­ly hit their mark every sin­gle time.