Hav­ing done an al­ready pret­ty fuckin' neat first EP ear­li­er this year, this duo (i think…) from Hol­ly­wood, Flori­da fol­lows up on that with an even more weird, ec­c­cen­tric and eclec­tic new cas­sette, once again op­er­at­ing on the fringes of post-, garage-, egg- and art punk. Right out of the gate i'm re­mind­ed of the first Peace de Re­sistánce EP's crude pro­to-meets-post punk sketch­es, com­bined with the re­laxed acid-/space rock lean­ings of the lat­est Scoot­er Jay tape. Dig­ging my Grave sur­pris­es and de­lights with its odd­ball cow­punk feel while the over­all vibe and any­thing-goes ap­proach most of all makes me think of acts á la Print Head, Elec­tric Prawns 2. The brand new Any­time Cow­boy record wouldn't make the worst com­par­i­son ei­ther in some places while oth­er bits and pieces then have a dis­tinct smell of ear­ly Snoop­er, Met­dog, Check­point, Sil­i­cone Prairie… even a tiny smidge of ear­ly Woolen Men!