An­oth­er mys­te­ri­ous egg­punk bomb has dropped from… well, where in the world ac­tu­al­ly? Re­leased on a Tel Aviv la­bel, the song ti­tles, as google trans­late tells me, are ap­par­ent­ly por­tuguese. Then again, sound-wise, the clos­est ref­er­ence would prob­a­bly be the blown-out may­hem of Barcelona genre over­lords Prison Af­fair with fur­ther com­par­isons to be made to Cologne's Nuts, the ear­ly works of aus­tralian groups á la Set-Top Box, Eu­gh, Midgee, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp and, to come full cir­cle even­tu­al­ly, Tel Aviv's own crude egg­punk sen­sa­tion Vic­tor would fit nice­ly in there too. So, long sto­ry short, this is some pre­mi­um grade glo­be­trot­ting shit, re­gard­less of where these folks might ac­tu­al­ly be lo­cat­ed.

Yet an­oth­er good ref­er­ence point, then again, would be Charleston, South Carolina's Beer and, speak­ing of the dev­il, the world's most beer­est beer band has just re­leased their sec­ond ex­tend­ed play to which most of what i've just said is gonna ap­ply ver­ba­tim so i'm not gonna re­peat my­self and in­stead just gonna crank up the good shit and ad­vise you to do the same 'cos i know your neigh­bors are just gonna love it!