So… it ap­pears Neu­trals have a new drum­mer bass play­er. Oth­er­wise, thank­ful­ly not a whole lot has changed for this un­can­ni­ly british sound­ing group from Oak­land, Cal­i­for­nia. It's their most melod­ic and mel­low ef­fort to date, lean­ing in heavy on the jan­gle-/pow­er pop side of things with the post punk el­e­ments, while still clear­ly present, tak­ing a back seat here and what can i say… these folks still have the tunes to make it stick, re­main­ing an end­less­ly charm­ing, sin­gu­lar trea­sure among the hum­ble cir­cle of Tele­vi­sion Per­son­al­i­ties- and Mekons wor­ship­pers, and this time, i'd even say threr's just a hint of The Wed­ding Present to be found in songs like Stop The By­pass.