Cal­i­for­nia group Lam­ic­tal fol­low up last year's in­sane pair of EPs with an­oth­er strong tape, their over­all vi­sion com­ing across a lit­tle more fo­cused on here which might in part be a re­sult of ever-so-slight­ly in­creased pro­duc­tion val­ues… al­though pol­ished would cer­tain­ly be the wrong word here as their cu­ri­ous mix­ture of garage punk, hard-, post- and weird­core is still filthy as fuck, up­re­dictable and hy­per­ac­tive, over­whelm­ing the sens­es for just un­der four min­utes be­fore get­ting the fuck out as quick­ly as they turned up. Manda­to­ry shit for friends of, say, Big Bop­per, Rolex or ear­ly Pat­ti.