Songs about mo­tor ve­hi­cles aren't quite as ubiq­ui­tous as they once were and i'm just gonna say say de­served­ly so be­cause hon­est­ly, that an­cient, most waste­ful mode of per­son­al trans­porta­tion can't be phased out soon enough and the fu­ture clear­ly be­longs to all va­ri­eties of bikes and trains. But here we go, it's an un­like­ly new EP made up of noth­ing but carpunk tunes. Mu­si­cal­ly the thing slaps though, their weird and whim­si­cal mix of art- and garage punk be­ing of sim­i­lar char­ac­ter to house­hold names such as Vexx, Cel Ray, Warm Bod­ies, Warp or Fugi­tive Bub­ble.